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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. Has anyone signed up with mod-x.co.uk before, I'm still up to Level one of the game and they hit me up with this. There is also a link, when i click on it it prompts me for a password.
  2. The idea behind would be, let say you don't have a wireless access point but you have a computer with a wired and wireless interface card. You could bridge the two interfaces together and share your normal internet connection via your wireless card to any other wireless device you have on your network.
  3. Couldn't agree more with Dan, I have learned so much with the Hak5 segments throughout these years and now with the Hak5 tips can't express how much more I have learned. They may be short in duration but honestly they really get to the bottom of things, great work Darren keep it up.
  4. When you say, SSLstrip only worked with AOL, Facebook, Hotmail and Yahoo. Did those websites use HTTPS all the way through, i mean not only at the login process but throughout the whole session?
  5. Any of the new or current graphics cards in the market today (ATI or NVIDIA) should do the trick. Just pick one that suits your budget: http://www.newegg.com/Store/Category.aspx?Category=38&name=Video-Cards-Video-Devices Edit: For instance this graphics card can run x3 monitors simultaneously. http://www.kitguru.net/components/graphic-cards/zardon/sapphire-hd5770-flex-review-on-3-monitors/4/
  6. Software conflict can also cause these issues, so its always recommend to download the latest drivers. As there could be some bug fixes already incorporated into them. Glad you fixed the issue.
  7. Based on my research I did on the old and the new servers, the old servers have more physical cores because of the additional CPU than the new servers. From a virtualization point of view, this will allow you to expand the number of your virtual machines without affecting performance. However, another thing to consider as well as when increasing your virtual machines numbers, is "Physical RAM". I know some of your old and new server have decent amount of ram but, but that's something to keep in mind when planning on increasing your virtualization infrastructure. Ideally I would recommend around 6 to 10 gigs of ram, not only to allow room for future expansion but not degrade your server performance too much. I usually allocate at least 2GB of ram per virtual machine, but that could change depending on the type of services or software running on those virtual machines. Moreover, the new servers specs look good but they have no support for hyperthreading just like the old servers. Now in terms of which server to buy, I am leaning towards more of these two than the others. New Server Supermicro 1U 5016T-MTF Xeon 5000 4bay Intel Xeon E5506 Quad Core 2.13GHZ 4.8GT 80W intel xeon e5620 2.4g 5.86T 80w 3 x Kingston 2GB DDR3 1333Mhz ECC Integrated IPMI2.0 with Dedicated LAN Rackmount rails / Without DVD-Rom (x16) PCI-Express 2.0 slot 2 x seagate 1TB 7200rpm SATA II AS 6 x 2GB DDR3 1333Mhz Ecc Old Server IBM X-series 3850m2 2 x Intel Xeon E7330 Quad-Core 2,4Ghz 8 x 1 GB PC2-5300 ECC DDR-2 2 x 72 GB 2,5" hot-pluggable harddisk SAS 3G 10K IBM dual nic integrated 2x 10/100/1000 Mb/sec IBM integrated RAID controller IBM Powersupply X-series 3850 1300 Watt IBM Xseries 3850 6 vents Internal DVD-Rom IDE low-profile
  8. It makes sense attacking corporate executives or government officials but how would attacking another hacker work.
  9. How much are you willing to spend?
  10. A switch is basically a device that connects multiple computers together. For example in your house you might have 3 or 6 computers and in order to exchange information between these computers, they will need to be connected to a central box or a network switch. The image below, should give you a clear picture of what the switch role is. A router on the other hand, could be seen as a bridge connecting two different houses (subnets) together. See below picture for more details.
  11. 1) Is the bluetooth on your Ubuntu enabled? 2) Does your phone support Linux at all? If it does, try installing your phone software on your Ubuntu. 3) What Model is your phone?
  12. Either you replace the MB or buy an additional NIC.
  13. Digip suggestion should do the trick, if it doesn't make sure you have the latest drivers and if it still fails it would definitively be hardware related.
  14. That should do it, and don't forget to use strong encryption too. WAP 2 Enterprise + AES
  15. They could've been white hats from the start, but since they don't have brains to think about the consequences they decided to become black hats instead. Now they have the authorities looking for their asses.
  16. This is just a suggestion but rather than running a nmap scan on hosts that you don't know, and running the risk of getting yourself into trouble. You could at least approach people you know and ask for their permission, explaining them what the Nmap scanning will be doing and what your intentions with the results will be after the nmapping scan is finished. This will not only save yourself some trouble but you will be operating in a legal manner since you will have their authorization, and if you do get caught you will be able to provide evidence which could help your case.
  17. Duplicated thread, please refer to this instead http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?showtopic=20611
  18. Couple of ways you can go about that: 1) If your server has an additional lan adapter, you could use that nic to create a second subnet. For example, if your first nic has an address of, you could set the second adapter to operate on, you will also need to connect the NIC to a second switch in order to isolate you VMs traffic from your main network. 2) If you have a switch that is Vlan capable, you could set up a few vlans to isolate your VMs from your main network traffic. 3) OR move your proxmox server to a different network switch, use that for pen-testing only.
  19. I hope you won't request us to start hacking these machines, once the scanning has finished.
  20. Another reason to use a what cooling system...
  21. There's something very fishy going on with this whole story. Why would they target a small private company and what can LuizSec get out of it anyway.
  22. Interesting, I don't find Opera slow at all at times when my internet connection gets shaped I use Opera for surfing the web, and have to say pages do load reasonably quicker than in FF or Chrome.
  23. I am puzzled, you are running that inside a fish tank with fluid around it.
  24. By Tim Greene, Network World June 30, 2011 03:44 PM ET In about a month the first graduates of the new Anonymous hacking school could start having an impact on the frequency of cybercrime. "You could have a quarter of a million people who could be educated on how to hack, not professionally, but enough to be significant," says Karim Hijazi, CEO of security start-up Unveillance. He bases that projected impact on the number of followers that the hacking group LulzSec acquired on Twitter during its 50-day spree - 285,550. When LulzSec disbanded last week, its members announced formation of the school. He says that from what he's read about the school, it will teach skills that include setting up Zeus botnets, the keystroke logging malware for stealing banking logins. "Every little script kiddy will know how to create a botnet." And while individuals may not be skilled enough to create massive botnets, their cumulative effect could be significant, he says. In addition to attacking Web sites and posting stolen data online, LulzSec served the purpose of recruiting new, younger members for Anonymous, Hijazi says. When LulzSec disbanded, it reaffirmed its endorsement of AntiSec - its hacking movement against corporate and governmental corruption - which is being carried on by Anonymous, a loosely organized hacking group from which LulzSec sprang. The implication was for LulzSec members committed to AntiSec to join Anonymous. "It was a good campaign on behalf of Anonymous," Hijazi says. Meanwhile, look out for malicious activity from the freshly graduated Anonymous hacker class. "They could buy up domains for command and control servers and could have a botnet up next week of some value," he says. Web source: http://www.networkworld.com/news/2011/063011-anonymous-hack-school-grads.html
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