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Everything posted by stingwray

  1. Audacity (http://audacity.sourceforge.net/) Might be able to do it. I don't know for sure though. My sound drivers on my motherboard can do it. Its called karoke mode, it does a pretty good job but you can faintly here the vocals still.
  2. So my supposition is probably correct them.
  3. maybe if your lucky melodic i'll contact you when i have some more invites.
  4. Yeah, the Arctic Cooler that Sparda posted a link to is the best HSF around for the K8 architecture atm. I have the Evo33 and it never lived upto the review i read, however that HSF I know people with and it works very well.
  5. http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1705&start=30 Second post, or if they arn't working then you'll probably have to wait until the new release of the dvd, which should hopefully be fully working and tested.
  6. Usually scammers then forward you on to the legitimate site after you have entered your details so that you think nothing is wrong. Banks etc. are now started to look into where logins come from more to try and stop this. Although the scammers still get the details. If your laptop uses the first details that you capture to be authenticated and then everybody else that uses your AP their details are just stored in a document. The radius server might not accept multiple logins from one computer, it looks suspicious.
  7. My guess would be something will be mentioned/announced in 2x01. I could however be completely wrong.
  8. I belong to Torrent Damage, and they are excellent. Quick releases and always max's out my connection almost immediatly.
  9. I wouldn't have said that it sounds much like the Hak5 theme.
  10. I personally suggest that you stop playing WoW, stop paying for it and save up to by Windows if you need it. The advantage by this is by the end of if you will have a life again.
  11. Thats what I ment, although I don't think the Wiki is used by a lot of people at the moment.
  12. stingwray

    Finding Sites?

    Perhaps were not answering your question well because either we don't understand your question because you don't write it correctly or leave details out or you don't know what you want for an answer.
  13. Stop what you doing. Now disable your DMZ that you have created on your router. You don't need it. Download and run uTorrent, in the set up process it will generate a port number for it to work on. This port number will be very high, most likely greater than 30,000. This is good, you should never use the defualt bittorrent ports. Forward this port to your computer running uTorrent. If your router is running a DHCP server then you need to give your computer a static IP, by going into the connection properties. This will stop the IP change probably when you turn the machine off for a while. Now still in the preferces you need to go to the bittorrent tab and you will see something at the bottom that is to do with the bittorrent encryption protocal. You need to turn that on to enabled. You should now see your torrents speed sky rocket. Also, get some security software, at least service pack 2, you might be some l33t gamer but if you find your FPS goes down, which is doubt, then you need to turn your graphic down. Most professional gamers run with all the prettyness turned off because you play better that way.
  14. We really should have a sticky of something somewhere that explains what happened to the Show Notes.
  15. Use something like Nero to burn the discs and check for an update for the firmware for the drive on the manufacturers websites (and thats not Dells website).
  16. It would be good to play or even watch, but because the server is in the US it makes for horrible pings for the Brits. Good luck anyway.
  17. Looking good Darren. Let's just hope it will live upto the hype (although i'm pretty sure it will).
  18. stingwray

    Finding Sites?

    A machine has one host name, to run multiple websites on a single server the application, as in Apache or IIS will look at the request and the respond with the correct website. So if I ask it for xyz.com then it returns xyz.com, but if asked for abc.com then it will return abc.com and so on. I can't see a way other than using an exploit for the server software to gain the list (that is practical). Also I can't see why you would need to do this.
  19. £68 for the 320GB or £0.21 per GB £57 for the 250GB or £0.22 per GB So if you really want to say you get more GB for less cost then the 250GB drive is a better option. However, for paying about 1p more per Gigabyte, you get an increase from 125GB per platter to 160GB which will give you better performance and you get a 16MB cache on the 320GB drive which also helps. There is a 250GB with a 16MB cache and that is £60 or £0.24 per GB so the 320GB comes out on top there. I would recommend the 320GB, if you want ultra speed though then look out for the 400GB 7200.10 model, as that has 200GB per platter which is another 40GB over the 320GB. However that will have a inflated price because of it. Out of interest the 750GB model is £270 which works out at £0.36 per GB which is quite a bit more.
  20. Teaming ethernet pipes if fun if you have the hardware to do it. Its a lot cheaper than fibre and you can get greater than 1Gbps speeds.
  21. I don't doubt that, but when thats twice the price of your main computer and you only paid £70 for your last 8 - port gigabit switch its a little out of most peoples price range. I'll stick to Gigabit for the moment, it does the job fine.
  22. I always found the NICs for fibre to be quite a good price. Its the switch that is the real killer on price.
  23. If they are close in price and your getting it from a reliable source then go with the Cat6, it'll probably last you longer. If you want cheapness then Cat5e can be found stupidly cheap. I'd go with Cat6 if you have Gigabit hardware or going to get gigabit soon.
  24. The 320GB Seagates give the best price and performace of the range, even over the 750GB. The 750GB drives are for SFF PCs where they have room for 1 maybe 2 drives or in SATA Servers where access times and multi-requests arn't important. The 3800+ is a good CPU, you should be able to overlcock it easily to 2500GHz by raisng the FSB to 250MHz, if you haven't got excellent ram then put a 5:4 memory divider on it so it stays at 200MHz. Have fun.
  25. I think your all just getting a little too excited. You should all have the DVD to keep you content until the 5th.
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