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Everything posted by rFayjW98ciLoNQLDZmFRKD

  1. Have you tried updateing the drivers? Or just reinstaling them?
  2. Most Mobos have a pin for the speaker, so no soddering to the mobo is not needed. I was thinking about using a relay conneted to the parallel port.
  3. He named it after his brother, who was named hitler, and used the sacred symbol ifor Hinduism and Jainism. </devils_advocate> You know it is for publicity
  4. I love the command line, but only under a Gnome enviroment. I'm not hard core enough to only have the command line.
  5. Sparta is a gost! look at is avitar.
  6. That phone may of used two diffrent frequencys for transmiting and receving. My guess.
  7. $ $ ./ _/ "I saw the software required windows 95 or above, so I switch to linux!"
  8. it can only happen on an anolog phone (such as your standard 900mhz chordless phone). It may have nothing to do with the electical storm, you have of had the radio in the right place to pick up a harmonic.
  9. Does that disturb any one else too? If it was bill gates on the bottom I wouldn't have any probloms. :-)
  10. the comand is festival, and he is running ubuntu. when you run it, you will get a prompt saying ">" the comand to say something is say "hak.5 is leet"
  11. Writing Makefile for XML-RSS Have you tried running the rss to html script, it seems like it installed correctly. also try sudoing in to.
  12. have you even looked at google or Wikipedia?
  13. OUCH! BIG BLACK LETTERS! Did that make anybody else scroll back to the top of the page
  14. It does it's job with MSN, I like it. I hate all first party IM clients. Plus I use linux!
  15. AIM for 12 year olds, MSN is popular, so is Yahoo. Jabber tops it all! IRC is king! I use Gaim for everything.
  16. Did you try cd to the dorectory that holds the file Makefile.PL and run perl Makefile.PL
  17. I would of personaly put it on the bottom, every time you eject the CD-Rom drive, it is going to get stuck on the adapter. my $0.02 cool and functional
  18. no, but I wish I lived in south park! :-)
  19. I guess i will have to share my face with the rest of the world too!
  20. but the hard dive companies like to rip people off so they say it is a 1000
  21. I dont, I zone out! I can't learn if I am not doing anything.
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