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Everything posted by stingwray

  1. I'm sorry but Torrents /= Illegal. Bittorrent is a valid data transfer protocol which is great for people who can't afford web hosting with large amounts of bandwidth. Also Windows 2003 is not as bad as people like to say, because you know, its cool to bash microsoft, you have to be careful about security, but you should be on any server. If you want to set up a Torrent webiste then you need to create a torrent tracker. Loads of them about which will run on a webserver, choose which one you like the look of. Other than that you just need a website to host the actually torrents, so what you need there is dependant on what you want to do with it.
  2. Hardware firewalls are software firewalls running on *dedicated* hardware. Nothing more. I like Monowall because its simple and light, I would go for this if your not going to set one up yourself. If you want to set one up yourself then go with OpenBSD and pf, best combination around, although it is a steep learning curve.
  3. I think this is the best sketch you have done, I laughed for far too long afterwards.
  4. I'm sorry but I'm going to be blunt, but that is a truely awful website. It looks like something I would create when I was 12 after just watching the Matrix. 1. Loose the Green. 2. Have a number of background colours so I can tell where the content is and the menu ends. 3. You have a large black empty space at the bottom of the page, why? I have just wasted time scrolling to the bottom to find nothing. 4. Change hyperlink colours. 5. Redesign the layout in general, some things are too big, some are too small.
  5. Buy a Mac Mini and buy Parralles, then you can run your Windows native apps in OSX. Much easier.
  6. Good work guys, a truly worth while project.
  7. MacBook Pro was best. Didn't really have a bad present.
  8. Have you checked your firewall? You should update to latest version anyway, try again when you have done that. If that doesn't work then I would say its not a problem with UT.
  9. You can't RAID external harddrives which are USB or FIrewire, unless someone was to produce a 'RAID' car with these two interfaces. If you had eSata then it would be easy. Best bet its to back up once a week onto the second drive and then in between backups store the second drive in a very safe place.
  10. Why are you going for S939? Dual-core beats single core for future proofing.
  11. Macs are easy to use, you won't have any problems doing anything on them.
  12. Ultimate way to get kicked out of school, well not even that. A way to get kicked out of school.
  13. That may be you but i'm care with my Toys and don't throw them about. :P But to be honest with internet speeds increasing all the time it won't be long until these items are useless.
  14. Too expensive for everyday use and doesn't have the capacity to match even a 1.8" hard drive in a USB caddy.
  15. Why don't you want a mac because you are going to run linux of some sort on it? With a mac you can run all three operating systems without the need for visualizing any of them. I've just got a MacBook Pro as my first Mac ever and I mainly got it because its has such a great spec, design and build quality, plus now that all of the Apple laptops are on their second revision all the problems with them originally are gone. I would say get a MacBook Pro or MacBook depending on what you want, even if you are going to format it and put linux on it completely. The advantage of Apple laptops is that I have had no problems finding linux support for all the hardware inside, where my friend with a Compaq has had an awful time. And no, I am not a Apple representative.
  16. Go with VMware, unless you need 3D acceleration in Win98, which I doubt. You have the added advantage of not having to reboot all the time as well.
  17. stingwray

    DirectX 10

    I wouldn't say 10 years, the big players are all working towards making Linux easy for Joe Blogs, the main problem is compatibility and maintenance, unfortunately compatibility is a problem that can't really be fixed by the Linux community as it needs to come more from the manufacturers of the hardware.
  18. Wasn't it the Wii Linux project creators than ran off with all the donations for themselves? I can remember reading about something like that.
  19. The majority of people that pirate Microsoft or anyones products do so because they feel like they are being ripped off and that they are charged to much for what they are getting. This makes people justify to themselves that pirating the software is acceptable as these companies are sitting on large amounts of money as it is. If you drop the price then a lot more people will buy it than pirate it, I know the example of you wouldn't steal something from a shop isn't the best but if you relate it to that it is like saying that if the item was on sale then more people would steal it which wouldn't be true. If people thought they were getting good value for money then piracy would be cut considerably.
  20. stingwray

    DirectX 10

    XP won't be dead for a long time, big corps are only just upgrading to XP from 2000 (eg. Pfizer). DX10 will make a big difference, but not until DX10 hardware is perfected (nVidias 8800GTX only just counts as DX10 hardware and certainly won't be the best for long) and then you have got to wait for games to come out which support DX10. Give it a couple of years and it will be fine.
  21. Perhaps your neighbours AP is not connected to the internet, or maybe they have some more security that you can't deal with, eg. Captive Portal. But at any rate, get your own AP and use your own Internet.
  22. Well it was going to happen but I didn't think it would be as easy as this. A very elegant solution to the problem. Microsoft would be better to remove activation, drop the price of windows and they would cut piracy of the windows platform by at least 75%.
  23. stingwray

    Web Host

    Unfortunately due to the way business happens you will always have problems, now hopefully a good company will make changes and do the proper thing. However some people will still think they have been treated badly and make a song and dance about how awful that company is even if they did everything correct. You've got to decide who to believe, do you believe joe blogs or do you believe someone informed and rational. People on hate websites arn't the latter.
  24. Not only the rules but to see if there were any other threads with a similar nature and that they all end in a very predictable way. Actually add getting common sense to that as well.
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