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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. I've been using water cooling on my computer since I built it, which has been now for more than 4 years. Never had any problems, the only issue I have is when maneuvering it around. The water cooling unit and my computer case weigh more than 10 kilos. Since the water cooling unit is externally mounted, I have to disconnect the tubes whenever I need to move the computer case around. Which is a bit of an inconvenience as your friend pointed out. Nevertheless I do find it very safe to run, it does however require a bit of maintenance and you do have to keep an eye on it from time to time just to see how things are going. On a side note, I would only use water cooling if you are really planning on overclocking your system, it would be a bit of an overkill to have water cooling, but anyway that's your personal preference.
  2. You can use Hashcat to crack Sha-256 and Sha-512. Though you will need a Nvidia graphics card that supports CUDA architecture. http://hashcat.net/hashcat/#features-attackmodes
  3. This is what I bought and its compatible with any laptops hard drive. IDE/SATA HDD to USB
  4. By the way how did you fix the problem?
  5. If I were you, I would just remove all my hard drives and just leave one and re-install Windows all over again. I know this is not what you want but, your options are a bit slim at the moment.
  6. Thank you G-Stress much appreciated.
  7. Hey guys, Just found this really awesome website where you can download computer security related magazines for free. I know of Hakin9.org but recently they've gone into charging people, so far this is the only free website that I know of where you can download from. http://www.net-security.org/insecure-archive.php Enjoy...
  8. I just fixed the URL and that video you posted on mitigating DDOS attacks was very informative. By the way do you know what tool he used in Backtrack to simulate that syn flood attack.
  9. This bot could be evil!! I see already some potentials in it.
  10. Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is a networking protocol that allows Windows users to communicate with other users over the Internet. It interacts with Windows naming services such as Domain Name System (DNS) and uses security technologies such as Internet Protocol security (IPSec), because they help facilitate the successful and secure transfer of IP packets between computers. Ideally, IPv6 is used in a pure environment, that is, an environment where IPv6 is the exclusive Internet protocol used between computers. Currently, however, pure IPv6 transmissions are attainable only with routers that support IPv6 and computers that are running Windows and that support IPv6. As IPv6 supplants IPv4, pure IPv6 across the Internet will become more prevalent and will eventually replace IPv4. Until that occurs, the transition technologies described in this reference can be used to bridge the technological gap between IPv4 and IPv6. In addition to describing the transition technologies between IPv4 and IPv6, this subject describes how IPv6 relates to other networking protocols, which functions IPv6 performs, how IPv6 addresses are structured and assigned, and how IPv6 packets are structured and routed. IPv6 Architecture The IPv6 protocol component that is installed in Windows operating systems is a series of interconnected protocols that include Internet Control Message Protocol version 6 (ICMPv6), Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD), and Neighbor Discovery. These core protocols replace the Internet layer protocols in the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) model. All protocols above the Internet layer rely on the basic services that IPv6 provides. Protocols at the Host-to-Host Transport and Application layers are largely unchanged, except when addresses are part of the payload or part of the data structures that the protocol maintains. For example, both Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) must be updated to perform new checksum calculations that include IPv6 addresses. TCP must be updated to store IPv6 addresses in its internal Transmission Control Block (TCB). Routing Information Protocol (RIP) must be updated to send and receive IPv6 route prefixes. The following figure shows the architecture of the IPv6 core protocols in relation to the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model, the TCP/IP protocol architecture, and the other protocols in the TCP/IP suite. Host-to-Router and Router-to-Host In the host-to-router tunneling configuration, an IPv6/IPv4 node that resides within an IPv4 infrastructure creates an IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel to reach an IPv6/IPv4 router. The tunnel spans the first segment of the path between the source and destination nodes. The IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel between the IPv6/IPv4 node and the IPv6/IPv4 router acts as a single hop. On the IPv6/IPv4 node, a tunnel interface representing the IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel is created, and a route (typically a default route) is added using the tunnel interface. The IPv6/IPv4 node tunnels the IPv6 packet based on the matching route, the tunnel interface, and the next-hop address of the IPv6/IPv4 router. In the router-to-host tunneling configuration, an IPv6/IPv4 router creates an IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel across an IPv4 infrastructure to reach an IPv6/IPv4 node. The tunnel endpoints span the last segment of the path between the source node and destination node. The IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel between the IPv6/IPv4 router and the IPv6/IPv4 node acts as a single hop. On the IPv6/IPv4 router, a tunnel interface representing the IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel is created, and a route (typically a subnet route) is added using the tunnel interface. The IPv6/IPv4 router tunnels the IPv6 packet based on the matching subnet route, the tunnel interface, and the destination address of the IPv6/IPv4 node. The following figure shows host-to-router (for traffic traveling from Node A to Node B) and router-to-host (for traffic traveling from Node B to Node A) tunneling. Host-to-Host In the tunneling configuration between hosts, an IPv6/IPv4 node that resides within an IPv4 infrastructure creates an IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel to reach another IPv6/IPv4 node that resides within the same IPv4 infrastructure. The tunnel spans the entire path between the source and destination nodes. The IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel between the IPv6/IPv4 nodes acts as a single hop. On each IPv6/IPv4 node, an interface representing the IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel is created. Routes might indicate that the destination node is on the same logical subnet defined by the IPv4 infrastructure. Based on the sending interface, the optional route, and the destination address, the sending host tunnels the IPv6 traffic to the destination. The following figure shows tunneling between hosts. I would recommend reading this article from Microsoft it covers everything about IPv6. Microsoft How IPv6 works article.
