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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. OK, here is where you went wrong, rather the connecting your old Wrt300N modem to your current router, which is what you don't want and that's one of the reasons why you can still ping your main computer. Have both the modem and the router physically disconnected from each other. Once you have done that, connect your server that is running the virtual machines to your old Wrt300N modem, that's it. DO NOT connect your old Wrt300N modem to your router, because if you do you are not isolating your server from your main computer, you are simply connecting the two together and you don't want that. With the server connected to the modem only, it should now be completely isolated from your main computer. Your main computer should not be able to ping the server or vice and versa, because its connected to the router and not to the modem, correct?
  2. Thanks for the suggestion, will look into it. However how would you go about accessing your emails via a web-based interface, instead of using Microsoft Outlook or any third party software. Thanks again.
  3. I am bit paranoid with email service providers and for that matter, I would like to set up my own mail server, it will give me more control over it. With regards to spam, I could whitelist the domains I wish to receive emails from, therefore blocking any other domain that is not on the list, consequently reducing the amount of spam or even preventing spammers from abusing my server.
  4. Hey guys, I know a lot of you run servers at home and would like some suggestions on what mail server to get. I have no preference so be it Windows or Linux based. Thank you.
  5. Ahh Maltego heard of it before but I couldn't remember it at the time.
  6. Do you have the link to the Vimeo video you saw? I may be able to tell you what the tool is called?
  7. Knock yourself out, http://www.vmware.com/support/product-support/vsphere-hypervisor.html
  8. Yes my friend, VMware is a paid product and I agree with you. But fortunately it does a better job than Proxmox. Proxmox still has a long way go to mature. Furthermore, have you tried using Virtual Box, its a free alternative and it may do a better job than Proxmox, its just a suggestion.
  9. Or you could use NotepadCrypt to encrypt the text and for extra security create an encrypted volume with Truecrypt.
  10. Not a bad idea, I just downloaded the whole series individually before. Highly recommend them to anyone who is interested in wireless security.
  11. Try http://www.keepassx.org/
  12. Proxmox is not a bad virtualization platform, however I did encounter issues with it that made me switch over to Vmware. Vmware rocks and works great... You should also check out the Vmware appliances it may have what you are looking for.
  13. Good job and very informative too. Have you thought about ATM's scams?
  14. In another, the group said: "Arrest us. We dare you. We are the unstoppable hacking generation..." I highly doubt that, soon or later they will regret having said that.
  15. If you are using your company's network to establish a vpn connection, then yes they can see you are using a vpn. What they can't see is the traffic between you and your VPN server, because of the encryption. But that would certainly raise questions in the sys admin office as to why you might be using a vpn.
  16. According to this website, some script kiddie or a BOT is trying to hack into your webserver http://www.bizimbal.com/odb/details.html?id=913294 Best thing to do is block the IP and make sure Apache is up to date.
  17. 1) Domain admins don't hinder the VPN security at all, it just gives you more privileges/access to system resources. 2) If you want a secure VPN solution, go with OpenVPN or SSH. I wouldn't trust Windows VPN for securing connections. 3) I would recommend using a mobile internet, instead of your company's internet, very simple reason you have complete control over it and no ones else is monitoring your traffic, apart from your ISP.
  18. Check out HashcatOLH, however I am not 100% certain on whether it can do what you are after. After all, I don't think there is a password cracker that can do that. Dont quote me on that, as I could be wrong.
  19. This would be a nice MB for you, its even compatible with your current CPU http://www.asus.com/Motherboards/Intel_Socket_1155/Maximus_IV_ExtremeZ/#specifications It has support for USB3 and SATA 3.0. Supports SLI and Crossfire And support a total of 32GB of RAM.
  20. I haven't tried, but it should work. This utility basically copies all the drivers, all the printer shares to a single archive file. All you have to do then is run it on the PC you are migrating the printers to.
  21. Nooo, hacking them back will not necessarily mean a higher pay grade for you. You are seriously looking for trouble.
  22. Another reason I can think of, depending on your VPN configuration rather than using your server to do the DNS look up queries, you could be using their DNS servers instead. As result they can still see what sites you are visiting. 1) What vpn server do you have? 2) what browser are you using? 3) How is the VPN set up on your computer?
  23. Microsoft has a tool called Printer Migrator and you can download it directory from this link http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=25311
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