Hi, just joining in the fun...
Grew up in New York, now living in Northern Cali.
Got started back in the phone freaking days (1970's), built my first PC (XT-compatible) in 1982 with an acoustic coupler modem (300 baud) and joined Compuserve...also connected to my schools mainframe for giggles and grins (SUNY at Buffalo).
Decades later I became a network guy, ended up working with a UNIX company in Santa Cruz, and really began to understand "permissions". Ended up gravitating toward security, and that kinda stuck.
When virtualization started becoming popular, I realized that most people would run their VMWare environments "naked", with no security inside the vswitch. I helped launch a starup called Catbird, security for virtual infrastructure (now the appgate.com "Software Defined Perimeter").
Thanks in advance for your help, and let me know if I can be of service with one of your challenges!