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Everything posted by rFayjW98ciLoNQLDZmFRKD

  1. What kind of MP3 player do you have? most likely puting a Podcast downloader on to your MP3 player ould be useless if it does not have WiFi. You could have the app loaded on to your player to run every time that you plug it into a computer, you can resync with the world. is that Laughing Man?
  2. looks nice, the keys look a little out of place, they need to be painted to
  3. Where is the plane!? HL2 mod idea, Microsoft Takedown! The plot: M$ wants to control all of IPTV, and you play one of the cast members to go take down the evil empire with your open ource furry!
  4. I think it is time to rebuild the internet, bbs and directly conect and encrypted via 56ks! Take that NSA!
  5. I thought it was Erie, PA. Or the Erie County, in Western New York. All near lake Erie.
  6. http://homokaasu.org/errors/404.html
  7. I am very shure that will snot smell too good after a while
  8. I'm slowly learning a few languages BASIC C - learning Bash scripting
  9. I don't play games ... I stopped when i was 17.. that was 5 years ago :) social life guys!!!! social life!!!! 8) Social Life!? Thats way too complex for me, I'll go back to reading my book on 3d programing theory.
  10. debianuser, how do you take care of your gaming fix under linux? How do you resist not playing HL2, CS:S, Fear, etc...? I play doom and Quake under linux, but there are some games that are not suported natively, but some games such as the ones listed(mostly HL2 and all mods) are a b!+ch to run under linux with some speed.
  11. The more and more I got into Computers, the more I noticed how windows sucks. I always fould that every thing just works under linux, nothing breaks unless I break it (I had many "whoops" moments under linux, but I was smart to make [config_file].conf.backup). I always hated using windows built in networking, it never worked the way that I wanted it. I should beable to just enter in the IP of the computer that is hosting the printer. </rant> 85% of my life is under linux, and soon, the 15% under windows should be soon replaced by linux or OSX (I'm looking into geting a MacMini, or just emulate it)
  12. SYNTAX ERROR: use of value "1337" without <scarcasm> tag creates invalid output.
  13. Is it normal to find racks (the computer term) to be purdy!
  14. I would strongly recommend you don’t, as you will be mounting lot’s of expensive, heavy equipment that need to be kept secure and with good air flow. It’s not that you can’t build one, it's that it is not a good idea to. If you build and disign it correctly, why not. Just dont have it held together by duct tape.
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