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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. This splash screen should only be seen once because the Pineapple is the only client the portal sees. After you log in once, all other clients connected should not be greeted by it anymore. Best regards, Sebkinne
  2. You can use sqlite3 to modify the database. We'll add dip switch configuration to our CLI soon. Best regards, Sebkinne
  3. I would go for the alfa awus036nha as its supported natively on the Pineapple and virtually all Linux distributions. Best regards, Sebkinne
  4. You shouldn't and cannot easily. I'd recommend grabbing a larger class 10 SD card. Best regards, Sebkinne
  5. You get mon0 from wlan1 actually. Best regards, Sebkinne
  6. We use our servers for the external IP: http://wifipineapple.com/ip.php But even though the webinterface says you are offline, you of course aren't actually offline. Best regards, Sebkinne
  7. No, not related. However, the webinterface would show you as offline. ICS should still work as normal as nothing passes through our servers. Best regards, Sebkinne
  8. Resolved, thank you for your patience. Best regards, Sebkinne
  9. Your USB stick is working and mounted to /mnt/sdb1 currently. This may change though, so make sure to check where it is mounted each time. You are meant to use the SD card for infusions, not a USB stick. Otherwise, feel free to use the USB stick as a storage device for logs, files, whatever. Best regards, Sebkinne
  10. The blacklist works just like Mac address filtering does on your home router. So if you blacklist a device, the Pineapple will ignore it. Maybe in the future we'll put different hooks into place to make this Karma only. Best regards, Sebkinne
  11. If you are comfortable in Ruby, do it in Ruby. You have no real need for php. I do suggest using a database to store your stats though. This is faster and more structured that using files - especially encrypted files. Best regards, Sebkinne
  12. Hey everyone, We are currently having technical difficulties with our hosting provider. We would like to apologize for the downtime and inevitable inconvenience this causes for our users. Please be assured that we are working to resolve this issue as soon as possible! Affected services are: *downloading / submitting infusions *downloading firmware upgrades *checking your online status in the webinterface may falsely report "offline" *downloading packages through opkg (you may use http://downloads.openwrt.org/attitude_adjustment/12.09/ar71xx/generic/packages/ to manually download packages) *The WiFi Pineapple Wiki *The wWiFi Pineapple Uni -The WiFi Pineapple Team
  13. Sorry for my a little blunt response! We really love it when members of our community contribute to out products, and are keen to see what you had in mind. I'm sometimes fast in my responses :) Send us and email, let's have a chat, we can update you on some API ideas and maybe you can give some input there. Best regards, Sebkinne
  14. There are a few things you have to watch out for: 1. WiFi Pineapple is a registered trademark of hak5. Someone tried to do this for an Android app and it seemed like it was made by us. In general, this can cause brand confusion. 2. This is also why taking money for the app could cause issues with our brand. 3. If you hosted a server, you would have to adhere to some laws. Any traffic passing through you could be illegal material. That can break several laws. Also, this is often again NDA contracts testers sign. They will not be allowed to have their clients data passed through your server. There are several security issues that can arise with this too. 4. We are working on a network accessible API to control the Pineapple. You may want to wait for this to be out as it'll just mean double the work for you. We also have another project planned in regards to this but I cannot go into detail on this currently. I do promise however, that waiting for out API would be wise. There are numerous other things we would need to discuss - if you do want to go ahead and make the app, please email darren@hak5.org and seb@hak5.org with more details and we'll get back to you on it ASAP. Edit: we will most likely optimize the UI for mobile devices soon, fixing the screen real estate issues :) Best regards, Sebkinne
  15. We do that a lot - make use of the viewing device's processing power whenever we can. This even works great when using lower end smartphones. Give me a bit of time :) Sebkinne
  16. It does make them stupid long, but they are raw logs. Before, we removed repetitions, but this slowed down the viewing of logs immensely. Note that we just didn't show them in the webinterface, there were present in the file. We will be adding filtering of logs soon, offloading the filtering to your browsers. Best regards, Sebkinne
