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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. Black HDDs are good for performance they are fast, they have larger cache but consume more electricity than the green HDDs. Plus the Greens are more environment friendly, they generate less heat and are more economic on the longer run.
  2. Printers won't even allow you to print without cartridges, they will simply display an error saying "Please insert/replace cartridge" or a red/orange light will light up indicating something is not right with the printer.
  3. A couple of observations. 1) That PSU may seem enough for now, but if you plan on running SLI or Crossfire I would upgrade it to a 1000 watts PSU, just to stay on the safe side. 2) I don't know what your storage needs are, but I do find 1TB HDD very small in capacity, that's something to keep in mind if you are often downloading music and videos. 3) Go with Windows 7 x64 Professional, there are certain things you can't do with Home premium that you can do with Pro, check this link out for details 4) Since you are going with Windows x64 bit, why limiting yourself to 4gigs, top it all off, go with 6gigs or 8gigs. Before you do that, you will need to check how much ram your board support.
  4. You won't be able to achieve that with Jasager, but there are other ways to accomplish using different means.
  5. They don't what your password is, but they have your password hash stored in their database, correct!
  6. Use a spare router if you have. Reason to that, is very simple your router has a built in DHCP server which will allocate IP address individually and automatically to each of the VMs. A switch on the other hand does not have a built in DHCP server which will make the IP address assignment a bit of a hassle for you. Because you have to manually set the IP on each of the VMs individually. So forget about the switch and use a router instead.
  7. Check out this video, it might give you some ideas, as to why its not working http://www.livehacking.com/videos/dsniff/
  8. Correct, the router is just like a switch but with more functionality. One of the reasons I recommended the OP to use DD-WRT was due stability and other issues he may encounter when using the old firmware. Plus the DD-WRT firmware has some nice features that he may would like to use too. Furthermore, Its really up to the OP to use the router with its default firmware.
  9. I think you will find this articles quite useful. http://lifehacker.com/5403100/dual+boot-windows-7-and-ubuntu-in-perfect-harmony http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1035999
  10. Just use the Ubuntu distro http://www.ubuntu.com/business/server/overview
  11. I would recommend the same thing as well, pick up an old router and flush it with DD-WRT or Tomato firmware. Once you have flushed your router with the firmware, connect your proxmox server to it, make sure its only the router and the proxmox server connected together, they should be completely isolated from your main network. And happy hacking...... Let me know if you need further assistance.
  12. It could be a cluster or a storage device with Terabytes of capacity. Another interesting thing, is why is this guy keeping a can of gas with cigarette? Not a very good combination? I feel sorry for that computer already.
  13. How did you set up proxmox? On your personal computer or on a completely different computer?
  14. One way or the other if he can't find a match for his hashes, he will need to revert to the traditional brute forcing method. Hashcat has an option for Sha hashes.
  15. If you know the hashes, just look them up on these sites. http://www.onlinehashcrack.com/ http://www.sha1-lookup.com/ http://crackstation.net/
  16. Apart from IIS (Micrsoft Webserver), Apache is an open source project and very popular too. I've always used Apache and personally I like it a lot better than IIS. It is easy to set up and you will get it up and going in less than 2 minutes or so. I would really recommend Apache as a webserver its fast and very stable too. There are great tutorials out there and if you need help with anything else just PM me and I'll be happy to assist you.
  17. Read it up to understand how the commands work. http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=simple_wep_crack
  18. With those specs you could set it up as a webserver and host your own website from it. Or set up your own private DC (domain controller) if you have multiple PCs at home.
  19. I would say OpenVPN easy to set up and configure, it only took me 2 minutes to get it up and going.
  20. Will give it another try, I am not giving it up. Thanks Digip much appreciated.
  21. Funny thing is I used the built in debugger in Chrome to read the Javascript source code, I did find a long string with letters and numbers and I tried using as the password it didn't work. Do you think Wireshark would work in this case?
  22. The end for anonymous and lulzsec. http://www.thehackernews.com/2011/07/anonymous-lulzsec-personal-information.html
  23. Not sure what kind of problems you had with OpenVPN certificates but when I first set it up, I encountered no problems at all. I don't mind Adito but I find OpenVPN a better and easier solution for securing a connection.
  24. It should be enough if you are not using it for playing games or other intensive application that demands high resolution. I have a dual 23 inches screen attached to a Nvidia GTX460. Whenever I play games I turn the screen I am not using off, if I live it on the resolution will look all stretched and distorted. For normal internet browsing and film watching it should handle well. If you want to do hard core stuff, like playing games and watching films at the same time than one graphics card is not going to be powerful enough, you will need an additional graphic card to cope with the extra stress.
  25. How are they going to find out anyway, unless you tell them. I used to share my internet connection with my neighbors and they would pay me $50 dollars a month. After sometime I hated the idea of sharing my internet connection, for a simple reason they used to hog all my bandwidth with downloading of porn and other crap. So I decided to cancel the agreement between us and told them that the internet was getting too slow and couldn't sustain this anymore.
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