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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. Faster than simply brute-forcing By Dan Goodin in San Francisco • Get more from this author Posted in Security, 19th August 2011 05:00 GMT Free whitepaper – Fraud Alert - Phishing Updated Cryptographers have discovered a way to break the Advanced Encryption Standard used to protect everything from top-secret government documents to online banking transactions. The technique, which was published in a paper (PDF) presented Wednesday as part of the Crypto 2011 cryptology conference in Santa Barbara, California, allows attackers to recover AES secret keys up to five times faster than previously possible. It introduces a technique known as biclique cryptanalysis to remove about two bits from 128-, 192-, and 256-bit keys. “This research is groundbreaking because it is the first method of breaking single-key AES that is (slightly) faster than brute force,” Nate Lawson, a cryptographer and the principal of security consultancy Root Labs, wrote in an email. “However, it doesn't compromise AES in any practical way.” He said it would still take trillions of years to recover strong AES keys using the biclique technique, which is a variant of what's known as a meet-in-the-middle cryptographic attack. This method works both from the inputs and outputs of AES towards the middle, reusing partial computation results to speed up the brute-force key search. The technique is designed to reduce the time it takes an attacker to recover the key. Lawson continued: This technique is a divide-and-conquer attack. To find an unknown key, they partition all the possible keys into a set of groups. This is possible because AES subkeys only have small differences between rounds. They can then perform a smaller search for the full key because they can reuse partial bits of the key in later phases of the computation. It's impressive work but there's no better cipher to use than AES for now. AES remains the favored cryptographic scheme of the US government. The National Institute of Standards and Technology commissioned AES in 2001 as a replacement for the DES, or Digital Encryption Standard, which was showing signs of its age. The research is the work of Andrey Bogdanov of Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Microsoft Research's Dmitry Khovratovich; and Christian Rechberger of Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris. Bogdanov and Rechberger took leave from their positions to work on the project for Microsoft Research. ® Update Vulture Central has been deluged with missives from outraged readers complaining about the use of the word “broken” in the headline. "Broken" in cryptography is the result of any attack that is faster than brute force. The biclique technique described here allows attackers to recover keys up to five times faster than brute-force. AES may not be completely broken, but it's broken nonetheless. What's more, theoretical attacks against widely used crypto algorithms often get better over time. As Root Labs' Lawson has noted, MD5 wasn't compromised in a single 2004 paper. Rather, people successively found better and better attacks against it, starting in the mid 1990's. Web source: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/08/19/aes_crypto_attack/
  2. There is also a section in the PHP config file, that you can enable the reporting of all errors.
  3. I don't mind Konboot but it does have a tendency of failing sometimes, that's why I use NT password offline or some live CDs
  4. There are plenty of tutorials on Web site development on the Internet, 3WC (http://www.w3schools.com/) is one of them, it has plenty of contents aimed towards web programming. Now if you are new into the whole web development side of things, I would suggest to buy books on XHTML, CSS and Javascript, and learn all you can about them. Moreover, if you have time constraints, you could download open source web templates for free and modify them to your likes. http://www.oswd.org/ http://www.opendesigns.org/ http://www.oswt.co.uk/browse_designs.php http://opensourcetemplates.org/
  5. Yeah, you must have selected, the WPA2 Enterprise that requires a radius authentication server. That's why it prompted you for a username and password.
  6. I did a similar project when I was doing my IT Degree course back in 2008, and in order to update the information on the database, I designed a small web-based interface, that I could it bring up from any computer. You could do something similar to what I did and use it to update the information on the database. By the way, I used PHP, MySQL, XHTML and CSS to develop the mobile web application.
