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Everything posted by rFayjW98ciLoNQLDZmFRKD

  1. I like House! Mine! I was hoping to show off some purdy XGL! :-(
  2. Perl-Script híd! :-) Hacker híd :-D
  3. Slackware has package management! The built in one is not very good, but it works.
  4. Alienwares are nothing now but suped up dells.
  5. scarcasm- n. When a woman gets so scared she has a little orgasm. Alternatively, a small orgasm resulting from a woman seeing a guy with scars, especially when it is suggested that he got them doing something noble or chivalrous. "That movie was so terrifying I had a scarcasm." "How did you get that scar, Paul?" "I jumped infront of a car to save my friends little brother." "That just gave me a scarcasm" Sarcasm - A form of humor that is marked by mocking with irony, typically with vocal over-emphasis via tone or volume
  6. It would be cool if it had a game that you had to achive a certain score to pass (some simple game such as PONG ar tetris) :-)
  7. upgrade to a larger hard drive! Trust me, I get a 160 giger, and I said to myself "this is enough," and I had it filled in weeks.
  8. 1:<rage> 2:<8 page rant on how linux, while super sexy, is not a replacement for windows in every situation> 3: ? 4: Profit! The beauty about linux is there is no step 4! :-) Step 3 is "enjoy linux, ignore step 4"
  9. when is the last time you reinstalled windows What about Linux! :-)
  10. to me, there is no such thing as "too old" or "too slow"
  11. I have a 100mhz laptop, the company that made is is not even around anymore
  12. festival speach synth! :-) I just dont know how to turn it into a wave
  13. That just looks cool! :-) It would be cool to do a tacerout and pin each IP on a map
  14. What knid of gamers, "solitare, mine sweeper, and Flash Games" of "HL2 had Quake4" if they are the first ones, Linux is perfect
  15. define "on the computer" My computer is up 24-7, doing tasks. So I am vertualy on it 24-7. :-)
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