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Everything posted by rFayjW98ciLoNQLDZmFRKD

  1. No more categorys, there are too many as it is my $0.02
  2. uninstall Zonealarm, go get open source alternative.
  3. Are we joing the twit army to take down the RIAA, MPAA, and the DMCA?
  4. Are you able to see your friends house directly? If you can, you can build two directional antennas using powerfull Wi-Fi cards (100 mw+)
  5. I think the big fancy word is "compressed"
  6. Is the matrix running on windows? Wouldn't the goast have to be a skilled programer to screw with the internal oporation of a computer (besides just turing it on and off)?
  7. I'm on a truck, not one of thoes people stuck in a tube.
  8. uhh dont you think i tried that first? Google can tell you the name of the song and the band that created it, so you can go down to your favorite record store and buy it.
  9. Parody film anyone? With a good heads-up time, I'll be willing to make the trip out to VA to help film and run audio (I'm not actor, but I do have experience behind the scenes running cameras, lighting, etc). I have heaps of time, but not for long, school starts soon.
  10. Bethlehem, PA Winners dont do wares! I'm going to assume that you downloaded a DVD that is under a CC licence, like the hak.5 dvd. To burn ISO's and just the raw files (like in the hak.5 DVD) under windows, Deep Burner works nicely. Under Linux, X-CdRoast works nicely.
  11. I realy have no idea, I just delete it. I still cheak up on my old yahoo account: I'm glad I abandoned it RED = SPAM; BLUE = SPAM
  12. I have a solution! We slow down the earths rotation so we have 36 hours in each day. We already screwed the world with global warming, how much damage can this do? The planet will be fine. Only the occupants will be screwed. :) Thats comforting!
  13. I always wondered if they make up some of this to try to give some of these senseless wars meaning.
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