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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. 1) Does your wireless client adapter support dual bands 2.4ghz and 5ghz? Or a single band only? 2) Some new routers like the one I have at home a Linksys WAG320 support dual bands simultaneously, which means I can have a mix of clients operating on both bands 2.4ghz and 5ghz at the same time, that could indicate why you are seeing your router using both channels 11 and 7.
  2. Hey guys to give you a rough idea of how big the tables need to be and how much storage is required, I would recommend downloading this rainbow table generator that has some nice benchmarking features. It tells how long it would take to generate a table, how big it will be and lots more of other information. The utility is called Winrtgen and can be downloaded from here, http://www.oxid.it/projects.html
  3. I tried looking up that LM hash on the internet and failed miserably. All the website that I looked it up on, said something about it not being valid. So I'm still torrenting some LM rainbow tables to give another crack at it.
  4. Hey bro, be careful not to get caught they could loose you on the streets or prosecute you, if they find out you are trying to hack their network.
  5. That would be done via the web admin interface, but some series of the HP ProCurve Switches will allow remote administration via a terminal just like Cisco switches.
  6. Umm very nice, now I can hide all my porn files collections.
  7. Infiltrator

    Vm Router

    I've used Smoothwall before and never experienced any major issues with it. On the other hand, I'm yet to try PFsense and have to say that the features and functionality are very appealing to me, they are a lot more advanced than SW, besides I do find Smoothwall too basic in some respects. Furthermore, what is it that you don't like about Untangle if you don't mind me asking? Thank you.
  8. Check out Hiren's boot CD and UBCD4WinV350. They are the Swiss army knife and its a must have.
  9. Don't know if it will be of use to you, but you could use a sensor like this one. http://spycity.com.au/nessquantumexsensor.aspx
  10. Just a question, who is handling the NAT? Is it your modem or the PFSense box?
  11. These links should help you understand subnetting a bit better. http://www.ralphb.net/IPSubnet/subnet.html http://www.tcpipguide.com/TCPIPGuide_2-0_sec2.pdf http://www.techrepublic.com/article/ip-subnetting-made-easy/6089187
  12. You can also find lots of information on Google too.
  13. Setting up the website and a web server with massive amounts of storage is not a problem. The problem would be generating the rainbow tables, as we all know it takes lots of processing time to generate them.
  14. You can use Cain and Able to redirect victims to other websites, or a fake website if you will.
  15. My point was, rather than trying to hack into Cpanel, you could contact the company that is hosting Cpanel to reset the password for you. Hacking into someone else account is illegal and asking how to do something illegal its something that no one in here is willing to help out with.
  16. He's not the only one, I've seen others in the same boat too. Its funny how they all come to Hak5 forums, always asking the same questions. How I do hack this or hack that? Not that I don't want to help but a simple search in Google always reveals the answer.
  17. Arpspoofing will affect the network performance with no doubt, but having a second arpspoofer on the same network will at some point knock out the performance of the network, just like a broadcast storm, the whole system would be affected and no user would be able to efficiently use the network.
  18. You need to replace the W for write with A for append Before $filed = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file"); After $filed = fopen($myFile, 'a') or die("can't open file"); If you get stuck, may I suggest you to read this tutorial. http://www.tizag.com/phpT/fileappend.php
  19. If the OP is really the account holder, all he has to do is contact the web hosting company and ask the helpdesk to reset the password for him. That is if he really is the account holder. I have a feeling that he may not be the owner, but I could be wrong!
  20. Ummm, do you own the server or is it being hosted by a company?
  21. While you are still in High School, I would recommend you do some reading, studying and practice on networking. There are lots of books that you can buy online and Google to help you out, and the more you can learn now the better it will be for you later, when hunting for a job. Employers are often looking for candidates who hasn't only got certifications but experience too. So I would start by getting to know what network routers and switches are, how they work as well as learning all the networking protocols, such as HTTP, FTP, RIP, IGRP, ARP, DNS and etc. On the other hand, you will also need to learn and have a good understanding of how IP addresses and subnetting work, very important to know when building or managing a network.
  22. At the client you need to enter your External IP address, along with your username and password, you created in the OpenVPN configuration page.
  23. Agree, how about that clove they used to bring back corpses alive. Great show I love it.
  24. Try this!!!!! <?php $myFile = "hello.txt"; $xxx = ($_POST['variable1']); $yyy = ($_POST['variable2']); $stuff = $xxx ."--". $yyy; $filed = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file"); fwrite($filed, $stuff); fclose($filed); } ?>
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