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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Never used SLI/CrossFire on Vista personally but if you did decide to get a new video card I'd definitely throw in a vote for the 8600GT, it's cheap and cheerful but easily powerful enough for most things. Older games work like a charm at 1600x1200 and newer games are very playable. I have dual monitors on mine and it runs just great.
  2. Vista x64 is significantly better than XP x64. Driver support is better, application support (what little there is for x64 right now) is better, and from what I hear, it's generally more stable. XP Pro x86 is still the best in terms of compatibility with older apps but that will change, while XP is the most compatible I've found that for the most part, Vista (x86/x64) isn't far behind. The only thing you do have to watch for with Vista x64 is if you don't have signed drivers, they won't be able to work properly. For example, to use my TV/capture card in Vista x64 I have to choose to disable signed driver checking every time I boot. The card is very old though, and in all fairness it was too old when XP was released so I can't fault Vista for not supporting it. All my other hardware works flawlessly though, so thumbs up there.
  3. http://www.larwe.com/museum/tandywp2.html Welcome to 20 years ago. :)
  4. Yes. Works: Analog - Analog Analog - Analog + Digital Digital - Digital Digital - Digital + Analog Doesn't Work: Analog - Digital Digital - Analog
  5. I don't know whether your primary language is English but if it is I'd be much more willing to help you if you used it. Edit: My mistake, apparently it's not. I was having trouble deciphering the original post and missed the part where you mentioned you were Greek. Hiren's Boot CD, so it's said, contains warez. This is why it's "of questionable legality". I've never heard of sysresccd but according to Google it's much the same as Hiren's Boot CD/UBCD/etc, so I suspect it will likely do the job. If you didn't write anything to the drive after formatting it then you'll have a higher chance or recovering everything. If Windows began installing then you may have lost any amount of data.
  6. No so, I'm afraid, unless you have 3 40GB HDDs. See, there's only 1 partition active on a drive (or should be, if it's bootable, otherwise there's none). So using whichever method or tool you happen to prefer, you must set your boot partition active.
  7. Quite. You need something to unformat your drive. There are a ton of such tools on everyone's favourite boot CD of questionable legal status, Hiren's. There are free tools to do the same thing. Basically you need to boot something (be it a Linux livecd, Hiren's Boot CD, Ultimate Boot CD, whatever) and run disk recovery software. There's a fair chance that some of your data is recoverable though since you've overwritten some of it by setting up Windows over it, some of it will likely have been destroyed (or best case scenario, corrupted). Excuse my saying so but you seem to be somewhat new to data recovery so if you have a local geek, get him to help you.
  8. You have to mark a partition as "active". Most partitioning tools (including, IIRC, Windows' own partitioner) can do it though it varies between tools exactly how.
  9. Nice, shame they couldn't make it last yet but it'd be nice to see 'em. Hope they can join us this year.
  10. moonlit

    4od on demand

    Technically if you're in the UK it's "timeshifting", not piracy.
  11. Question 1: Glad you're here for A and not B, I'm guessing by B you mean cracking rather than hacking. We're definitely A, though. Question 2: I second PHP. It's easy enough to run a server locally (that can be accessed externally if required) and can be done for free using Apache (to serve everything), PHP (to code the application) and if you need one, MySQL (for databases) on Linux, Windows or OSX. There are packs you can use to install those all together, check out LAMP/WAMP/XAMPP and all the other variations of those, they'll make it really simple to get started. Next you'll need to learn some basic PHP. Security comes with good coding practices and a little knowledge of how to break a web application, though if this is all going to be internal and only used by you that's not a top priority. If you intended on having it externally accessible I'd get very comfortable with how web apps can be exploited and how you can help prevent successful attacks. If you don't need that it'll make your job a lot easier and while most of sane mind would strongly suggest that you do work on security when coding, you gotta run before you can walk. I'd strongly suggest keeping it on a fully enclosed machine that's not connected to any external networks (ie: the internet), at least to start with. http://www.php.net/ should give you a few hints in the right direction, some basics on how PHP works and how to start off making simple systems with it. Good luck and have fun. Oh, and welcome to the forum.
  12. Yeah, it's a pretty big name. A lot of CAMs (Conditional Access Modules, the viewing card in your cable or satellite box) are GemPlus cards.
  13. Of course it does, it just doesn't have every single NIC driver ever (and for the record, nor does Ubuntu).
  14. I believe so. You might run into problems with protection though, some cards lock you out (IIRC they actually self-distruct and blow a tiny fuse) if you try to tamper with them and fail. Some smart cards (SIM cards for example) use 6 pins, so I'd imagine you'd need a different reader. I believe the pinouts are the same on most cards that share the same number of pins.
  15. That'll be 500mA (MilliAmps)
  16. So in a discussion on the IRC we came to a decision. Since we have to hurry this along and make something concrete, 11th of September (Thursday) to 14th of September (Sunday) seems like a pretty good plan. Berlin seems to be the venue of choice, so we'll stick with that. So unless anything changes, that's the deal. 11-14 September, Berlin, Germany. If you wanna show up on one of more of those days and not for the whole thing, for example if you can't get out of work for the Thursday, that's fine but you may need to work out where you're going to find us depending on where we are. We may or may not be able to meet stragglers at the airport on the Friday. We'll figure out accommodation at some point, feel free to book your own but group hostel bookings will be cheaper and we'll all be in one place which will make sticking together easier. Group together on flights if you wish but again, that's optional.
  17. Works the same as XP, if you install the driver it should pick up the network without a problem. Install the NIC driver as you would on XP.
  18. They're not all 12v and the ones that are usually require both 12v and 5v. Slimline/laptop drives generally can run from USB.
  19. ...and quoting doesn't... well, quote.
  20. moonlit

    Bad Sectors

    Nah, unscrew the top panel, plug in the power, then engrave it with screwdrivers as it's spinning (careful though, if it's a glass platter it won't like that).
  21. I hadn't got as far as working out how to fix U3 attacks. I had planned to investigate the possibility of flashing any U3 drives that contained anything harmful but I never got that far.
  22. moonlit

    Bad Sectors

    Yes, replace the drive ASAP. You may be able to use it as a backup drive for storing less important/temporary stuff but I wouldn't advise using it for anything remotely important again.
  23. Nothing would happen. Attacks happen and machines are compromised all day and every day, if the ISPs did anything then we might not have botnets with more nodes than cells in the creators' bodies...
  24. I'm thinking that might've been a little OTT even for me... I blame the rum.
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