  17. There are none that I am aware of. In regards to why the DIP switch upgrading doesn't work with 1.3.0, they are different files. You will need to use the 1.2.0 file we supplied and then upgrade to 1.3.0 through the webinterface. Or by following our "Upgrading Manually" instructions here. Those instructions work for 1.3.0. The bottom ones require a special file which is linked in that part of the instructions. A normal upgrade-1.2.0.bin or upgrade.1.3.0.bin will not work. EDIT: I just read that you are attempting to upgrade via the recovery webinterface. This is wrong and NOT the way to go about upgrading your WiFi Pineapple MKV. You should be using the WIFi Pineapple MKV's webinterface for it. Only if you are bricked should you attempt to use the recovery webinterface - and only with the file we give you in the instructions! Doing otherwise CAN break your device permanently. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  18. No ETA currently - but likely before Defcon. The latest firmware upgrades have actually improved the responsiveness of karma, but it isn't the big thing we have been dropping hints to. Will it require a hardware change? No. The WiFi Pineapple MKV can handle what we have planned for it. Until it is released, you won't hear much about it though, so bare with us. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  19. Absolutely. This is only when using ICS via ethernet from anoter machine. Best regards, Sebkinne
  20. I can explain this and hopefully clear some of the confusion. The WiFi Pineapple has the IP address of Any client connected to the WiFi Pineapple will use that IP as their gateway. That's how they end up getting internet through the Pineapple. The WiFi Pineapple's gateway is set to by default. That means that it looks for a machine on the network with that IP address and will use that as it's gateway. Note that if everyone on the network set .42 as their gateway, you would not be going through the Pineapple. The Pineapple itself does not have two IP addresses at all. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  21. That's fine, it's meant to restore the WiFi Pineapple MKV to a stable firmware. It doesn't need to be the latest, as you can then do a normal firmware upgrade. This is encouraged anyway. Best regards, Sebkinne
  22. You do need sudo for the commands to work - and MacOSX sadly isn't configurable through this script. You'll need to follow the guide on our wiki page. Please note that it isn't the Pineapple's or the Script's fault - OSX keeps changing the way ICS works and it doesn't work very reliably. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  23. An OpenVPN infusion would be nice to add to our list of infusions. I can give you a couple of pointers though: OpenVPN can be installed via "opkg update && opkg install openvpn" How to set up basic OpenVPN on openwrt: http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/vpn.openvpn Overall, creating an infusion for this shouldn't be too difficult - you can use UCI for configuration and if you are using firmware 1.3.0+ you can use some of our PHP functions (install_package($package_or_array, $destination="internal"), check_package($package_or_array)) to install said packages. Take a look at the file on your pineapple: /pineapple/includes/api/tile_functions.php Best Regards, Sebkinne
  24. Hey Fanbase, Can you tell us a bit more about what you are doing when it crashes? The only real way to have the logs you want is by using a serial cable. That way you can see the entire log. Make sure you have a long scrollback / save the scrollback to a file. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  25. Hey DrDinosaur, Sorry for not chiming in earlier, but I had a busy weekend. First, let me explain the /dev/sdcard/sd1 mystery. Everyone's fstab by default is set to /dev/sdcard/sd1 and that is how it should be. The reason for that is because it is a symlink to whatever /dev/sdX* the sd card is mapped against. We do this to increase the stability and reliability of the sd card randomly disconnecting / not mounting properly / conflicting with plugged in USB sticks. Now, the reason /dev/sdcard/sd points to /dev/sda is because that is the last known good configuration. But now, your SD card is not being recognized and therefore no /dev/sdcard/sd1 is created and linked to a real /dev/sdX1. So what does this mean? I think your SD card is dead. This happens - especially with the ones we ship with the Pineapple, they have sadly had issues in the past. You can find more information regarding the sd card issues here. Best Regards, Sebkinne
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