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Everything posted by stingwray

  1. My external hard drive does this so I don't even need to be at a computer to copy the contents.
  2. Well I'm trying to make it automated hopefully as I don't really want to do this every 2 hours. I think I might just look around for something else to replace the m$ slideshow which will hopefully check for changes in the directory. Thanks.
  3. Does anybody know of a way to force windows xp to refresh the images being used in the slideshow screensaver at regular intervals? If thats not possible then does anybody know of a script which could stop the screensaver at regular intervals? Unfortunatly this isn't my area of expertise but have been asked to solve this problem. Many Thanks.
  4. stingwray


    When you get to 3.8GHz on air I might be remotely interested, but unlikely as I have seen it done already.
  5. stingwray


    I think your rating should be "This is not much of an overclock++".
  6. Looks good but I doubt they will be able to keep to that release date.
  7. O dear, O dear, O dear. *Monitors to see when this topic becomes locked with a link to the newbie topic*
  8. SecondLife is the devils work and should be shutdown. Sorry. I just laugh at the number of security holes and breaches that they have had. I could say more but I probably would be told off for what I could say on this topic.
  9. For the price yes. You just won't be playing any games on it.
  10. Best idea is to go and spend a small amount of money on a DVD player that can playback DivX files. I've seen them for less that £30 in the UK so I imagine you can get them for a similar price worldwide. It will save you a lot of time transcoding and then with other problems that occur like audio becoming out of sync.
  11. Local admin won't be able to touch Active Directory, hence the name local. All that local admin would be able to do is screw up individual computers, which is not fun and easy to catch the offender.
  12. Well the problem with the fish tank idea is that the animals wouldn't like the distilled water and the water would soon become contaminated and thus kills your PC. I've seen a mod where one wall of the case was a fish tank but they weren't swimming around the components.
  13. Well it sounds like only the local security isn't working at the moment and seeming they are probably running an Active Directory which you won't have access to you can't do anything fun. Just read the other topics about school networks, you'll (hopefully) soon realise doing stuff like this at school is a fast way to ruining your chances in life.
  14. Sorry, not yet. Minesweeper isn't SMP enabled. You can however run 80 Minesweepers at exactly the same time really fast though.
  15. I hope its better though as I don't think I got the idea of the previous 3 episodes.
  16. Simple answer is if you are asking these sort of questions then you shouldn't be watercooling your computer. If your desperate to watercool it then buy an all-in-one kit which will come with waterblocks, pump, resevoir, radiator and tubing. That way you will know that it will all work together. This is something that you don't jump to advanced before being a beginner as water cooling is all about experiance.
  17. Usefully but not very useful for installing Linux distros. You do need to burn those.
  18. Well if it was linux then I would use e-mail, don't know about inplementing that for a Win32 platform.
  19. Any of them. Choose you linux distro on the features that it offers which are different from others. Some have security in mind som have usability in mind. Make your own decision up.
  20. If all it is is a lan party then why go to so much trouble? Just set up a share on one of the computers which people can put things into and take them. Even better you could make it a FTP server and then you can do some nifty things.
  21. You don't want to use the standard version of putty on a flash-stick on other machines other than your own. It stores information in the registry which isn't then removed. There is portaPutty for that job which stores that data in an XML file which can be stored on your flash drive.
  22. Isopropyl Alcohol and a Lint-free Cloth are you best friends. Check Ebay for some kits including the two.
  23. 'yast -i' is quite good/useful
  24. That should be fine for running nearly any version of Linux. If your new to linux (which it sounds like you are as you are asking this question) then look at Ubuntu. It is simply the best distro to start off with and for detecting hardware etc. I haven't found anything better. While 384MB of RAM is not loads its certainly a decent amount as I still see some laptops being sold with 256MB!
  25. Not FreeNAS. Look into the different linux/bsd distros and decide which one you like the best on what it specialises in and then choose that one.
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