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Everything posted by stingwray

  1. I try not to n00b bash but it probably depends on what mood I am in. As i have said in previous topics I don't have a problem with people that don't know much and put some effort into finding out the information that they need. I don't want to have to do all the work for them because they expect the answers. Part of learning is figuring it and finding it yourself, you'll never learn anything if people tell you everything.
  2. Yes they are, Active Directory will be quite happy to do this. OtterFox, hacking a school is one of the worst things you can do, School Admins are sometimes the worst as they often have very little funds and therefore protect what they have heavily. Also you can forget about higher education if you get into problems. You can also ruin hundreds of other peopls futures by deleting certain things. All of this Hacking is not about.
  3. Sorry, didn't quite understand that post. But i'm guessing your asking what forums are for. Well forums are for people for communicate by, other communcations methods include e-mail/letters and talking to people. I don't have a problem with people asking questions on forums. But questions which are very easliy answered by simply reading the documentation that they should have read or can easily be found from other resources are a waste of space.
  4. You can't use an ATX mobo in a mATX case. mATX specification has room for 4 slots (PCI/PCIe) were ATX has room for 7 slots. Therefore impossible. The smallest case you can probably get for a ATX mobo is one where the PSU sits basically on top of the CPU HSF. Like this: http://lian-li.com/Product/Chassis/Middle_...C_PS_PC-G50.htm So you loose the PSU height off the total height of the case. Other than that you'll have to trade in your ATX mobo and get a mATX mobo if you want to go any smaller.
  5. Might I suggest that next time you have a problem, you wait a week before you create a topic about how much of an idiot you are and in that week you do some research and read the documentation.
  6. Using two PSUs in a computer isn't that hard. You just have to create a modified ATX power cable which will plug in between one PSU and the mobo and then have the pins that tell the PSU to turn on doubled and go to the other PSU. Then they can power seperate devices.
  7. The person that suggested Norton should be shot. Firing Squad at dawn. No need to bring your own rifle I'll lend them out. (Not to be completely off topic, but Disk Defragmenter, i.e. the one that comes with windows really isn't that bad.)
  8. Its so hard for people to see when they are good at something and not many people can do it, let alone when they discover something that no one else in the world has found.
  9. Try searching the Hacks section of the forum. Its been done to death.
  10. stingwray

    Show Notes

    Big enough but not really in the right place.
  11. There was a digg article on using US proxies to watch the TV shows on american websites and UK proxies to allow US people to watch BBC coverage of the World Cup. Have a look there.
  12. stingwray

    Show Notes

    If i see one more post asking for the show notes I think i might loose what marbles I had left. I think we need a nice big link to the Wiki somewhere.
  13. Hahhahahaha. I think this must have been the most obvious post asking for someone else to hack something for someone. I'll do it, I need your external IP and your administrator password. Otherwise when I get admin at your school I can't give you the details. Posting it in here should be fine, no need to PM me.
  14. Different, it would be cool if you could use it like they used to seal envelopes with a wax seal so get some sort of mark in it. Bit pointless by itself though.
  15. Linux can do it, sort of. I had a similar problem with my crucial thumb drive where i wanted to delete the protected encrypted partition, i tried a lot of things in windows no luck. Tried deleting the partition in Linux and I thought it did it but didn't, put it in XP and it was still there, however the protection had been lifted and i could format it. So just have a play around is all I can suggest.
  16. tx, the only problem with that is that you need a network, not everybody has one. From the sound of his question I thought perhaps he had one computer with internet access (probably because if he had his own then this wouldn't be a problem). Also I wanted to keep this internal, Sparda's suggestion of using the NAT is probably the best for quick set up, anything requiring ports will have to be run on the host machines, but those services arn't likely to be affected by the software.
  17. Wasn't Coldfusion created by Macromedia and now owned by Adobe? Could be wrong though.
  18. stingwray


    I would say Vista would probably run it, just install the XP version, i can't think of any problems you would have but haven't tested it. I don't know about the different key layouts, you'll have to give it ago, won't take you that long to try.
  19. There not going to allow SSL if the site is blocked in non-encrypted communication. Thats like locking the front door and leaving the large window beside it wide open.
  20. As he seems bit of n00b i would suggest he looks at this topic to choose a Linux Distro: http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1971
  21. I'll vote for Suse as I feel its the best distro to start with as I dislike both Fedora and Ubuntu.
  22. I agree, and not pay for knowledge, knowledge is free.
  23. Could be worse, although I don't agree with them spamming people and charging. Although charging does tend to take care of the n00bs, or perhaps its doesn't.
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