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Everything posted by stingwray

  1. I would say if you need to ask then you won't be able to. Give up and use one which is well supported, like Fedora, Suse and Ubuntu.
  2. You could always set one laptop up to be a sudo-wireless ap and then connect the other to it, you can have lots of fun with that and other people as well. Your supposed to be able to create ad-hoc networks between two computers, usually you will find this in your drivers for your wireless card. Some laptops even come with this turned on by default which could be very dangerous. You many have noticed that you can filter ad-hoc and ap in NetStumbler and other a like programs. I'm sure you'll find your answer in your drivers and documentation.
  3. I would try "USB HDD". If that doesn't work then you could try all of them, it wouldn't take you that long. Also you could try reading your motherboard manual, that will probably tell you the answer, and also if you have to use a specific USB port for the computer to boot from it.
  4. ok, a shade under £30, i was thinking of something else.
  5. £20 will get you a 2GB one now moonlit. But, if you need to destroy your data quickly you can always swallow them
  6. Can't you write a good old autorun.inf which will launch whatever you want it to run? You can do some really interesting stuff with that.
  7. How do you mean CDROM emulation? Are you trying to get the flash drive to work if they have disabled usb mass storage devices in the OS?
  8. Yes, the only downside to this is though that the computer you put the flash drive in will have to be able to boot from USB. Not all can do this and certainly most older computers don't.
  9. stingwray


    VPN, or at least SSH tunnelling. Never have a naked VNC facing the world.
  10. You should check out the SD cards that include a USB socket on them. They are hinged in the middle. Much better Idea in my mind, dual usage.
  11. Intel were at the Farnborough Air Show a couple of weeks ago with a ton of expensive kit showing off their processing power.
  12. Wouldn't it be simpler just to have their gateway mirror all the traffic from their connection to yours if we are going along the route of hacking everything in site to make something pointless work.
  13. stingwray

    A Question...

    Yeah, as long as you have your T&C there then you should be fine. It also must force users to "Read it" so have it display infront of them in a scroll box and then an Acept Decline button below. 99% of people will just hit accept. However, you will have to remember if anyone was stupid enough to use there credit card etc. on it then you would be bloody stupid to do anything with that information.
  14. I think harrison is at least always slightly drunk.
  15. Don't see why not, all you have got to do is tell marguee that the data is located in this file on this server. You will have to transform the xml though, otherwise the markup will come out with it.
  16. Its easy if you have the service manuel, and that can usually be found on the internet. I like servicing laptops more than desktops, because you know what you have got and everything fits together nicely.
  17. I'm with Pipex and very happy with them. If you don't want a bandwidth limit you have to go with their top package which is about £28 (less if you buy their phone package with it). That'll get you 8Mbit broadband with no download limit. Also it seems to be a true no download limit as they have never said that I'm abusing the service and my regular bandwidth a month is nearing 300GB now. The only thing you have to watch out for with Pipex is that they do throttle bittorrent traffic. However running it on a high port and with encryption enabled sorts this out and you'll be able to max your connection out again (your probably doing this anyway). Had no downtime to speak of over the last couple of years and they don't have a problem with you running servers as far as I can tell.
  18. Putting the in a circuit with the reverse polarity works better.
  19. Probably not VaKo, thanks for doing that while it was needed. I'm sure there will be another thread created when Darren re-releases the DVD on bittorrent again.
  20. stingwray


    You can and you will. You always get written permission before doing anything. Also they arn't likely to be "like teach me", they will get pissed off with you and you won't have any friends yet.
  21. Wow, you must be so l33t. At least you made it mean something this time.
  22. Err, no. AMD have never made Intel chips and they didn't and wouldn't need permission from Intel to start up.
  23. stingwray


    Google. But nothing surpasses anything on the internet than a good book.
  24. Blue snarfing software is very hard to come by as its not readily distributed the programs that are good. Also most of it is PoC.
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