  11. Just to clear things up a bit, when you say the HDD is prompting you for a password, is this happening during the post process? When you first turn your computer on! If this is the case, what you need to do and as Abferm stated previously, remove the CMOS battery from the laptop. In order to do that, you will need to take you laptop apart and locate on the motherboard, a socket holding a "3V Lithium Battery" The battery should look like, as exactly as from the picture below. Once removed, 1) You will need to connect the power pack back to the laptop, but DO NOT turn it on. 2) Leave the power pack on for several minutes, 3) Disconnect the power pack and place the battery back onto the socket. 4) Reassemble the laptop and turn it back on. 5) At this stage, the password should have been cleared off. 6) You will also need to go into the BIOS and adjust the time and date settings, as they get wiped off when the battery is disconnected. Good luck...
  12. I haven't finished reading this documentation yet, but it should give some ideas of the disadvantages of using IPv6 http://www.infosecwriters.com/text_resources/pdf/IPv6_SSotillo.pdf
  13. So far, from what I've been reading a host that has an IPv6 protocol enabled will have a direct connection to the internet. Unless an IPv6 Firewall is in between the host and the internet, then you will most likely need to do some port forwarding. I may be wrong, but that's how I understand it.
  14. I have a Netgear Smart Switch at home, with all the capabilities of the Dell managed switch, even though it has Vlan I don't use. But if you run servers at home, it would be a nice feature to turn on, you can segment you main network, into individual Vlans or subnets. The first Vlan could be used for the production hosts and the second Vlan for your servers. So each Vlan or subnet will have its own broadcasting domain, whatever happens on one domain doesn't affect the other.
  15. For that price, it looks reasonably good to me. It has lots of features, such as Vlan capability for segmenting your network and improving security. It has support for spanning tree protocol, which allows you to link it up to a second managed switch or more to aggregate your network bandwidth and making it redundant and reliable. But for a normal home network, you won't be using all these features, unless you have a very big network. It also support radius authentication, which allows you to control which devices will have physical access to the network. The switch is fully managed and all its ports are full Gigabit enabled, it also includes x2 SPF ports if you plan on using fiber which would be a bit of an overkill for a home network. Furthermore I can't seem to find anything wrong with it, to me is seems a good deal. But Make sure you test it out first before keeping it.
  16. That's called Ebay Auctioning my friend, there are other users also wanting to buy the same product as you. The best way to confront that, is wait for the last minute and then place your bid. Or look for another managed switch that is not being auctioned.
  17. Just download directly from the Hak5 website, that's what I do..
  18. Hi All, Anyone interested in buying these x2 2GBs of DDR2 Ram sticks. Price is negotiable. I will take full responsibility for whatever happens to the product during shipping, will also offer refund if not happy with the product. PM me if interested. Specs are: Made by: OCZ Technology, Performance DDR2 memory SLI Ready EPP PN:OCZ2N1066SR2GK PC2 - 8500 X2 2GB Dual Channel SLI Ready 5-5-5 Manufacturer's link: http://www.ocztechnology.com/ocz-ddr2-pc2-8500-sli-ready-edition-dual-channel-eol.html
  19. Infiltrator


    I think he means this http://www.pentestit.com/2009/06/12/goolag-scanner-google-search-steroids/
  20. Not sure if you saw this link, but going to post it in here anyway http://www.digininja.org/projects/cewl.php
  21. Have you tried looking for a compatible driver? I would suggest visiting your laptop's manufacturer and seeing if they have any Linux driver available for your wireless card.
  22. That will depend on what ports your school's network firewall is blocking, normally port 80 and 443 will be unblocked. But you will need to investigate, by changing your FTP to one of those ports and then trying accessing your FTP account from your school's network.
  23. I think this is going to be a good thread opened for discussions, mainly because not many users are prepared for this sort of event. I am going to do a bit of research and will get back when i have something to share.
  24. Check out, hiren's boot CD it has some great cloning tools that you can use. http://www.hirensbootcd.org/hbcd-v140/
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