  7. Access denied, it sounds more like a permission issue. Try Sudo to see if that works!!
  8. Hey guys, I have re-calculated out storage needs, and in order to generate the following tables, we need around 50 to 60 terabytes, instead of what I stated above. By the way, these tables will have a success rate of 100%. numeric - ntlm 1 12 0 99999 999999999 14 loweralpha - ntlm 1 11 0 99999 999999999 4203 alpha - ntlm 1 11 0 99999 999999999 3783 loweralpha-numeric - ntml 1 10 0 90000 999999999 3727 Now we only need all the computer horse power we can get to generate these tables.
  9. Bruting forcing, would be the only option to recover your pics, since the certs are gone. On a side note, did you already install Windows after you formatted your HDD or is your HDD still blank?
  10. Unless you brute force you may be able to retrieve your pictures, but since your cert has been deleted during the formatting of your HDD. It would be impossible to recover your pics. Edid: Did you by any chance, back up your profile?
  11. It sounds like it's been turned off?
  12. Just wondering if you are throttling the upload speeds? Or what's the actual upload speed, if you do a test with speedtest.net
  13. @ ParMan, great work dude, I loved how you put the whole documentation together.
  14. Well, you are speaking to someone who used to live in a third world country. So yeahh, I understand what you mean perfectly well.
  15. Don't mean to offend you but next time you want to ask a question, you might want to do a bit of research on Google, I'm pretty sure you will find what you're looking for. That's what I would've done if I were you. Researching its a good method for learning and enriching your knowledge.
  16. Yes, very easy and simple to get started but if you are not careful enough you will get burnt very badly. I've seen cases of people, doing what you did and it didn't end up too well for them.
  17. Umm, you can actually crack WEP with a capture that contains very few IVS of data. There is a video in the securitytube that demonstrate this.
  18. WATCHING TV for six hours a day could shave five years off your life. New Australian-based research has found growing roots on the couch could do as much damage as smoking and lack of exercise, the Courier-Mail reported. Experts have previously linked sedentary behaviour with a higher risk of death from heart attack or stroke. The latest research published by the British Journal of Sports Medicine is the first, however, to study the impact of watching too much TV on life expectancy. Experts used previously published data on the link between TV viewing time and death from analysis of the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study. This was combined with Australian national population and mortality figures for 2008, to construct a "lifetime risk framework". Three years ago, Australians aged over 25 watched an estimated 9.8 billion hours of TV. Researchers calculated every hour of watching shortened the viewer's life expectancy by about 22 minutes. Based on these figures and expected deaths from all causes, the authors calculated an individual who watched an average six hours of TV a day over the course of their life, could expect to die five years earlier than someone who watched no TV. Separate research has shown lifelong smoking can shorten life expectancy by four years for those aged over 50. Using the same risk framework designed to monitor the impact of too much TV, the study calculated just one cigarette could cut 11 minutes from smokers lives - equal to watching 30 minutes of TV. "These findings suggest that substantial loss of life may be associated with prolonged TV viewing time among Australian adults," the reports authors found. "Because TV viewing is a ubiquitous behaviour that occupies significant portions of adults leisure time, it's effects are significant for overall population health." VicHealth acting executive manager Irene Venins said the latest research came as no surprise. She said the negative impacts of prolonged periods sitting at a desk at work were well documented and the would be no different at home. "The proliferation of computers around the office have contributed to prolonged sitting , which in turn is a key contributor to chronic heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis." Ms Venins said Australians should engage in a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity a day, or face the consequences down the track. "It's time to stand up for our health," she said. Web source: http://www.news.com.au/technology/too-much-tv-has-same-health-effects-as-smoking-and-lack-of-exercise-australian-research-finds/story-e6frfrnr-1226115622419
  19. Sorry for the confusion, you can have 2 channels operating on the same spectrum 2.4ghz or 5ghz. You might need to upgrade the firmware or hardware if it doesn't support it.
  20. Great work, keep it up.. How long do you leave your PC running for?
  21. Correct, but some wireless routers won't do channel bonding. A firmware upgrade might be the only viable option.
  22. I am going to download the Vmware server and do some testing. Will come back with the results later.
  23. Are you able to provide a screen shot with the error message?
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