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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. This quote is quite fascinating and makes me laugh when they say they need protection against cyber-threats, when in fact they're the ones causing most of the cyber-attacks apart from a few other countries. When a reporter asked if the Blue Army was set up in order to launch cyber attacks on other countries, Geng said that internet security was an international issue that impacted not only society but also the military field, adding that China was also a victim of cyber attacks and that the country's network security was currently relatively weak.
  2. CHINA has set up a specialised online "Blue Army" unit that it claims will protect the People's Liberation Army from outside attacks, prompting fears that the crack team was being used to infiltrate foreign governments' systems. At a rare briefing, China's defence ministry spokesman, Geng Yansheng, announced that the 30-strong team was formed to improve the military's security, the Beijing News reported today. When a reporter asked if the Blue Army was set up in order to launch cyber attacks on other countries, Geng said that internet security was an international issue that impacted not only society but also the military field, adding that China was also a victim of cyber attacks and that the country's network security was currently relatively weak. The online unit, organised under the Guangdong Military Command, is believed to have existed for at least two years before Geng's acknowledgment yesterday. Sources throughout the internet security industry have long believed that China-based hackers are the single largest source of worldwide cyber attacks. A report from US anti-virus software maker Symantec last year found that almost 30 percent of so-called malicious emails were sent from China, with 21.3 percent of the attacks originating from the eastern city of Shaoxing. Source: http://www.news.com.au/technology/china-prompts-cyber-warfare-fears-with-launch-of-online-blue-army/story-e6frfro0-1226063802486
  3. Install AVAST and schedule it to do a pre-boot scan. Its safer than trying to remove it while windows is still running. Once you have installed Avast, head over to his URL http://www.avast.com/en-au/download-update to download the latest virus database definitions for it and restart the computer. This is one of the features I adore about Avast.
  4. Try setting a different channel on your wireless adapter and the at AP, for instance channel 11 is less crowded, and has less conflicts. If that doesn't work, try updating the drivers, it could be a driver issue too or the adapter itself. Found this thread with similar issue as you are experiencing at the moment. http://forum.aircrack-ng.org/index.php?topic=3886.new
  5. The issue is definitely a misconfiguration, if the service wasn't running you wouldn't be able to download the php file in the first place. Make sure your config file has all correct attributes set and try again.
  6. Did you try contacting that Guy that Digip recommended you to contact?
  7. Here is a list of top 17 Free Email Services. You could create a dummy account and test out which ones are allowed. http://email.about.com/od/freeemailreviews/tp/free_email.htm
  8. Your hardware will need to be compatible in order to install ESXI. Check out this hardware compatibility list from VMware for more information. http://www.vmware.com/resources/compatibility/search.php?action=search&deviceCategory=server&productId=1&advancedORbasic=advanced&maxDisplayRows=50&key=&release%5B%5D=24&datePosted=-1&partnerId%5B%5D=23&formFactorId%5B%5D=-1&cpuSeriesId%5B%5D=-1&filterByEVC=0&filterByFT=0&min_sockets=1&min_cores=&min_memory=&rorre=0 Here is also a list of compatible Raid Cards http://www.vmware.com/resources/compatibility/search.php?action=search&deviceCategory=san&productId=1&advancedORbasic=advanced&maxDisplayRows=50&key=&release%5B%5D=24&datePosted=-1&partnerId%5B%5D=-1&arrayTypeId%5B%5D=-1&firmware%5B%5D=-1&isSVA=0&rorre=0
  9. I have set up a similar internet connection for a client and have to say it does not come with any standard firewall protection. Another thing you can do, to really determine if it comes with a built in firewall, is to find out what the default gateway ip address is, by going to a console and typing Ifconfig and then from your web-browser type the IP address of the default gateway. It should take you straight into the configuration page of your internet box. If it does not have any reference to security or firewall then your question is already answered, you will need a firewall either installed on your computer or built from a box, some decent firewall distributions worth checking out, are Untangle, PFsense and Smoothwall. If you need assistance let me know.
  10. 1) This is definitely looking like a real case scenario to me. You should contact a lawyer and get this matter dealt with. 2) Hacking into your employers computer system its not only illegal but could have huge implications for you and your friend.
  11. There are some browser hacks you can use, to tackle this problem. The articles below should elaborate in details. http://friendlybit.com/css/cross-browser-strategies-for-css/ http://www.catswhocode.com/blog/15-techniques-and-tools-for-cross-browser-css-coding
  12. By Natalie Apostolou • Get more from this author Posted in Mobile, 24th May 2011 01:30 GMT Free whitepaper – Malware Security Report http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/05/24/telstra_tunes_lte/ The speeds that I finally be longing to have, they may be not the fastest but will be fast.
  13. In fact there are people who actually use these online services to store their personal information. I'd still use it for simple file storage, like mp3 or other less sensitive files. Besides, if you don't want to leave digital footprints behind or run the risk of someone spying on you, you could use the same technique as Osama Bin Landen used to deliver a message without being traced. Using an USB stick and having it sent or delivered by a post office.
  14. These articles will walk you through the process of setting up your own PXE Boot environment. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc722358(WS.10).aspx http://support.microsoft.com/kb/325862 http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc771670(WS.10).aspx http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc766320(WS.10).aspx
  15. One thing I don't quite understand is why, the hackers would want to hack Sony instead of a high profile company like Apple, Microsoft or Google. And what is really intriguing is that they are still targeting Sony no matter what.
  16. I like your idea and in fact Microsoft has an utility called Autologon that records your username and password to a file and basically the next time your machine is started, it automatically logs you in. It does not prompt you for the credentials. You could use that along with your program/application to unlock your computer when its in range with your bluetooth device. The moment you walk away from your computer, you could use a dos command such as "rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation" to lock your computer screen. That is just an idea.
  17. I agree, they have lost millions of money and still vulnerable to attacks. If I were the owner of Sony I would shutdown the network and all the service to outside and completely get all these security issues solved for once. For now they have lost lots of money and they will continue to lose a lot more, even running the risks of losing its customers if they don't decide to get a grip on the situation now.
  18. I am going to download it, a bit later on and see how it compares to Metasploit and Backtrack.
  19. You can use Windows group policy to set the duration of how long an account can remain locked out, before it automatically unlocks itself. These articles should help you out. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc739109(WS.10).aspx http://windows.evaguide.com/2010/02/group-policy-account-lockout-duration.html
  20. Hey guys, Don't know how many of you know or have heard about, but Live Hacking CD, its just another utility you can use to perform pen-testing on your network. Its fully open source and it's based on Ubuntu. You can grab your copy from this link http://www.livehacking.com/live-hacking-cd/
  21. Infiltrator

    Ayn Rand

    She was a great novelist and philosopher, but haven't read any of her books.
  22. Now the question is, what are Sony doing? The message is clear, customers can't trust Sony anymore. Sophos Security researcher Chester Wisniewski wrote about the Greece intrusion, saying: http://www.tweaktown.com/news/19766/more_sony_hacking_news_why_aren_t_these_hackers_using_their_powers_for_good/index.html Edit: The damage has already been done, the least they could do is take down their servers and hire a security company and fix all these security issues. Frankly I don't understand, why they are still risking losing more of customer's information. Its looking really bad, on them.
  23. Found Linux Journal quite informative with lots interesting articles. I would also like to share some of my URLS if I may too. 1) TheHackerNews.com 2) TheRegister.co.uk 3) Tweaktown.com 4) Computerworld.com
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