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My name is HippoHack

Favourite game: Call of duty Modern warfare

Favourite OS: Kali Linux
Favourite console: PS4
Nationality: Korean
Sex: Male
Height: 175cm
Favourite movie: The kingsmen
Favourite software: Nessus

Other hobbies: Just doing asian things

Occupation: upcoming pen-testing and CEH

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  • 2 weeks later...

My name is black cheese aka BL4CK_CH33S3

Favourite game: fall out 4
Favourite OS: parrot os 
Favourite console: Xbox 1
Sex: Male
Build: skinny 

Favourite TV Show: criminal minds 
Other hobbies: marching band, camping, cooking, baking, youtube
Car: ERROR 404 "CAR" not found 
Occupation: student 

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  • 2 months later...

My name is Samy K.

Favourite game: Fifa and Assassin's Creed
Favourite OS: Debian
Favourite console: Ps4
Nationality: French/ Algerian( dual citizenship)
Accent: French
Sex: Male
Race: Nord Africain
Height: 1m75
Build: Muscular
Favourite band: The Pixies
Favourite book: Da Vinci Code 
Favourite author: dan Brown
Favourite movie: Robin hood 
Favourite director: James Cameron
Favourite TV Show: Vice Land
Favourite actor: Kevin Costner
Favourite actress: Sharon Stone
Favourite Comedian: Gad El Maleh
Other hobbies: Running, Mountain biking, diving, foot and hacking.
Car: Mercedes McLaren 
Occupation: bank

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  • 3 weeks later...

My name is George

Favourite game: Pong

Favourite OS: Gentoo

Favourite console: snes

Nationality: American

Accent: none

Sex: Male


Race: White

Height: 6'1"

Status: Dating someone. 

Build: Average

Favourite band: Linkin Park

Favourite book: LOTR

Favourite author: Piers Anthony

Favourite movie: The Princess Bride

Favourite director: NOT Uwe Boll

Favourite TV Show: 24

Favourite actor: Clive Owen

Favourite actress: Meg Ryan

Favourite Pinup: Elisha Cuthbert

Favourite Comedian: Robin Williams

Other hobbies: photography and chilling in my house in Larnaca

Car: never learned to drive

Occupation: end user ISP tech support

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, just joining in the fun...

Grew up in New York, now living in Northern Cali.

Got started back in the phone freaking days (1970's), built my first PC (XT-compatible) in 1982 with an acoustic coupler modem (300 baud) and joined Compuserve...also connected to my schools mainframe for giggles and grins (SUNY at Buffalo).

Decades later I became a network guy, ended up working with a UNIX company in Santa Cruz, and really began to understand "permissions". Ended up gravitating toward security, and that kinda stuck.

When virtualization started becoming popular, I realized that most people would run their VMWare environments "naked", with no security inside the vswitch. I helped launch a starup called Catbird, security for virtual infrastructure (now the appgate.com "Software Defined Perimeter").


Thanks in advance for your help, and let me know if I can be of service with one of your challenges!





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My name is Querubin aka Kiro
Favourite game: Pokemon Yellow 
Favourite OS: Windows 
Favourite console: Joystick
Nationality: Filipino/Chinese/Spanish
Accent: Filipino
Sex: Male
Race: Cross Breed
Height: 5'5
Build: Muscular
Favourite band: PNE
Favourite book: Dictionary
Favourite author: Merriam-Webster
Favourite movie: I am Legend
Favourite director: Amhir Khan
Favourite TV Show: One Piece
Favourite actor: Adam Sandler
Favourite actress: Jennifer Laurence
Favourite Pinup: Jennifer Laurence
Favourite Comedian: Dolfy
Other hobbies: Searching the internet
Car: Suzuki
Occupation: Tambay

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  • 2 weeks later...

My name is Tygari

Nationality: American
Sex: Female
Race: White
Height: 5"10'
Favorite band: ItaloBrothers
Favorite book: Imago
Favorite author: Octavia Butler
Favorite anime: Log Horizon
Known Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node
Hobbies: Web Programming, Games, Cooking, Anime, Writing
Occupation: Failure

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Hey everyone. Brand new to IT/hacking so bear with me when I ask some really  stupid questions. I start my security+ class in december and hope to obtain an oscp and ceh shortly afterward. Got out of the military and thought I was going to college to fly helos... up until they dropped the program when I was halfway through information security seemed like fun. Id love to find a job doing pentesting once Im finished. Kinda sucks starting over.

On 1/4/2007 at 12:16 PM, J@ng0F3tt said:

LOL, too cool...No I have a Terrorist Hunter Permit...(Military)

I miss Afghanistan. Are you near the big stinky pond?

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Missed this part.

Favorite game: I used to like counterstrike and Call of duty. Been playing warzone as of recent.
Favorite OS: Kali
Favorite console: Xbox
Nationality: American
Accent: midwest... boring flat accent.
Sex: Male
Race: White
Height: 6
Build: not muscular but not skinny
Favorite band: alestorm
Favorite book: hero with a 1000 faces
Favorite author: Joseph Campbell
Favorite movie: Rundown
Favorite TV Show: Im a weeb... theres a lot to list
Other hobbies: FPV drones, gaming, cars, and guns.
Car: BMW 335i modded of course 😉
Occupation: Marketing, and full time student

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  • 1 month later...

Hi! I'm Danielle from NYC.

I've been into Hacking since I was is middle-school when me and my friends used to mess with payphones in the 90s and write stupid little programs in q-basic. I used to mess around with config and registry files back in the day to make demo software work in full-mode, I didn't even realize that was hacking lol.


Unfortunately my parents weren't super keen on computers, so I feel like I was a bit behind when it came to learning about what actually is happening on the metal.


I do interactive broadcasting for a major cable network, mostly working in Python and NodeJS, with my best friend ffmpeg. I've been considering a switch into info sec for a long time. A few years ago I applied to work for a cybersecurity company via a hidden job posting in a crypto. They hired the top 2 people, and I came in 3rd place, which I was really proud of myself considering I have no formal training (and learned GoLang in a week for the test)


I've been spending COVID refining my skills and I plan on reaching out to that company again...would love to talk to people about using infosec and cybersecurity to make the world a more inclusive, fair, and open place. 



Edited by Lain__D
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Hello -

My name is Stephen aka m3lodicmin0r

Long time lurker, first time poster.

Favorite game: Fallout - if I even have time for such nonsense.
Favorite OS: Debian
Favorite console: SNES
Nationality: American
Accent: Sarcasm
Sex: Male
Race: White
Favorite band: Too many to list...
Favorite book: Fic - The Road (Cormac McCarthy) Non-Fic - Anything from
Favorite TV Show:The Office
Other hobbies: Building electronic props for my circus performer SO, CTF, tweaking my electric guitar rig.
Occupation: re-setter of passwords, printer whisperer, translation pattern interpreter

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys!

I'm new, been reg:ed for a while but posting just now.

I run Windows and Debian, side by side.

I love computers, I also love some basketball, some skateboarding, and some bicycling.

I first and foremost love the Internet! 💕

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Hello, friends nice to behear share our thoughts and experiences.

My name is unixmoon, not my real name though.
Nationality: Australian    
Favourite OS: Windows and Linux (Any flavour), Solaris
Sex: Male
Car: Nissan
Occupation: Tech support

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  • 1 month later...

My name is Jack,  I am of the lowest intelligence to ever hack anything 🙂

I can break into any computer, depending on the size hammer I have!!

My experience is with radio communications, WiFi hardware, HF Digital Radio etc.

A user of Windows and Mac O/S etc.

I have a simple task for a product I need to help me in WiFi range testing etc…….




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