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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. The only way you could spoof your MAC address, is using a MAC address that is already known to the Wireless System. For example, you could pose as another trusted wireless client, but this would be illegal and against the network usage policy. If you would like to use a different MAC address the only way to overcome that is contacting your helpdesk, but that could raise some suspicion in your IT department, so play it cool.
  2. Infecting someone's else computer would definitely be illegal. I wouldn't recommend doing that, however there a couple of things you could. 1) Block his ip address, this may not be too effective as he could use a proxy server to change his IP address. But its worth a shot 2) Change the default ports on your FTP server. This is not fool proof but a more savvy user would be able to get around that. 3) Use strong password and do not use admin or administrator as your username 4) Rather than forwarding ports on your router, to your FTP server you could use OpenVPN to get into your internal LAN and access your FTP server without exposing your FTP server to the internet. This is what I would do, but someone here in the forums might have a different approach.
  3. You are correct, it doesn't work in all other browsers except IE.
  4. Make sure you have the whole code inline or side by side or else it won't work. I just tested it using IE v9 and was able to create the hyperlink.
  5. Or you could use Cryptcat which is the encrypted version of NetCat, to establish a full remote shell access to the remote host. The RDP option as mentioned by Digip, would be the less cumbersome approach, since it won't require much set up or configuration on both ends and should get you started in matter of minutes.
  6. Only a psychiatrist would be able to tell, what was going through his mind at the time.
  7. Google has their own QR Code Generator http://createqrcode.appspot.com/ And a QR Code Decrypter http://zxing.org/w/decode.jspx You could use that, to generate and decrypt your own QR Code Image.
  8. In order to record analog/digital TV signals you will definitely need a tuner card such as this one. http://www.comprousa.com/en/product/e650f/e650f.html You will also need a computer with a decent CPU and sufficient RAM, to be able to handle all the HI Def contents.
  9. I would suggest Python and PHP, very flexible and easy to learn. Now if you want to do a bit more than scripting like proper programming than learn C.
  10. There are several Linux Clustering OSes around, http://clusterknoppix.sw.be/ is a popular one.
  11. 1) Check your DHCP settings, make sure they are correct and your DHCP server is authorized to lease IP addresses. 2) Check all the network connections, between your server and the workstations. 3) If you have an ADSL modem, make sure the DHCP service is turned off or it will conflict with your DC DHCP service 4) Checked the network drivers on your workstation, and make sure its obtaining a valid IP address. Good luck... Broooo
  12. This video might help you figure out what is causing the problem. Let me know if it still doesn't work. http://www.securitytube.net/video/239
  13. OK, what you need to do is enable the proxy settings in your browser and make it point to, which is your localhost address and set the port to 1234 Save the settings and try again.
  14. What error do you get, when you try to access the HTTP://hamster/ URL, if any? Is the HTTP service or web server running?
  15. Interesting how did find the ops details?
  16. To watch live stream TV, you will definitely need a TV card or USB tuner. On a side note, you should do a bit of shopping around to find a cheaper deal. Like on Ebay or Newegg.com.
  17. Dude moral of the story is that, what you did is wrong. You should never ever tell other people what you did to someone else's network. This doesn't only get you in trouble but if the network owner finds out, it was you you are in deep shit. You could get expelled and more prosecuted. These sort of activities should only be attempted in your own home network.
  18. Or you could set up a transparent proxy. Would still bring the same result. But a very nice idea, thanks for posting that up...
  19. He clearly broke one of the hacker's key fundamentals, "Remaining Stealth". Lesson no 1: Never tell others what crimes or wrong doings you did. Lesson no 2: Never flash a fake ID card with a photo of yourself. Lesson no 3: If you have to film yourself, at least cover your face
  20. For the Newbies out there, or wanna be the next hacker Please DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT expose yourself like this idiot.
  21. I service Government computers and at one time before, I came across a PC that looked almost like the one in the pictures from below. (DISCLAIMER) The above images have been taken from this URL http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/11/13/ventblockers/
  22. Another thing you can try is, disconnect the hard drive from this computer and connect it to a spare computer as a slave hard drive. Make sure the antivirus on the spare computer is up to date, before connecting the slave HDD. Once the slave HDD is connected, run a full virus scan and backup all the data you can from it and reinstall Windows from scratch. That's what I would've done.
  23. If you want to ssh into another machine, that's quite simple. You could ssh into your first machine and then ssh into your second machine. For example: Internet-> SSH into 1st machine, then from a terminal console from the first machine SSH into 2sd machine. On the router all you need is to enable forwarding port for the 1st machine, on the 2sd machine you will need to allow incoming SSH traffic. So in practice it should work.
  24. You could try that, that's one way to enable but what if the virus has been designed to revert this process. Then the only way to fix would be by removing the virus or reinstalling Windows altogether but that would be the last resort.
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