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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. Yes, this is possible. Actually Digininja's proxy can do this. Kind of anyway. I'll speak to him about it.
  2. Please remember to use spoiler tags and don't quote incredibly long posts that don't use the proper tags. A thread will become very hard to follow ;)
  3. Hey Dajveed311, I suggest you upgrade to the latest firmware (2.7.7). It includes many fixes and should help you out a bit.
  4. Fixed in the next release.
  5. Telot, I had such high hopes for you.. :D
  6. You can't do the opkg update. scp the two kmods to /tmp/ and run this command: opkg install *.ipk Reboot before you do so. Do NOT do opkg update because otherwise there will be an md5 mismatch.
  7. Depending on firmware version, you will need to adjust your redirect.php file. That is why the redirection didn't work, the redirect is broken. Please upgrade to 2.7.6 - it has it fixed. Just copy what you see for example.com
  8. Yup, it will be in the next release.
  9. Hey Foxtrot, I'll get you your ledtriggers. For firmware 2.7.6 that is. Reading your post made me realize why the LEDs are currently broken. An update I did a long time ago removed the kmod without me realizing. Thanks! Anyway, kmods are attached. Best, Sebkinne kmod-ledtrigs.zip
  10. Thanks! Something like this is always nice to hear.
  11. Thanks for the reports! The issue was fixed in 2.7.6.
  12. Is there any real reason why you want a MAC?
  13. Alright d1000, 3G modems work again as of 2.7.6 - your USB stick should work too as you reported. Hope this helps.
  14. Thanks for pointing that out! It is because we aren't sending the 302 header. This is now fixed and will be in the next release.
  15. Version 2.7.6 has been released. 3G now works and the phishing pages will work correctly again - as long as the example in redirect.php is being followed. We seem to be approaching the next stable version.
  16. Same thing. The clients of the pineapple don't necessarily see what is behind it. Makes no difference if it is 3g, wifi or ethernet. The only thing that would show the difference is a traceroute. Still, because the clients see the pineapple as the router (which is what it is ofc), there is no need for arp poisoning.
  17. Tips? Well, you will need to get yourself a UART cable and then follow our instructions on cloud.wifipineapple.com
  18. You removed the /etc/ folder? If that is so, the pineapple won't boot properly. In that case the only thing you can do is to perform a clean flash over Serial.
  19. Well, no. The Pineapple is already the man in the middle. clients <-> pineapple <-> internet. That IS a true MITM attack ;) You'll need arpspoofing if you aren't the router. Seeing as we are.. ;)
  20. The issue isn't DNSSpoof but rather php's header function. That is somehow broken.
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