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Everything posted by stingwray

  1. You think its time to make a weather control device? I think your missing the picture, the weather control device made the Tornado!!
  2. There probably won't be because Hak5 need all the information on how many downloads there are so that they can tell the people who want to give them money in return for them mentioning that company on the show (advertisers) how many people watch the show. So no.
  3. At my old secondary school we had software which access a VNC on every computer and took a screen shot every 10s and then kept that for 2 weeks. Then also every computer is keylogged and that it kept for over 6 months. If you think you have privacy on a public computer then you need your head examining!
  4. Cat6 has to be wired in a more specific way to certify as Cat6, where as Cat5e if you make the wires go in the right place then its Cat5e. Theres really no point in Cat6 unless you have gigabit etc. and for home use Cat5e is fine.
  5. i used to have the user 'God' at my old school with domain admin privs, tat was fun.
  6. You can launch DirectX programs in both windows, I believe the way to get it to launch in the second window for most games is set another target when launching the games. It is different for each game so you'll need to find out how to for each game.
  7. I got a C for my full-course GCSE. I'm now studying MEng in Computing at Imperial College London. So, GCSE don't mean sh*t, just do well in the ones that you want to take onto A-level.
  8. A nice waste of space. I want my bandwidth back.
  9. HE is in, hummm... Switzerland!
  10. No, but next time check what has been posted before and what is in the wiki, helps duplicates being made.
  11. Overclockers.co.uk are a terrible company and I recommend everyone to stay well clear of that boat. Of the few times that I have had to unfortunatly deal with them this have always gone sour. They have sold me a graphics card falsly advertised on their website with different ram and when recently i had to have my hard drive replaced as it had become defective I had a month long battle with them and Maxtor over who was going to replace it, when they finally took it back it took 3 months and a lot of phone calls to finally get them to ship a replacement one to me. I know they censor their forums very heavily and it doesn't suprice me that they censor the reviews as well. I find Scan.co.uk to be the best computer component e-seller around at the moment, having excellent customer service and very range and prices. An old favourite as well is Dabs.co.uk.
  12. Yeah, google Xchat and look further down the list of results, you'll find a person who has compiled it for windows and released it free. It pays to keep your eyes open.
  13. stingwray


    Speaking as a PDA user i personally think you'd be better off taking a small laptop. You could buy a small decent laptop for not much more and would be able to do a lot more with it. PDAs are gimmicks in my opinion and seeming what the functionality of some phones are these days have little extra that is worth anything. Laptop all the way.
  14. Windows has no problems with paritions bigger than 137GB any more. Or if you are worried then you can use a decent operating system.
  15. Looks like Mr. MPAA will be visiting another house tonight...
  16. Apart from downloading drivers from Asus you mean.
  17. unless its a decent router, which probably its not.
  18. http://www.scan.co.uk/Products/ProductInfo...roductID=433274 Would get my vote. As the only difference really between 975 and 965 is that the 975 supports Crossfire, you could go with a nVidia chipset but then again people tend to go for them because they want SLi support. Which you have said you arn't interested in. The 965 is a better overclockers than the 975 as it is a newer chip than the 975, I don't know whether you are interested in that or not. I know you said that you wanted intergrated graphics but seriously I wouldn't bother. You'd be much better buying something like this: http://www.scan.co.uk/Products/ProductInfo...roductID=442876 Because it will then actually run games, plus when you do upgrade your gfx you can put that in a PCI-E 1x and run the extra monitors. Hiper are a good brand of PSU, i have a Type-R myself, they are infact Coolermaster just under a different name. Very stable and get very good voltages. On the decision between more ram or not, I would go for more, if I remember you do a lot of photography so more ram would really help with that.
  19. Simple choice, 939 isn't being produced any more. Also, all motherboards still come with at least one IDE channel which will allow you to run two devices off it so i wouldn't worry about getting another hard drive unless you are just using that as an excuse for spending more.
  20. Have you plugged it in? Make sure you have installed it correctly and that the bios is able to detect it, you can set bioses not to do some things, lock inputs etc, that could be your problem.
  21. stingwray

    New Bond

    Seeing it Saturday, looks like it will be bloody good.
  22. I'm going to seriously laugh when/if you finally do this because you certainly going to turn your computer into a fishtank. Water cooling is for the experianced, which from the number of questions you have been asking your not.
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