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Everything posted by stingwray

  1. Short answer: NO Long Answer: Your an idiot to do so.
  2. stingwray

    Smart Card's

    Apparantly if the vending machines use them you can put it in, select what you want and as its producing the item remove your card and your card won't be charged but you will get the item. It asks for you to put the card back in after it has finished to charge it. I can't say this is true but thats what I heard.
  3. Wheres the option for "I'm smart and don't use Windows."?
  4. Just read this in a london paper in the lodge and we wondered if someone would have filmed it and end up putting it on youtube or something. Was on second page, just shows how much is going on in london atm.
  5. Opening laptops is fine, though it helps to have the maintence manual for that model. Otherwise look at it as possibly an expensive puzzle.
  6. Yes but why on earth would you want to?
  7. Don't bother. They'll be running AD and should have policies to stop users from killing the process and it will be passworded, which yes you could get quite easily. But its not worth it. Your education is worth more than doing something stupid at home.
  8. stingwray

    Open Ports

    Ja, Shields up is what you want if you want to test incoming connections from the internet. Otherwise any port scanner does the job (hence the name), nmap is worthing using even for simple tasks like this as its such a powerful beast.
  9. Its because the RIAA and MPAA have seen whats on your desktop.
  10. 33MHz 486 with 250MB of HDD and 16MB of RAM, Good machine, still running and useful.
  11. Some cases have intrusion alarms etc which are normally controlled by the bios but i haven't heard of anything like this before. Could be a safety feature but can't see that it would help as the computer is still on, just not booting.
  12. I Shall be there on wednesday with some friends. Its not really that great but you can't compain when it is free. If anyone else is going on wednesday then drop me a line. The day will probably end in a suitably british way with large volumes of alcohol. (Its even better now that I live in central london)
  13. PC-BSD or Desktop BSD. Although I believe in jumping in at the deep end so I would say go for OpenBSD or FreeBSD.
  14. Aye, its for chaining mainly like what you used to do with Parrallel devices. Its main reason why you only have a couple of ports on computers usually as well.
  15. Seems a bit pointless to me but then again if you have too much time on your hands it certainly would kill some.
  16. Hack in the Box They allow you to download their seminars as well.
  17. stingwray


    I got bored with ISPConfig so moved over to VHCS2 which I think is much better, check it out at http://vhcs.net/.
  18. I'll add another recusion function to my Haskell program which will break the numbers down then. Not that hard as i have done it for Modular Power functions when discovering Carmichael numbers.
  19. Haskell primeBetween :: Int-> Int -> [Int] -- Outputs all the prime numbers between the two inputs. -- -- Pre: int > 0 -- primeBetween int1 int2 | int1 == int2 = [ x | x <- [int1], isPrime x ] | int1 < int2 = [ x | x <- [int1..int2], isPrime x ] | int2 < int1 = [ x | x <- [int2..int1], isPrime x ] isPrime :: Int -> Bool -- Outputs True if Input is Prime, False Otherwise. -- -- Pre: int > 1 -- isPrime int | int < 2 = False | otherwise = findPrime 2 where findPrime :: Int -> Bool findPrime n | fromIntegral n > sqrt (fromIntegral int) = True | int `mod` n == 0 = False | otherwise = findPrime (n + 1)
  20. Well if you put the process to the lowest priority and they shouldn't notice that it was going all the time. Even with it at 5% they would notice it as most processes run at ~0%.
  21. The three soundtracks to the film 'Hackers'!!!!
  22. Thats fine, and also for ChevronX the celeron is basically as P4 so will run hot. My rule of thumb is if its above 60c then be worried, above 75c then something needs to be done about it.
  23. Firewall Active Directory -- More Possabilities --
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