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Heh, actually I was talking to my friends mom earlyer. And then thought about it. I AM emo. But not todays Mainstream emo. What emo meant, was emotional, generally wore darker clothes, had been in mental hospitals, low self esteem, cutting. but they didnt show it all off like their latest cut they made last night cause their ex friend said their shirt was weird looking. so there :p

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People around town, and in my school considered me a "mainstream emo" for quite a while (Maybe they still do?). All this just because I had a 4 and a half inch scar on my wrist. They all just guessed I was some cutter, or something. I even had some weird lady if I needed emotional help!

This just goes to show how loosely, the term "emo" is used now. I am definitley not an emo.


Anyway, I'm guessing your all wondering how I got the above mentioned scar.

Quite, a weird story having to do with arthritis! In 2004 after a very long gaming session my left wrist started to recieve sharp pains. After a month and a half I finally decided to go to the doctor about it. This part makes me which we had better qualified doctors. He told me that I had just sprained my wrist, and to take some advil. Six months passed, and I went to the doctor again. (This time a replacement while, the other was on vacation) He was smart enough to get it x-rayed. Which showed that one of my bones was deteriorating. This was known as Kienbock's Disease, a form of arthritis.

Since I had waited so long before getting it correctly examined I needed to get it fixed quickly. I was reffered to Dr. Gropper.


His waiting list was usually between one and a half years to two years, luckily he considered my wrist a top priority and I got in within a month.

After a four hour surgery on my wrist, (3mm taken off the bone to relieve the stress on the fucked up one, and a metal plate with 5 screws) 15 stitches, and two months of bandages and casts I was finally ready to get the cast off, and Physio to start. I was schedueled 4 months of it but luckily only needed a week due to my awesome super-strength gamer hands.

The moral of that story is... Don't get in any car crashes. That's the main 'cause of this problemWell, any extreme impact might cause it. I happened to get it out of the blue though. Another lucky thing is that this disease doesn't spread, and it isn't hereditary. So I won't need a trip down to the hospital any time soon.

Shortened version - I got surgery, got a scar, people called me emo.

EDIT - The weirdest thing? I'm 15. How the fuck does a 15 year old get arthritis?

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Heh, actually I was talking to my friends mom earlyer. And then thought about it. I AM emo. But not todays Mainstream emo. What emo meant, was emotional, generally wore darker clothes, had been in mental hospitals, low self esteem, cutting. but they didnt show it all off like their latest cut they made last night cause their ex friend said their shirt was weird looking. so there :p

gutted you cut your self haha

ive never cut my self, nor do i plan too. there for you are emo.

end of.

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gutted you cut your self haha

ive never cut my self, nor do i plan too. there for you are emo.

end of.

I dont know about everyone else but this conversation between these two is making me laugh my ass off :lol:

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