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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. It's on the page detailing the batteries in the booklet: "power switch must be in the on position during charging" Best regards, Sebkinne
  2. Before making such a statement, I suggest you look at where our source link is pointed: http://wifipineapple.com/source. This can be found on the bottom of our website. Following the release of the webinterface source code, we are going to compile a nice list of PHP and JavaScript functions that we have available for anyone to use. Furthermore, we are going to spend time expanding those functions, getting rid of some code duplication (like tabs) and so on. Edit: As you can imagine, we are rather busy and will try to document more as we go along. I'm unsure of how much documentation you expect however, as if you want OpenWRT documentation you should take a look at the OpenWRT Wiki. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  3. Xrad, Newbi3 is almost correct. It should be: "opkg install <package> -d sd" No slash in the destination. Best regards, Sebkinne
  4. Please do not do the above symlink as it can break sd card behavior. The original question was "Why can I not install infusions to a USB stick" and that was answered I think. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  5. The only issue I see described is the fact that you cannot save infusions to USB. And that is intended. Edit: To make it clear, adding USB support would not be hard for infusions, but it was left out intentionally because of the feedback we received. Best regards, Sebkinne
  6. Hi ACECORP and welcome to the forums! First of all, thank you for such a long and detailed post regarding your issues - we don't see that enough here. Sadly, the answer to your question is rather simple: The WiFi pineapple MKV does not permit USB infusions. It will only do internal / sd card infusions. We made this decision after a lot of feedback from our testers, saying it would be complicated to keep track of the different places infusions can be installed to. Ideally, we would never run out of internal storage and just have them all be installed internally, but as internal storage is limited, we have to add the sd card. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  7. Use google. Sorry, but this a tool that has been around for a long time. I suggest you do some research.
  8. iluvthreeway, I suggest you learn about ettercap. It can do many things. It's not a pineapple only program. https://ettercap.github.io/ettercap/ Best Regards, Sebkinne
  9. Quotes are not required, but I do suggest single quotes. In regards to mode, you need to set the mode to 'sta' for clientmode, 'ap' for access point (wlan1 doesn't support AP), and so on. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  10. For next time: "wifi detect > /etc/config/wireless" Best regards, Sebkinne
  11. Using the configuration file found at /etc/config/wireless allows you to set up everything you want. Executing the "wifi" command over SSH afterwards will run your configuration and connect to any networks. I am curious though, why do you not use the webinterface for this? It does all this for you in a jiffy ;) Either way, OpenWRT's wifi configuration sets up hostapd/wpa_supplicant/whatever up for you automatically - all it requires is a modified /etc/config/wireless file. Edit: This works for open, WEP, WPA2 (and possibly radius) networks. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  12. You should be using OpenWRT configuration for this. It's much easier to manage: http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/uci/wireless Best Regards, Sebkinne
  13. Can you ping wifipineapple.com? Best regards, Sebkinne
  14. That's not correct. We have removed uhttpd from 1.4.1 entirely. You may have installed it manually or maybe an infusion installed it, but we do not have it in the firmware. While these instructions may work for you, and anyone running uhttpd, they do not work out of the box on < 1.4.1. In regards to there being no solution published for the MKV as of 1.4.0, this is correct. It's a rather trivial process for nginx. Best regards, Sebkinne
  15. Often, our system flags forwarding agencies and we may not be able to ship to them. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  16. This is outdated as from 1.4.0 onward we have moved to nginx - which is MUCH faster than uhttp and also easier to set up in regards to https. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  17. No, that is exactly what you want. EvilPortal is a captive portal adjusted for a specific purpose. It makes use of the underlying captive portal though. Uninstall it, install nodogsplash (or, the infusion may have installed it already) and set it up. Darren made a video about this a while back - I don't have a link but Google will be your friend. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  18. Just a quick update: We should have the webinterface source up on github soon - and are of course going to consider any pull requests we receive. While we may not allow every change to be committed to the master, we welcome everyone's suggestions. Best Regards, Sebkinne Edit: Repository is now online
  19. We should be pushing this out by the end of the week, sorry for the delay. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  20. Actually, you'll probably want to use the webinterface to check for a firmware upgrade. That does everything for you, over the air. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  21. Sebkinne


    Very interesting, this could indeed be built into the WiFi Pineapple MKV. We'll take a look at it.
  22. It is possible. As Darren stated, it is never a good idea to fully drain your Pineapple Juice. Saying that however, I had an issue similar to this before. I was using the WIFi Pineapple MKV power supply by accident and that couldn't revive it. Once I used the correct power supply, after almost a full day of being charged, it finally worked again. I hadn't charged it for months, hence it was completely dead. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  23. This is what I use on linux. But sadly, there isn't a great cross platform alternative. Something I can encrypt a USB disk with / have a file in a dropbox which I can decrypt no matter what OS.
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