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Everything posted by rFayjW98ciLoNQLDZmFRKD

  1. I always wanted to get a fingerprint reader, but I need one that works well under linux.
  2. I never sell my rigs, I just give them "odd jobs" to do.
  3. I would kill for some over the air commercial free channels. Must... Buy... Tampex...
  4. Your assanine politicans may screw everything they lay a finger on, but your troops are doing there best to make the best of a fubar'd situation. Much respect to the armed forces. Agreed
  5. http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1674 #3
  6. All the U.S. documetaries on the war just show how much we are screwing things up! :-) Plus, BBC has Doctor Who!
  7. Fire fox is basicly what your looking for, you can configure prety much anything to exacly how you like it.
  8. OS are very complex things, you cant expect to be a noobie and be able to create a distro, no offence.
  9. I always felt that AMD and Nvidia were "partners"
  10. That is cool! Now I want to build one!
  11. You only do that with dead hardware, and most times, you can strip all of the hardware out of it that works.
  12. I played around a bit with cinelerra, This is the first time that I heard of jakshaka
  13. I didn't care much for the PHP segment, Watching somebody code is prety boring. I realy evnjoyed the X-Box modding segment. More Hadware mods would be cool.
  14. Cluster! http://clusterknoppix.sw.be/
  15. Theres always a way into a system, nothings perfect. Physical Access! :D
  16. Isn't it easer just to type ".com" or ".net"
  17. holy fuck same (almost) here i don't watch 24 but like comedy central I watch comedy central (The daily Show, Colbart Report) and once a week, I turn on "E" for the soup.
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