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Everything posted by rFayjW98ciLoNQLDZmFRKD

  1. I'm just dissing the one that runs windows
  2. *Envy* I'm rocking both the Treo 650 and 700w. Gotta say some thing about the 700w are nice, but the "services.exe has performed an illegal operation, would you like to submit an error report?" messages during a call are a bit annoying. *no joke* :ninja: Ha ha, you phone runs windows! :-) Have you ever blue screened on that?
  3. When you would rather upgrade your linux kernal then go on a date :-)
  4. Computer controled oponent! For thoes without any friends! :-)
  5. You could get a cheep hub and listen in that way, or get a computer with two NICs and play man in the middle.
  6. Is his ISP comcast! :-) It is most likely that his router is poorly configured. He may want to open some ports.
  7. Ewww! Color! :-) I find that the avitar is the only way that I can tell who it is. So every time melodic changes is avitar, I wonder how that noobie got two bizillion posts. :-)
  8. Hum, yes, crack your own password! mmmm, yeah!
  9. I looked into fiber, but the exra cost and all of the afortable cards only go up to 1 GB/s, I'll save my money and use GB ethernet. (Still jelous of the fiber)
  10. Do I need to post the disclamer again?
  11. The english laguage sucks! Othing makes sence, and nothing works out the way you think it would. I wonder if Microsoft created the English language :-)
  12. It says Hak.5 way too much. If it didn't have the logos on the left hand side, then I think it would look cool.
  13. What about thoes invitory guns, do they use a stadard WiFi conection or there own system?
  14. Try this and Google and cheak the front page, there is a place called Goodies
  15. What OS are you using, many windows drivers dont allow you to see other peoples trafic.
  16. Nice, even though my AMD K-6 is eight years old, I still cant get rid of it. It has way too much sentmental value, it was my first computer. That was the machine taht made me not develop a socal life! :-)
  17. Welcome to the forums, as I can see, you havn't watched all 10 episodes of hak.5. Even then, I can tell you havn't looked at Google or used the forums built in search function. They are tools created to help the repeat of questions.
  18. I showed hak.5 to my friends, they didn't care for it. They are not the "geeky" type.
  19. I agree, I hate football and find it boring as all hell. However, I find baseball to be even worse. ... I wish cricket would replace baseball in the US (or even better, Soccer), that's far more entertaining. i only have one thing to say to that: 00000000000000000000 00000000000000000000 00000000000000000000 00000000000000000000 00000000000000000000 00000000000000000000 00000000000000000000 00000000000000000000 00000000000000000000 00000000000000000000 My poor attept at the +digg icon
  20. Why do they think that, Hak.5 gets more people into "hard core" tech, or at least security conscious. They have a misconception that Hak.5 encourages illegal activity. I don’t need anyone to encourage me. :D I’m going to be in Vegas from tomorrow afternoon to Monday evening. You're not staying for def-con? :-)
  21. You can actuly use cat5 for gigabit? Does it have any probloms?
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