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Everything posted by stingwray

  1. You can use a machine running other services, but you need 2 nics, one which all the other services listen on and communicate on, then the other for Snort to monitor the network traffic on. Snort will then communicate through the first interface if it needs to acces the network. I would recommend building a network tap, there not expensive, as most consumer routers/switches don't support port mirroring (i haven't seen a hack for something either). This is how to build a passive network tap http://www.snort.org/docs/tap/. Quite simple, and I have one placed between my router and the first switch onto the network. That way all network traffic leaving the network or coming in from the internet is monitored, I considered this the most important area to monitor.
  2. For some reason I think a cluster might be a really pointless application for those two computers. VaKo, IDS is usually signiture based and you make all the traffic from your network go into a specific nic on the IDS server (usually be network taps or mirroring ports on switches/routers) and then it looks at all the traffic, compares it to the signitures and rules and if it finds something dodgy, like someone is port scanning your private IP range then you can set it up to warn you or do something. Have a look at Snort for a open-source IDS system, very good documentation. http://www.snort.org/ And this how a honeypot works: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honeypot_%28computing%29.
  3. Pentium 1 - Turn into a firewall/gateway, with something like M0n0wall and ditch your horrible consumer router (if you have one). Pentium 3 - VPN/DNS/IDS/Proxy to make your network run blisteringly fast and have very very good security. (Using Linux/BSD Distro of your choise, my recommendations, FreeBSD/Suse if you want to be able to do it quickly without much knowledge. Or to be uber 1337 use OpenBSD, which unless you know OpenBSD already, has an extremely steep learning curve, i still think its beyond the vertical, i.e. greater than 90 degress.)
  4. Theres always a way into a system, nothings perfect.
  5. I would have thought that this site would have been blocked in China.
  6. Everybody raves about Sony Vegas 6.0 on this forum. Plus I don't there are any decent video editing programs that are open source.
  7. Good but I don't like the top right picture with the caption underneath saying "Next Episode..." Seems out of place to me.
  8. I'm just realistic, I'm not going to spend time in a store when I don't have to, so that for the 5 mins that I have to be in the store to do my shopping and I can listen to music I like over all the people talking loudly and the babies crying. With an MP3 player you get better sound quality, can change what you are listening to at anytime, and listen to it on the way to and from the store. Much better idea. That way I can put my time into more productive exercises. And its up to you whether you want to build your own MP3 player, I would do that if I could find a system that I could buy that was flexible.
  9. Cool thanks, I didn't realise you could search DistroWatch.
  10. I have a Nokia 3650 which when calling someone rings, but when they pick up it automatically cuts the call of. Also the Symbian Series 60 OS isn't the most stable, it would crash often and give me messages about files being missing all the time.
  11. No, thats one of the best films ever. You think its stupid because you don't understand it.
  12. I wonder if you could get two Dial-up modems to actually work over a string and cup?
  13. Its been quoted before though, so melodic's just tryingto add to his post count.
  14. Plus the adds use the WMF vulnerability.
  15. So your IP has changed from the 72 range to the 24 range. Perhaps you should stop making up IP addresses. I'm sure Metatron won't mind me posting his IP, you can find him on this range : And Me personally can be found on this range:
  16. This should not have been posted here, this needs to be posted in the Pandora Discussion Thread which is stickied. You can't miss it.
  17. Most small shops will use a simple hi-fi with a CD playing in it. Bigger chain stores often now have their own 'radio' station for all their stores so they can tune in accross the internet. But I really don't see the point in this exercise, even if they have a wireless network you are unlikely to be able to find and start controlling the feed. Just go and buy yourself a MP3 player and listen to that when you shop.
  18. It a bit old now. I'm surprised he isn't going to bail before Vista.
  19. Monowall is the best I have used. I'm currently in the process of testing all the Router distros that I can find and writing about them. Seeing how well they perform, and bugs in the system etc. Should be interesting when its finished as there are some interesting difference already. IPCop, Monowall, pfSense, Redwall, Smoothwall, XORP, and a few more that I can't remember atm. If anyone knows of any I have missed (there must be some because I have more than this on my machines somewhere) then let me know.
  20. Use BIND Vako, its on FreeBSD and most people use that when setting themself a DNS server up. Theres plenty of documentation and tutorials out there as well.
  21. Yeah, this is a really stupid idea. If you want to test your setup then run your own penertation tests. Don't get us to do your dirty work.
  22. I can't understand why people would put time into doing something like then when it is so obviously fake. They could have at least chosen something more realistic for the fake overclock they were trying to do and had the HSF clipped on so that it was actually pretending to work properly. I would have to classify this under waste of space.
  23. VideoLAN had absolutely no problems. But then again the only form that VLC is lacking on is .wmv support, but you can't blame them for that.
  24. Just watched the first episode of the first season, very enjoyable. Certainly recommend to people who want something to watch.
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