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Everything posted by stingwray

  1. Your sig says your a hacker, your not much of a hacker if you don't know where the SAM file is stored.
  2. Build two of your own antennas which as high dBi as possible. Then you'll need to text them out in a field that is big enough to check they work, don't want to put them up and buy more stuff with them not working. If your mounting them externally then you need to buy a lightening protector for them. Your last problem is that you'll want a really nice wireless card, and probably not a cheap SOHO wireless AP. We're talking 300-400mWs here, most cheap cards are 50mW which some going up to 100mW, you could then get an amplifer which would boost it, but then check what your local laws are on radio frequencys. So the problem is that you probably need a nice new wlan card, which means you'll have to make your own router, so probably an old pc if you have one. You could go with an amplifier on a SOHO router but I wouldn't trust it to do the job. Obviously this needs to be done at boths ends.
  3. It shoulds like he's trying to get people access to his website because its been banned. Most proxy's work on a URL black list for blocking, so if you have another domain which is completely different and you use that also for your website it may work, as that domain will hopefully not be in the black list.
  4. Just look at grc.com for a bad website. I know he's doing some interesting stuff now with navigation, but trying to find things on that was awful.
  5. Ok, i've never played with Player or the NAT with Player or Sever, so it didn't cross my mind. The NAT option definitely makes more sense, unless you needed to forward ports to the VM, or can it do that as well?
  6. That was covered by Hak5. Its called fastpush if I remember rightly (or at least one program that does it.)
  7. VNC. There are lots of flavours about, alot open-source and cross platform for client and server. Google around. Hak5 have done some segments on securing VNC connections as well with SSH tunneling. Some that excist are TightVNC, RealVNC as well as many others. I don't really use one so can't recommend any in particular.
  8. Get your own computer and be your own admin. Just thought of this, you could install VMware Server/Player, make a VMware machine running say Linux or BSD (because you'll need to buy another copy of XP if you want to run that). Then set up a network between, using internet connection sharing (i imagine you are running windows). Then you'll have a virtual PC you could use which wouldn't have the software on it. Unless somehow the software blocks network traffic as well, which I would doubt.
  9. Yes they do, god knows why because i've seen more TVs (of the LCD/Plasma kind) with VGA rather than DVI (obviously high-end ones have this usually). Its also worth noting that the Government is considering changing the TV License to a Computer License so you will have to pay it if you own a computer. Should be interesting to see if this happens.
  10. Wow, thats amazing, did you tape the conversation as that would have been excellent if you had. Now if the BBC would start releasing their content via bittorrent we'd be sorted. Although still the problem with people getting it without paying the license.
  11. The problem is in the T&C of the licensing agreement, if you tape things of the TV (which we will parrallel with downloading them off the net) your arn't supposed to keep them for long, a couple of months at the most. Obviously people do keep them for longer and the BBC would be a prime candidate for releasing their content freely on the internet, the problem is stopping it get into the hands of people that will distribute it to people who don't pay the license fee (i.e. people in other countries.) This would probably be in the form of some horrible DRM which nobody would want and would require that you connect to the net to watch the content and check you are in the UK (even then there are ways round it).
  12. Well if its copyrighted and not released under Creative commons or some other license that allows you to freely distribute it then your not allowed to download it. I don't know BCC but if you mean BBC then your not allowed to download that, apart from if it is released on the website, but even then you need to read the T&C carefully.
  13. Exactly, plus when you go over their limit and you charge you a £1 per GB it really does kill your wallet.
  14. I know the search function doesn't always bring back the results that your looking, esp. if you looking for somehting you know excists. I suppose the way to get round this is that we will have to use the Wiki more, and convert good threads to a section on the wiki. That way they would be easy to find and a good resource.
  15. Your starting to really p*** me off. Also get round to shortening your signiture.
  16. Bulldog are a really bad ISP and with Sky you have to have their TV already, and then over half the country still can't get BB from them. Also hardly any exchanges in england have been upgraded to ADSL2 which is faster than 8Mb BB.
  17. stingwray


    I believe you, thousands wouldn't.
  18. Its not a google phishing website. Google registered nealy all the domains around google.<whatever> so if you do a typo then you still get sent ot the place you hopefully wanted to go to.
  19. Guess I'm lucky that I don't get much, although I have been getting the odd Viagra one lately. I know my dad gets nearly 800 a week and he still won't change e-mail addresses. Idiot.
  20. You can set the proxy up to make the HTTPS connection with the server you are talking to, so that connection uses the SSL cert. between the server and the proxy, then the proxy will create another SSL connection using its own SSL cert. which will have been bought/generate by the admin, between the proxy and your computer. Therefore, not secure, because the admin can read your traffic.
  21. You could do it over DNS as well, that would be cool, also a dual purpose for when your on APs as that apparantly can get through without authentication. Also, HTTPS isn't that great, you network admin could be reading your HTTPS traffic if he really wanted to.
  22. Do that and right out well thought out and written posts and you'll be the perfect new guy.
  23. stingwray


    Why don't you have a look around?
  24. I don't have a problem with new users as a more active forum is always good. What I have a problem with is people asking the same questions over and over again because they don't search through the forum and when people can't be bothered to right their posts correctly and thought through.
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