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Everything posted by rFayjW98ciLoNQLDZmFRKD

  1. <constructive_criticism> Your signiture should not be 20x bigger then your posts </constructive_criticism>
  2. has anyone tried this under Linux using wine. When I tried it under wine, it locked up. When I start it without the rtb tag, it works but without multiplayer
  3. I'm almost at a 1000! There needs to be more ranks! I've been a Fan ++ for over a year.
  4. What? like burp and fart? No, like post crap on myspace, chat on AIM, send texts on their cell. The important moents in a clilds life. :-p I weep for the future I'm part of that future, and I'm already scared. Me too, I want to move to a nice nutral European country. I should be safe there when american pop culture colapes society.
  5. Why was "love" and "my [heart] xou" scrachd in your phone? :-)
  6. What? like burp and fart? No, like post crap on myspace, chat on AIM, send texts on their cell. The important moents in a childs life. :-p
  7. Agreed, If you cant I sugest getting an AM2 socket mobo abd CPU. You will beable to upgrade your CPU later on.
  8. Keep in mind that that is comercal music, and that requires a licence. Hak.5 is not G4, they dont have millions to spend on something stupid such as licensing. Plus, music under a CC licence is much cooler! It's made bacause they enjoy making music, not making them money! :-)
  9. I refuse to play WoW, or any other mmorpg. I already spend too much time on the computer! I'm trying to get a life, a girfriend, the "normal" stuff! :-)
  10. I dissagree! The more any one talks, the less they actualy say. Do you even think befoe you type!?
  11. it also depends if the phone is on too, nothing can short (posibly the battery) when the phon is off. A quick dissasbly and letting it dry usualy does the trick.
  12. Welcome to the forums! I personly use festival, mostly because it is open cource, and it sounds better then M$'s speach system. Does you application have a command line interfce?
  13. I'm dissapointed, there is no linux screen saver! :-(
  14. I think some of us are like that! :-) when you feel liek shit what do you do, i go play video games on the computer.
  15. what you do is 500 gb hardrves in each pocket! 1TB pants!
  16. Member Since: July 22, 2005 I like the old digg, when it was all geek news. I am moving more and more back to .,/
  17. I have to disagree. I can see how that can work in the main loop of society. It seems that most "geeks" exist in there own section of society. I see how Garda's view can work with the"popular" people, teh peopl who only exist for sex. "Geeks" do look for loyalty because we are dedicated people.
  18. What is more complex, women, or the B-2's electrical system? :D
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