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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. The same amount of time as it does from anything else.. Upgrade time doesn't vary much.
  2. I didn't mean it that way. I meant the type of connection is up to the app (or at least the developer). I meant that Apple doesn't force you to use encrypted protocols. But, you are of course right, it depends on the protocol. I wasn't aware that it was Apple's baby - I would assume it is encrypted and protected well.
  3. To install nodogsplash just run: root@Pineapple:~# opkg install nodogsplash Installing nodogsplash (0.9_beta9.9.6-3) to root... Downloading http://cloud.wifipineapple.com/packages/2.8.0/nodogsplash_0.9_beta9.9.6-3_ar71xx.ipk. Configuring nodogsplash. No need for anything else. You may want to look at this for configuration. Note that you don't need those kmods - that is for backfire only.
  4. Sorry about that - package added. It was a small oversight and needs no modifications on your part - just an opkg update ;)
  5. I think it depends on the program - not on apple. You would have to find out what type of traffic is being sent back and forth by the app. If it is encrypted you are out of luck. If not, there may be some capturing possible.
  6. Not in 2.8.0 - that is being released right now. The issue with including this in a firmware is that there are POTENTIAL legal issues. Until we have figured out if we can or can't include it, we won't. I can say that technically there aren't any issues with it. Why? We would only unlock the world rules. This means that country restrictions still apply. If you were to be in Bolivia or similar, there aren't any country restrictions and world restrictions would apply. Of course, for now, if it is legal in your country, you can compile your own regulatory.bin and replace the pineapples. That will work without issues. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  7. Hey everyone, Since the last stable version (2.7.0) there have been many changes to the pineapple firmware. In version 2.8.0 you will find all changes from 2.7.0-2.7.7 plus the changes from the changelog below: Changelog: -Package Repositories -Added a 2.8.0 stable repository. No more issues with mismatched kernel versions. You will however get a "collected errors" message after the install is complete. Just ignore them if the only issue is a checksum mismatch. -Added an opkg workaround. -Various Fixes -Fixed a couple of broken links -Bugfixes Now, the changelog doesn't seem very large and granted, it isn't. But remember that this stable firmware includes all the fixes from the development firmwares. Stable firmwares are meant to be just that - stable. Their aim is not to add much functionality in comparison to the last development upgrade but rather to provide a stable, reliable firmware. We think we have come a long way since the last stable release and believe it will be a good base for the upcoming 3.0.0 release. Download: Over the air through the web-interface. (alternatively at http://cloud.wifipin...e.com?downloads) MD5: 6ac34bd228a3cc029d1f374b7248fd19 Note: If coming from a firmware version below 2.6.4, wait for the pineapple to fully boot back up after flashing then navigate to As usual, please leave any feedback in this thread. We hope you enjoy this release, it feels like one of the most stable yet! -The Jasager Team
  8. Please don't. It was a temporary issue and it has been resolved. Give it a shot.
  9. Alright, the caching issue we faced is resolved now. Please don't apply the above fix anymore / remove it if you put it there. Why? Because it means that you'll break other support. You'll see, the original url will work now. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  10. Yes, but I am too drunk to hit the big red release button right now ;) I will once I get back.
  11. Yeah, please don't do this. The issues seem to lie with you - works flawlessly here. Test it, go to http://cloud.wifipineapple.com/packages You'll run into issues at some point if you do the above 'fix'.
  12. I can't speak for the content hosted there. I agree it should be removed - though I am not responsible for it. I'll raise it.
  13. Look guys, I have drafted up a few elaborate responses to this thread, I just think giving a very condensed version will bring the message across more clearly. First of all, it is not only me that makes this decision. This decision was supported by Mr-Protocol, Diginja, Darren and myself. We took this step because we believe it is for the better of the community. Of course, in some aspects we may be wrong and we may make the wrong decisions, but at least in this regard we don't think so. This community is meant to be a place to learn and share knowledge. We don't mean to take that away from you guys. To be frank, creating these phishing pages, well, it doesn't take much knowledge to create one. It doesn't take a long time. You will find many tutorials, programs etc to make that easy for you. We will just not condone the sharing of clearly malicious pages. Want to share a made up site as a POC? Well, go ahead! Want to share a fake facebook page? Sorry, just don't. Introducing a section on the forum that you can only enter after X amount of posts for this kind of content.. well, that is silly. In all fairness, if you are on a pentest / whatever and you are counting yourself as "advanced", well it will take you less than 10 minutes to come up with whatever page you want. It is literally just changing a couple of lines of html. If people say that this knowledge shouldn't be necessary on a pentest, well.. I think this may be something you will have to learn. I don't mean to offend anyone with this post, but I hope I got my point across. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  14. Just go to the web-interface, upgrade, upload the file again. Make sure you have JS enabled of course. Saying that, I have a feeling that 2.8.0 will be out in a matter of hours if not minutes ;)
  15. What was your version before?
  16. I believe this is the case because it allows for world wide shipping and use.
  17. I am not sure what you are trying to do. The advanced menu shown in that screenshot is clearly a screenshot of the web-interface (although it is the old version). To get to it go to: FW version < 2.6.4 - FW version >= 2.6.4 - The advanced menu is not accessible through SSH. Only over the web-interface. Best regards, Sebkinne
  18. If you are not using the module but Reaver over the command line, well, it is no different than using it on a laptop or other device. For instructions and howtos, use this or Google.
  19. Decided it wasn't worth it for now. The page will come back at some point, I'm sure.
  20. We had no need to host it like that anymore. I believe something will come back at some point.
  21. Well, by all means, don't use our servers if you don't want to ^^ some services will just not work or are behind the scenes. Take opkg packages for example.
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