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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. ...or try re-downloading, could be a corrupt ISO.
  2. Sounds awesome, I don't know a whole lot about automobile electronics though so sadly I don't have an answer. Good luck though and keep us posted!
  3. moonlit

    One Click VNC

    You could probably portablise CrossLoop
  4. It's not illegal but if they want your keys then you have to give them the keys, else you can be arrested for withholding them...
  5. Ok, we have the right to remain silent unless they tell you to tell them something...
  6. We have the right to remain silent, which is basically the same thing.
  7. moonlit

    One Click VNC

  8. That's really irritating, I did that once when I was drunk and sleep deprived... never used any of those accounts again.
  9. ...but if you post things like this... ...then I personally tend to see you as a lot less credible.
  10. Isn't this what happened so someone before? Edit: How odd, it's listed on here: http://thales.memphis.edu/mw/data.bak (the only reference I can find to that file is http://marc.info/?l=log&m=100334499223652&w=3)... It's a mail server it seems, whois turns up mail.hakkrems.ac.at (Vienna University Computer Center). http://mail.hakkrems.ac.at/ is up on port 80, according to the favicon it's linux based. Edit2: Previous instance of this issue: http://forums.hak5.org/index.php/topic,7683.0.html Edit3: Apache/2.0.53 (Linux/SUSE), apparently.
  11. Hah, none taken... *brushes hair for 3 hours and goes to find her nice perfume...*
  12. Only time an Ubuntu CD gets near my toaster is when I'm testing the melting point of polycarbonate ;)
  13. Alternatively I could recommend to you what I recommend to Boris: turn off your computer, unplug it, bury it in concrete, move to another town, don't acquire a new computer or use anyone else's.
  14. Civilization. 1. For MSDOS. >_>
  15. http://photos-c.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v169/154/19/511651639/n511651639_479058_4802.jpg[/img]
  16. Also see Menuet OS, it's a full desktop OS written in ASM.
  17. USB system recovery key with password resetting, ability to recover files and stuff.
  18. Nice tip, thanks... now I just need a Zune to play with...
  19. moonlit

    change OS

    You could take the easy route and virtualise (VMWare, Virtual PC, Parallels, QEMU, VirtualBox, etc.)
  20. I thought half of that was day to day stuff anyway... I like the idea of challenges though.
  21. She's not, it's heart-shaped photo frame with a picture of Arnold on it (though you can't see that in the animation) that she's clutching to her chest.
  22. Not strictly true, the internal components require no more than 12v so you can use a DC-DC PSU. This is more efficient (and usually smaller) than an AC-DC PSU and an inverter. Even easier, use a laptop and a car charger as the basis and you're well away.
  23. No way, football head...
  24. [me=moonlit]doesn't know what the significance of that address is...[/me]
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