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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. I bet you do have one of the best tech support calls ever. Looking forward to hear it.
  2. Hi Darren, This camera won't be traveling on the plane, I will have someone by my side filming my stunts with it. But I will try to attach your recommended camera to the plane somehow. Alternatively do you know of any other camera smaller than that, that also has wireless capabilities? Thank you in advance.
  3. Sorry, I just couldn't believe when I read the post, that's why I asked for pictures. But that's cool!
  4. Hi RichyB, I have found something that may help in answering your question. http://www.antionline.com/showthread.php?t=260223
  5. What if you play the video with a different player does it still do the same thing?
  6. That one might be a little bit trickier, you have to be sitting in between the client and the proxy server.
  7. Even though XP its old and out-dated, and may offer a better compatibility with some applications than Windows 7 does. But yes Windows 7 rocks.
  8. Are you able to post some images of the computer?
  9. What raid configuration did you set up those WD raptors with? Nice set up, I give u credit.
  10. Hi Nivong, Check this link out, just to give u more info on Dynamic DNS http://www.dyndns.com/ I use it at home as well, so if you have any queries on how to set it up, just PM me.
  11. Yeah share it with me, I won't do any harm, I promise you my friend. And before I begin with my attack, I will run your ip address through some tools, just to determine if you haven't given me a fake or different ip address.
  12. Port forwarding should work just fine. Or port triggering which is another method routers use to forward packets to a particular destination. Now if you want to encrypt the traffic, you could use something like OpenVPN. http://www.openvpn.net/
  13. If I am not mistaken its called a load balancing device, that can have 2 or 3 wan interfaces sharing more than one internet connection, and greatly reducing the load on the network. You could also set it up as a fail over as well, where if one modem fails, the remaining modems take over. I don't know if that's what you are referring to. But the link you provided does not work.
  14. I see if I can find something like that, and then I'll post it in here.
  15. "Isolate" by that you mean, using a Vlan switch. And then segmenting your network into small vlan groups and applying the necessary policies.
  16. That's the idea always implementing security measures in place and above all use of strong encryption.
  17. Even though you have to buy, Kaspersky is one of the best Anti-virus in world, detects almost 99.0% of all shitware. But if you are cheap like me, Avast 5 will do the job.
  18. Its not a bad movie dude, I even watched several times and kinda liked it. Wish they made another movie like that. Or perhaps Darren should be contracted to make the next movie and call it The Hak5 Movie. Trust your Technolust.
  19. Is this how your web site is suppose to look like? But I like the idea, I've also been thinking in setting up a website for putting my stuffs and showing off to people.
  20. No worries, glad could be of help.
  21. What use is it for, I would kill the bastard who invented it.
  22. I've been running Win XP Pro x64, on my computer at home for over 4 years. And have just recently purchased an OEM version of Win 7 Pro x64 and been using it on a VM for quite a while. I am really happy with how Win 7 performs in general, a lot better than Vista and XP in some ways. I would definitely recommend windows 7. But if you feel you are not ready, you could also use a VM to give it try before committing yourself to it.
  23. The → symbol stands for the right arrow key, ← for the left arrow key, etc. Win+↑ Maximize the current window Win+↓ If the current window is maximized, restore it; if the current window is restored, minimize it Win+← Dock the current window to the left half of the screen *If it is already docked left, it is moved to the right half of the screen *If it is already docked right, it is restored to its original size Win+→ Dock the current window to the right half of the screen *If it is already docked right, it is moved to the left half of the screen *If it is already docked left, it is restored to its original size Win+Shift+← Move current window to the left monitor (with dual monitors) Win+Shift+→ Move current window to the right monitor (with dual monitors) Win+Home Minimize all but the current window Win+Space Peek at the desktop Win+[Plus sign] Zoom in Win+[Minus sign] Zoom out Win+P Open the projection menu (generally used for laptops connected to projectors) Alt+P In Explorer, show/hide the preview pane Taskbar Modifiers (New in Windows 7) Shift+Click Open a new instance of the program Ctrl+Click Cycle between windows in a group Middle Click Open a new instance of the program Ctrl+Shift+Click Open a new instance of the program as Administrator Shift+Right-Click Show window menu Managing Windows Alt+F4 Close the active window Alt+Tab Switch to previous active window Alt+Esc Cycle through all open windows Win+Tab Flip 3D [more info] Ctrl+Win+Tab Persistent Flip 3D Win+T Cycle through applications on taskbar (showing its live preview) Win+M Minimize all open windows Win+Shift+M Undo all window minimization Win+D Toggle showing the desktop Win+↑ Maximize the current window Win+↓ If the current window is maximized, restore it; if the current window is restored, minimize it Win+← Dock the current window to the left half of the screen *If it is already docked left, it is moved to the right half of the screen *If it is already docked right, it is restored to its original size Win+→ Dock the current window to the right half of the screen *If it is already docked right, it is moved to the left half of the screen *If it is already docked left, it is restored to its original size Win+Shift+← Move current window to the left monitor (with dual monitors) Win+Shift+→ Move current window to the right monitor (with dual monitors) Win+Home Minimize all but the current window Win+Space Peek at the desktop Win+[Plus sign] Zoom in Win+[Minus sign] Zoom out Starting Programs Win+1 Open the first program on your Quick Launch bar Win+2 Open the second program on your Quick Launch bar Win+n Open the nth program on your Quick Launch bar Win+U Open the ease of access center Win+F Open the search window Win+X Open the Mobility Center Win+E Open Explorer Win+R Open the Run window [more info] Win+B Move focus to notification tray (the right-most portion of the taskbar) Win+P Open the projection menu (generally used for laptops connected to projectors) Win+Pause Open the System Properties portion from the Control Panel Ctrl+Shift+Esc Open Windows Task Manager Logging In And Out While the below shortcuts seem unwieldy because of their length, they're quite easy to remember once you try them out a few times. Win, →, Enter Shutdown Win, →, →, R Restart Win, →, →, S Sleep Win, →, →, W Switch Users Win+L Locks computer Viewing Folders With Explorer Alt+← Go back Alt+→ Go forward Alt+↑ Go up a directory Alt+D Move focus to address bar Alt+D, Tab Move focus to search bar Alt+Enter Open the Properties window of the current selection Ctrl+Mousewheel Change the view type (extra large, small, list view, detail, etc.) Alt+P Show/hide the preview pane
  24. That depends on what genre of music you enjoy to listen to. I personally prefer hardcore musics. They help boost my concentration. But if you enjoy a bit of everything, I would recommend them for you. Scar Symmetry Nocturnal Rites Sonyc Syndicate Metallica Kill Switch Engage Sentenced
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