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Everything posted by Irukandji

  1. Have you tried? https://payloadstudio.hak5.org/
  2. I would stopped using that cable and baged it for evidence. Plus got a new cable. I'm just mod
  3. They haven't been on a long time.. I'm thinking of hiding this thread..
  4. Is this yours? Or you just found it?
  5. Disregard the older Pineapple firmwares. 2.1.3 is the latest for the Mark VII.
  6. What...? You just quoted someone else without adding anything?
  7. Note.. this is an Ethical hacking forum. 👁️
  8. Slight problem... it Was 4 months ago.
  9. https://shop.hak5.org/pages/authorized-resellers These are located in Europe.
  10. Woot, let's bump old thread again😒
  11. Irukandji


    Please explain? We ain't mind readers and we don't have clue what this is.. It could be just a error report.
  12. https://forums.hak5.org/forum/106-key-croc/ ☝️ I could move it..
  13. Dieser Thread ist größtenteils tot! Weil es hier an Aktivismus mangelt. Und ich musste Google Translate verwenden.
  14. Try plunging in the other plug form the y-cable. https://docs.hak5.org/wifi-pineapple-6th-gen-nano-tetra/faq-troubleshooting/power-considerations
  15. What's this? I'm not Quite following you. Plus this is a ethical hacking forum.
  16. We don't do this here...
  17. This isn't official support site.. This is.. https://hak5.customerdesk.io/
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