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Everything posted by rFayjW98ciLoNQLDZmFRKD

  1. Build your own! I seen some people on the tubes that done this.
  2. Ah, they're devising new techniques to properly target their audience. Spot on with that one. :P Girls dont hate me, I just have Gynophobia! :-)
  3. I did the dishwashing thing for a few months in my Junior year of HS. Didn't mind it too much, I made friends with the cooks instantly and after I rescued a few of their computers ... that he was a waste of human life, and some other stuff that I can't remember. I'm now banned from that resturant, and it was well worth it. I had to fix the computers a few times. Quiting that job was my new years resolution! on 12/31/05 at 11:50, I punched that clock for that last time and never showed up again! I got a "creapy" call from my boss a few weeks later asking me to come back (lets just say that she was "turing on to me" and I didn't feel like being on fox news).
  4. Kroger, the second worst job I had, number 1 is washing dishes. I have to deal with stupid people all day long. I am not going to miss that job at all!
  5. I should demand to see the source code of the aplication that could prevent me from getting a job. The best part is you have to do "training" on the computer (thank god I got paid for doing it). The quizes all had VB script errors. :p I cant wait untill the end of the month when I quit!
  6. No, it's to make shure that they dont hire someone crasy. I had to take it twice, the first time it said that I was an angry person with good work ethic. :-p
  7. It took me two weeks to get a crap job working as a cashier at a supermarket (I had to take a bunch of personality test). I first applied at target a month a go, and they just called the other day for an interview.
  8. "Hackers are sometimes portrayed as mysterious and strange" Thats true with me! :-)
  9. Isn't Yellow Dog for PPC architecture?
  10. Dont run it on windows, run it on linux. There are 1000x less security problems.
  11. "Making Windows more barable" Install Linux, BSD, etc...
  12. I say let it spread it's self. If you force it to grow, buch of people are going to join, suck the life out, and leave, causing the death of Hak.5. If you let it grow, the show and the comuity the surrounds it will evolve.
  13. Comming this summer [flash image of the evil server] A new Evil is born [close up of the evil server (dell style)] And only one can stop it! [show wess] comming soon
  14. I understand what you are saying, but there are better ways to find something basic out (Google, Wikipedia, the search feature, etc...). The Hacklings keep forgetting that.
  15. hacking involve creativity! Hacking is an art, you cant expect a text book to tell you what to do, you have to find the volerable spot (I'll give you a hint, the Teachers) and go from there Computer_kid or Hak.5 support the hacking of equipment that you dont own or have permission to
  16. MPAA and the RIAA!? What, I wasn't listening.
  17. how do they all work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTFS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FAT32 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EXT2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext3 and why cant i see my ext3 partition in windows: You can! cheers : Google is your best friend, Wikipedia is like your mother, Give them a call every once in a while
  18. It may be conficting with your firewall (zonealarm)
  19. What about the sequal to the CS movie :-)
  20. I would try it, but I dont even know what expesso is!
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