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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. Well that's them not me. I did buy the books and watched the training videos from CTBnuggets and passed without cheating. And I do work in the IT field knowing what I am doing.
  2. Pass for sure: http://www.pass4sure.com/ And http://www.visualcertexam.com/ That's what I used for passing my exam.
  3. Not bad, but I'd still prefer if it supported USB3.
  4. I was going to suggest a profile rebuild, before attempting a full system re-install.
  5. Change the "Open with" with your favorite photo editor or viewer and see if that works. If it doesn't I got something else for you to try up sleeve.
  6. If the rainbow tables are all stored on a single site location, than its only a matter of submitting your hash and waiting for the cracking process to finish, since it's all happening locally. But if the rainbow tables are stored individually on different geographical locations than, I would assume it would take a long time depending on the connection speed and hardware utilization and specs.
  7. What happens if you rename one of the affected files from .jpg.mta back to .jpg does it keep the extension or does it revert back? Edit: I have also found that .mta extension is associated with one of the Microsoft Flight Simulator file. http://filext.com/file-extension/MTA
  8. I would say to a certain degree everything you do on the Internet is being monitored. I've read an article before, that some organizations are investing into DPI (deep packet inspection) so to an extend, if they have the resources and time and if they want they could monitor your traffic. Just give them a reason and you will see they will be on your ass.
  9. It all comes down to the proxy you are using as I mentioned before, certain proxies will keep a log and that's how they track you down. Turning off that ability is one way to hide your IP address, but that raises another problem, the ISPs also have the ability to log all transactions your IP makes.
  10. You can't remain invisible 100% of the time. You can hide your IP and make it difficult to be traced through what is called a chain-proxy. A chain-proxy as your mentioned in your post is a "Proxy, on top of proxy on top of proxy" or one proxy linked to the next and to the next and so forth. Now you need to be aware that certain proxy servers, will reveal your real IP address and log any transaction your IP address do. So its something to keep in mind too, when doing this kind of set up.
  11. I would get a NAS box that does at least RAID 5 or RAID 6 (can sustain a failure of 2 HDDs at once) but I wouldn't entirely depend on it for data protection. I would still revert to the traditional back up method (tape drive).
  12. No it doesn't, simply configure the VMs to use IP addresses in the desired range and add a virtual router which does the NAT or as your suggested a firewall like Smoothwall or Pfsense.
  13. Besides Silica, there is Backtrack but its all command line interface. It can also be run in a VM.
  14. What you need to do, go to RUN and then type registry. Once the registry editor is up, locate the following registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon And change the following registry values: LegalNoticeCaption LegalNoticeText A word of caution, make sure you back up your registry first before attempting any of this. Its very important, because anything you do wrong can have serious effect. Let me know how you go.
  15. Don't know if you have seen this link, but should give it a try and see how you go. http://doc.pfsense.org/smiller/Add_WiFi_Interface.htm
  16. When you installed the new drivers, did it install any side application at all. Like a control panel, you can find out by going into "All programs" from the start button and looking for any reference to BigFoot or Killer.
  17. I've been doing a bit of research into that, and it sounds too good to be true. Since I haven't tried it I can't really say much about it. It does look promising.
  18. I embrace User Error's idea all the way and like it very much. I plan on doing the same in my room, but I will be going over the edge a little bit (hardcore stuff).
  19. My current system has a WD Raptor HDD, and sadly that's the only hardware that's dragging down the system score 5.9. Preferably I like Intel and OCZ, they make high performance SSDs but price would be an issue for some.
  20. What happens if you type the ip address of your attacker's machine into your victims's web browser.
  21. Radius authentication is one solution, the other one would be using a Windows Server machine with AD (active directory) and NTFS permissions to control user access. But not very sure, how Linux and Windows will play together, on a side note I've tried it with Macs and seems to work fine.
  22. Yeah, I would recommend downloading the latest drivers from the BigFoot Network website (http://www.bigfootnetworks.com/) rather than using the drivers supplied in the installation disk. The latest drivers will often provide more stability and optimization enabling the card to work more efficiently. In addition, there are other things you can do such as tweaks to the settings of the card, that could also help improve your gaming experience.
  23. Very simple, use an Ethernet cable to connect both the AT&T uverse gateway and the WNDR3400 together. Make sure you disable the DHCP service on the WNDR3400, or it will conflict with your first router. When setting up the wireless make sure they have different SSIDs (network names) and they are operating on different channels, or you will experience interference or even drop outs. Let me know how you go.
  24. I like the idea very much, but unfortunately I don't live in Canada which sucks. It would be great, if there was such a club where I live.
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