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Everything posted by DingleBerries

  1. Ive been through the whole high school proxy thing and i know that alot of sites are blocked.. But in all truthfulness kids don't want proxies to do their "homework", they want to look at their social websites and forums. Libraries seemed to be a fading fad. But I guarantee you that you are going to find books with such better information then the internet. When "I" want to learn a new programming language or how a network stack works, i go to REPUTABLE book sources, ex. Oriely. Everyone knows that there are bogus books out there and thats just some shit that happens. But usually a SCHOOL library and librarian are not going to carry that material. If you really want a good way to do it. Find a free php proxy and a free php host and use that, when they block it move on.. There is no solid way to bypass filters. You could tunnel to your home computer but eventually, if the admins review logs, they are going to block that port. Maybe get tight vnc and use a webvnc but thats not very secure what so ever.. There are thousands of ways and they have all been discussed here in great detail and every time people have looked down on it.. I know the sites name is "hak"5 but seriously, its a little more technical then bypassing your highschool filters. But flame all you want, just do not insult some one competence, and search the forums when you have a question... more often then not its been answered.. For all thos wanting to hack their schools, Go to jail for 68 years, do not pass go, do not collect $200.00 they wont let me access HAK5 Proxy list downloader / verify hax0r my school Punishment? myspace,aim at work Basic Network Hacking
  2. Wet cat is intrigued by this alien technology
  3. I havent had the chance to test the TAP ports yet, no more cat cable. But the Host ports work fine.. Cant wait to test it..
  4. *sigh* Read the forum rules before you post.. save your self alot of trouble... http://hak5.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7245
  5. i am downloading the image atm...
  6. All right guy, im not going to argue with you.. I believe everything i read and my grammar is horrible.. Hope your epenis is a little bigger now.
  7. Well im glad you're a slave to the Internet. When you actually go to college, or at least a good one, many of your instructors are not going to let you cite Internet sources. Sure there are some bogus books. But in a libary, they are ordered in fiction. So get you facts straight. Any one can fucking google and look like a genius, but it takes more brains to be able to sit down and read a fucking book. So shut up and sit down.. Maybe troll a little more before you start trying to flame people
  8. I just finished mine.. Less then 20 dollars.. I am going to use the board of other projects.. Took me less then 10 mins to make.. Dont pay attention to the wire colors.
  9. The easy way is to go to Control Panel>>Admin Tools>>Drive Manager>>Assign a Drive letter and format.. No need to download other tools if you can do it from the OS
  10. I have a pretty good one i wrote in c++ that uses GetAsyncKeyState. It does what i need it to do.. Id like to expand on it but i never use it so that my be a project for the future.. I guess if anyone wants to help the only other thing i would like it to do is send logs to gmail. and that would mean that pass and usernames would have to be coded in before it is compiled. And its not the one that takes up 100% or your memory.
  11. No.. Thats why there is "homework".. And theres this thing, that full of paper.. and all the paper has words on it, i think you read them... BOOKS, go to the fucking libary to do research... I know google is "da bomb" but seriously books are so much better. Thats why they get published, anyone can put a website up telling you that hitler isnt real but i doubt a publisher will publish a book that says that
  12. Yeah Boris, that would be a pretty good idea .. How long have you been interested in networks/network security? What is your definition of a network tap? Where are some locations TAPS can be deployed within a network? Where do you believe is the most strategical/beneficial to an attacker? In your opinion, what are some risk involved with unsecured wireless networks and TAPS? *This is for the Hak5ers* With the release of Jasager and its ability to "spoof" a trusted SSID and "fool" the Client into connecting to what it believes is a trusted network, does the risk increase? What are a few of your security habits, especially when connecting to wireless networks or a network away from home. I think that should be it.. But id need it emailed to me, so i can say it was an interview and works cited purposes. But I would also like to read other peoples view points.
  13. ive been interested in firmware hacks for a while.. since it is gpl do you have to source code? mod that and recompile.. If not use something like IDA Pro.
  14. Is it really that important to access the myspaces in school? Can you not go 6 hours without seeing the girl you will never have talk about last nights episode of the OC with the guy you wish you were?
  15. Thats awesome lol.. Where was that last semester
  16. I need to conduct an online interview with someone knowledgeable with networks and passive network taps. It will probably be an online questionnaire or skype.. Its up to who ever decides to take it. It probably wont take more then 10? mins.. if your not busy and feel like you would be interested my email is . Thank you in advance :)
  17. Ok, you arent going to get in trouble for "hacking" but what may happen is the company sue you because you were sent a link for a single prize. So what they will most likely want back is the prizes or the sum of money lost. The best course of action atm is to CALL the company and tell them your situation. Record the call because if you get a dumb ass agent that tells you to keep the prizes then you can use that in court. Depending on your state you may have a consent rule that intails you to let the other person know that the conversation is being recorded. If you dont then good. Next just do what they ask. Tell them that it was by accident. It may be considered fraud if anything because you were trusted to fill out one form for your prize. Judges in America are knowledgeable but when a prosecutor starts their vernacular barrage then things get twisted and you come out looking bad in the long run. Or bomb you hardrive and do a reinstall.. if they subpoena you then tell them you only filled out one application and that it was an internal error that send you the 2k worth of shit.. But dont come back to hak5 because then they could link this post to you.. I would just call up and explain the situation 1. You received an email detailing how to receive your prize 2. Browser kept fucking up and you entered the url again "miss spelling it" 3. Now you are rich, BIATCH 4. ???? 5. Profit
  18. im a very active person, im usually in the gym 4 to 5 times a week. Im not a party person so i go late, it also helps me get to bed at night. I really do not look like the typical computer geek, but neither do a lot of the hak5ers ive seen.
  19. for some reason i cant see it.. and when i follow the deviant art link i get a 404
  20. Or if they are posting with the same ip, unlikely, then just do an IP ban and have a page that tells users that if your ip is within that range contact yada@hak5.org to get your ip taken off the list? Seems easier and less gay then captchas and banning words
  21. captcha may be in order. at least for the time being
  22. I am somewhat happy for the guys. I dont frequent that site but im sure lots of people do and there ad space is probably worth a pretty penny. Still pictures of cats with funny captions make me feel warm inside.
  23. will they even let you do that? I had no choice in the matter.
  24. I think this is the best method, but its not very noob friendly.
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