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Everything posted by rFayjW98ciLoNQLDZmFRKD

  1. Yeah! I'm at the Top! C and a little Perl
  2. I dont have any 5 1/4 disks!
  3. I loved my Ti-83+, that was the device that I learned how to program on. I am now trying to figure out a way to install linux on it :-)
  4. I tried to take a photo of my self, but this happened: :-)
  5. I always had a hard time going to sleep. I learned to live around it. I mostly just take little naps thoughout the day, and a "nap" at night for a few hours.
  6. Fag is defined as a buring stick, but to the most of us in the U.S. is is a derogatory word for gays
  7. My ThinkPad has built in Bluetooth and you can have some great fun messing with peoples phone, it’s well worth setting it up. Didn't think of that while creating the post. I forgot a few things Chocolate or other candyfavorite caffeinated drink (Dr Pepper and Pibb is my Fav.)
  8. I dont know jack about smoking, All I know it is a disgusting habit and I dont like to be aroud people while they are smoking. Can somebody explain the differances between the 100+ different types of cigarettes?
  9. I dont have a hacker backpack, but if I did, this is what I would carry: In the backpack:Laptop (with modem) 200+ mw WiFi Card 40+ gig hard drive (to ditch if needed) :-) omni directional antenna a "Cantenna" Small WiFi router second NIC PDA with Wi-Fi (modified for use for the antanas) cat5 cable (standerd and crossover) Null modem cable standard serial cable phone cable power adapters for all the equpment batteries for all of the equpment batteries modified to work with the routter speaker to use on phones (software bluebox) modified POTS phone On the "fishing vest"Pliers Screwdriver (plus, minus, and any other funky shapes you need) PDA with Wi-Fi (modified for use for the antanas) duct tape electrical tape wire cutters any manuals you need (could copy them to the PDA) thumb drive with the "package" small USB NIC Headphones for audio feedback/music (could create a bluetooth setup to look the the average joe that is talking on his phone)
  10. I buy from trusted proven online store, such as Newegg and tiger direct. I like newegg, I never had a problom.
  11. Thats is the best thing I have seen all day!
  12. if you are into making your own hardware, you can use it to power your circuits.
  13. Why pay when photoshop does the trick? (Shitty I know but for a 2 minutes job, not bad) [img ]http://static.flickr.com/88/206223348_98c05f5ae8_o.jpg[/img] Lawl! Thats great!
  14. I think steam is a good idea, except it is poorly implemented. They should sell the download games for less then the retail verson. It should have a much smaller footprint on your system.
  15. hum... they outsorced seam. So, humm... bame it on the indian who coded it! :-p
  16. I blame Microsoft! Valve makes too good of games to blame. :-)
  17. Man... I could work for NASA in the next couple of days It should be easy! They dont do backroud checks, just look at Shuttle Buran. They never look at Abez'iana's record when they hired him! :-)
  18. There is a plugin in XMMS that does it.
  19. Get one from MIT with the name Gordon Freeman! :-)
  20. Google is your friend. I dont think there is any script kiddie tools that you can use. Skype and other VIOP serves encrypt there traffic. You may beable to reassemble an unencripted call.
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