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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. I'm just a bit confused, what exactly are you trying to do?
  2. It happened to me too when I built my first computer, nothing would come on the screen. Basically remove all the cables, only connect the essentials power to the board, HDD and Graphics card and only add a single RAM module. Also make sure the CPU is sitting properly and try again.
  3. Anyhow, did you try browsing your website from another PC in your LAN?
  4. You are on the right track, just keep on practising and watching those videos.
  5. Most laptops use SATA connectors, also when installing a new HDD make sure its a 2.5-inch mobile hard drive.
  6. Hey bro, don't think we are not trying to help you here. We are a very supportive community and always welcome new members but as a member its your responsibility to learn and research on your own, we can't always give you the answer for everything, though we would like very much to but if we did you wouldn't be learning any thing. Please just do what I tell you, and you will see how easy it will be for you. Here is the link for those videos, http://www.securitytube.net/groups?operation=view&groupId=9 just go through each one of the them carefully watching and paying attention to what he is saying. To be honest, I learned quite a lot just by watching videos and researching on my own.
  7. By the way what webserver do you have, IIS or Apache?
  8. 1) Before attempting anything else, try pigging your server from another computer within you LAN and see if you can PING it successfully. 2) If you are able to ping your server internally (within your LAN), then try browsing your website from another computer on your LAN, if you can see the website than we know that internally everything is working fine. If you can't see I would check the firewall settings on the server making sure it's allowing outbound connections on port 80 and then try again. I would also assign a static IP address to your server rather than obtaining it dynamically from your DHCP server. Also its very important to make sure your webserver is running on the correct TCP Port, by default it should be on port 80. 3) After ensuring that you can browse your website internally, on your router make sure you have a port forwarding rule set in place. If you don't have one, users from outside your LAN will not be able to reach your webserver at all. 4) Once the forwarding rule has been created, trying browsing the website from outside your LAN and see if that works.
  9. Couple of options: 1) Use OPenVPN to create a secure connection from the outside into your LAN and let the access the shares in your DC 2003 2) Or download FileZilla (open source ftp server), easy to create the accounts and to configure.
  10. What????? You seriously need to learn. Ok, there is a good place for you to start learning about WEP cracking and I would really encourage to go through each of the videos and pay attention. The website is called securitytube.net and there are plenty of videos on cracking wep and if you are serious about this stuff, just head over there and watch the videos. That's the only way you are going to learn, plus there is a guy called Vikiv and he put together a series of tutorial videos on WEP cracking from ground up. Explaining what each command is doing and lots more. So please watch those videos, they will only do good for you.
  11. Not sure if that's gonna work, but try looking into TCPReply. http://tcpreplay.synfin.net/
  12. If I had extra hardware lying around in my room, I would dive into this problem for you.
  13. Umm, you mean your wireless card doesn't do packet monitoring. Its quite common, not all network wireless cards do packet monitoring. If that's the case, you will need to invest into an Alfa awus036h.
  14. Did that link I provide you shed any lights into your problem at all?
  15. What part of Australia are you from?
  16. In order to do packet injection you need a wireless card that is capable of doing packet injection. The best one out there, is the ALFA awus036h
  17. I have sent you a PM with a PDF documentation for cracking WEP keys under windows.
  18. See this tutorial: http://lifehacker.com/5305094/how-to-crack-a-wi+fi-networks-wep-password-with-backtrack
  19. You could move those pictures to another working computer if you have and test them there. If it works, just format your hard drive and start from scratch unless you want to keep battling with this one.
  20. Keep watching the Hak5 videos, read the forums and if you are uncertain about something do what I do best research about it in Google. You will learn a lot more doing it that way. That link Digip suggested should give you a lot of tips on how to start.
  21. You will definitely need to write an application to do that. As Windows is concerned I don't think you can do what you want. Have you tried doing a search in Google to see if you can find any app that can do it for you?
  22. Not everyone is in that level, I've seen people with certs that have the knowledge and the experience required to do a job. It all depends who you see and talk to.
  23. I very much agree with this statement.
  24. 2) Since wireless uses radio waves to transmit data any obstacles or drastic change in the weather temperature can affect the wireless performance, furthermore with the aid of powerful antennas and the deployment of more antenna towers that should help boost the performance.
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