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Everything posted by stingwray

  1. You can donate on the frontpage if you want. Other than that let people decide by themselves if they want to donate. Have you donated anything?
  2. Been answered + Xgl is hardly a hack, and there would be no point in simply 'showing it off'. What use is that?
  3. No, like VaKo is now using a different DNS server, I don't have to get my tables from my ISPs DNS servers.
  4. Spinrite isn't going to help if the laptop can't find the drive. Firstly try taking the hard drive out and then putting it back in, it might have come loose for some reason and that might cause your problem. Other than that I can't really suggest much than other to try playing with it in different configurations, putting in a different laptop/computer if you can and things like this. Other than that just hope that you had a good recent backup.
  5. If their public you shouldn't have a problem. The only time that I can think of that you would have a problem if you wrote some software that used those servers and then sold that software to a large number of people. Now that you've started looking into DNS, you can start thinking about running your own DNS server, I found I got the best speed increase from doing that.
  6. stingwray

    psp hack

    SD? Doesn't the PSP use Sony Memory Stick Duo or something? As far as I know the only flash memory that is adapterable to IDE is CF because that has basically the IDE interface, which means you don't need any chips etc. to convert the data to different formats. Also, being an old hard drive, with not much space and being quite large your not really going to want to carry that around with you are you?
  7. *Places Bugs on and around Darren*
  8. How do you mean 'service' it? Are you talking about the money to produce it and host it by the producers or money to access this 'free' content paid to our ISP?
  9. The only problems I have with that is that there is no mention of the original producer being mentioned in any derivitive or distribution and that it allows everyone to use it, it should be for non-commercial ventures only as well. Otherwise it is pretty much creative commons.
  10. At least we shouldn't have a net neutrality problem in the UK because of the number of ISPs that we have. Also things keep getting better with TalkTalk, Orange and Sky offering free broadband which is good enough for at least 66% of the population (the TalkTalk service has a bandwidth limit of 40GB which I thought was very good, Orange has a limit of 2GB and I don't know about Sky). The Sky offering should be interesting because I think a large proportion of their excisting customer base will be happy to get it from them. Orange has the problem of they only offer it to customers that have contracts of over £30 a month, but those clients are also likely to need something more than 2GB of bandwidth a month. TalkTalk should be good if you don't mind BT not suppling your phone service for you, but with that download limit it will persuade a large number of people. This all means good things for people who would prefer to pay for their broadband, either for faster connection and/or more/unlimited bandwidth as ISPs are going to have to lower the price of these packages to try and persuade people that they don't want free broadband. Also as there are so many ISPs, most are either small or not real (in the sense that they rent the service from a larger ISP), therefore its unlikely that they are going to be concerned over what they want us to see. If one does try something like this then I think they would find their customer base shrinking rapidly. I just wish BT would get their act together in terms of broadband technology that they are using. I want ADSL2+ now dammit.
  11. I was talking about this with a few people on IRC last night. If you follow the link in the inquirer article you go to ZDnet which has a link to the proposed document if you want to get ahead of the game. Stealing wifi might become a bit more popular. Much better to have your neighbours banned from the internet than you.
  12. Not that great, too short, but it did look like it was going weekly so that could be interesting. I'm not a fan of the whole moody shots there doing like close ups of the eyes. Hopefully it will be a good plot though.
  13. i386 will be the distribution type you want then. that is for normal 32-bit CPUs.
  14. Perhaps we could have some temperature readings when it has been off for 15mins compared to when it has been on for 15mins?
  15. I don't quite get what you are trying to accomplish Sparda. It looks like the fan is just blowing the air in your room out through a bin liner. Is it me or do fans work best when they are blowing towards you?
  16. There always worth a watch, even if you don't gain much apart from a sense of history. Thanks for the heads up.
  17. So Metatron really works for the CIA then. I had a feeling all along that that might be the case. My new static IP is:
  18. Vako, you could lock this tread as its not going to go anywhere.
  19. Winners don't do warez. Pay for it or don't use it. You should be ashamed of yourself.
  20. VPN is a better way but is harder to set up.
  21. I didn't like Solaris 10, very bloated, the smallest instal I could get it to do was nearly 3GB which is simply unacceptable. If you want an unforgiving OS that will force you to learn everything then try OpenBSD.
  22. I don't know about teaching you command line but this is the only linux orientated podcast that I know of http://www.linuxreality.com/. I don't really listen to it because its a bit too much of a beginners guide. The trick with command line though is using the documentation well, as well as using it everyday. So either set yourself a little server up (could be visualised) which only runs text interface or try and use Linux/BSD as you main operating system and force yourself to use the command line as much as possible. Best of luck.
  23. Posted already MRGRIM
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