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Everything posted by rFayjW98ciLoNQLDZmFRKD

  1. unforately you have to, each copy only has one licence. One licence = one machine! install ubuntu on your mother's machine :-)
  2. I should listen to armadaender , metatron, and aardwolf more closely! :-)
  3. I play CS;S, Now that I switch to 100% linux, i have been mostly playing games that run nativly under linuc such as quake. CS;S laggs too much under wine :-(
  4. it's digg verson 3.1 or 3.2, it's verson three anyway, I just know it went down at least twice.
  5. http://digg.com/users/Computer_Kid/dugg dugg
  6. I rember going dow to the computer lab that had a bunch of AppleII's. There was only three copies of orgon trail and 20 students. The printer also broke alot and insted of printing out what you wnat, it just spat out a bunch of 1's and 0's. Thoes were the days.
  7. relesed in 1984 released in 1985! they had a whole year to copy them!
  8. what about the RPG programming language?
  9. is this the todo list for bill gates!?
  10. I want to get my hands on a GP2X, much cooler and it is already running linux! :-)
  11. Which sucks balls if you're trying to help them fix something remotely... "Ok, so which version of Windows is that?" "Err... Dunno?" <cue 10 minutes of trying to get them to describe things to help you establish which version of Windows they're running> <cue 30 minutes of explaining how to do a 20 second job> <cue heavy drinking> stop bringing up bad memories! :-)
  12. That doesnt mean that it wont fail. The bottom line is still the consumer will have the option of buying a computer pre-installed with vista. I bet if you walked into a computer shop and all the comps had vista pre-installed and you told them you wont buy it with out XP that they will soon remove vista for you and install XP on that machine. The bottom line is it comes down to the consumer and once the consumers notice how shit vista really is they wont want it, they will just keep XP. most poeple who only use there comp for p0rn, myspace, facebook, and AIM dont even know what an OS is, let alone what verson is installed.
  13. "Are you sure?" "Are you sure?" "Are you sure?" YES! I AM SURE! I ONLY DUBBLE CLICKED ON IT, SO RUN IT! Windows Vista is going to be used because people are going to buy it with it preinstalled on new machines. To be used as an upgrade, it's going to fail. Most people havent even installed the security upgrades, witch are free, let alone buy a $200+ OS.
  14. Same here. I've havn't had a virus, trogan, worm or crash in a very long time. My fucking windows install crashes all the time. Thanks to nVIDIA's shitty motherboard drivers, I have a crashtacular system, for windows at least. It doesnt concern me much cause all I ever use windows for is CounterStrike:Source, which apparently doesnt use my motherboard. :P I has the same problom. CS:S runs ok under wine. It has some glitches, but it works!
  15. fractals are not random! :-) No such thing as random, something always has an effect on things, so nothing is truely random. :) chaos theory?
  16. wouldn't it be more efecient to cook with the CPU and the GPU? Just overclock it to make it hotter!.
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