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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. Or if you have a spare machine lying around in your house, you could turn it into a web server. Setting it up, its not difficult at all, just download Apache and install it as a normal application. Once installed, you will need to enable port 80 on your machine's firewall as well as forward port 80 on your router, so your friends can access your web server from the internet.
  2. I would create an image of the server's HDD, as well as use backup tapes to transport the data safely off site.
  3. First off, the reason why your local domain www.linuxconfig.org isn't resolving to your local IP address, is because the linuxconf.org domain already exist on the internet. What you could do is place a "-" in between the Linux-config.org or name it to something else, but before naming it to something else use the command PING to determine if the domain name is already in use. If you get a reply back then it already exists, try a different domain name until you find one that doesn't exist. Now regarding your last comment, "So it seems Ubuntu recognizes my DNS server, but for some reason all the DNS queries are still coming from outside the LAN (not me) and my server is listening but all the info goes in one ear and out of the other. " In the named.conf file what DNS servers did you specify?
  4. One thing you have to be aware of, is that the OS isn't going to be the only factor limiting memory capacity. You also need to determine if your motherboard can support those 24Gigs, if it doesn't than its a waste of money having those extra gigs, when you can't use them. Edit: But I would also have to agree with Mr.Protocol, just buy a copy of the Windows Professional x64, it will be a lot better off than installing patches, which could cause issues to the OS.
  5. You know what, I've always wanted to do that, but couldn't find the right add-on card. Out of the cards, I looked at none of them had support for ADSL 2+, they had only for Annex A and ADSL.
  6. May I recommend you to some of these websites. They are very informative for learning purposes. irongeek.com securitytube.net
  7. Ok, if you want to learn Linux, may I recommend installing Ubuntu on a virtual machine and you can then head over the Ubuntu website where they have forums and lots of articles. On the other hand, there are also books you could buy. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_1_6?field-keywords=ubuntu&url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&x=0&y=0&sprefix=Ubuntu Edit: Also keep tuned with the Hak5 tips, you can learn quite a lot from watching them too.
  8. There are a few programs, that I know of that is capable of informing you of any changes made to your computer. Will try looking for them and then I'll post them in here. Edit: By the way, there is a Hak5 episode of a guest, who did some Malware analysis and he used some tools to demonstrate what changes were made to the system, before and after the malwares were executed, you might want to check that out.
  9. What errors or problems are you experiencing?
  10. He sure did chance the IT world and totally agree it won't be the same without him.
  11. I would use WPA2 Enterprise, where it relies on a radius server for a second layer of authentication. So even if the end user knows what the WPA key is, he/she will still need to know what the username/password is, in order to authenticate and be able to access the internet.
  12. An USB GPS receiver, so you can plot all the access points you locate on a map. You can also use NetStumbler to output the coordinates of the access points, to give you a rough idea where they live.
  13. Just create a normal folder in the VM you want to share it from and then try to connect to it from another VM. Just like how you normally would if you were to share a folder between two physical machines, don't forget to set the security permissions too, or you won't be able to write or read information from it. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/301281
  14. You need to configure your IMAP client to use SSL. See the below articles for more details on how to configure. https://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=77662 http://www.liewcf.com/how-to-setup-gmail-imap-access-3449/#.To1rEZv23oM
  15. Executing a file that you have no idea what its consequences will bring about, its a really bad Idea. Go to the taskmanager and see if there is any unusual process taking up CPU cycles. Or post a screen shot of what your taskmanager looks like.
  16. A college of mine had problems with getting his computer to start up. So after a few attempts and troubleshooting managed to get it to boot up. After a few minutes of investigation, found that his PC was infected so I told him that would have to backup all his data and start from scratch again. During the backup process, guess what I found Adults movies, lots of pictures and every website he had visited were porn. That didn't surprise me at all, why the computer was experiencing difficulties booting up. Its a good thing that I am the one, repairing my computer problems. If it wasn't, I would've been so ashamed of myself.
  17. Note AutoRecover or AutoSave does not replace the Save command. You should use the Save command to save your document at regular intervals and when you finish working on it. AutoRecover is only effective for unplanned disruptions, such as a power outage or a crash. AutoRecover files are not designed to be saved when a logoff is scheduled or an orderly shutdown occurs. So there is a good change that you may not be able to recover that word document again. Article: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/107686
  18. Yeah, I've realized that. I guess its just there to alert users of the 15% discount when purchasing a domain from Domain.com.
  19. Technically you could add another reverse lookup rev.2.10.10 for that network, but you will need an additional NIC, because of the second subnet.
  20. Since its a different subnet altogether, you will need a router Or set up a second NIC on your server and assign that IP address range to it.
  21. To setup a dual boot OS, you will need to create a second partition on your main HDD and use that second partition to install Windows in it. How to partition a HDD in Linux? http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Partition/fdisk_partitioning.html Installing Windows 7 from a USB stick. http://www.gohacking.com/2011/06/how-to-install-windows-7-from-a-usb-drive.html Creating a Dual boot system. http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/9059/dual-boot-your-pre-installed-windows-7-computer-with-ubuntu/
  22. Have installed Bind9 and configured, as per this article and worked without any issues. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=236093
  23. I am currently installing Ubuntu as a virtual machine and will play a bit with Bind9. Will get back to you, once I have the whole thing setup and going.
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