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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Damnit!!!!!!!! I had to cancel my flight so my wife could take an emergency flight to AK. Oh well. I'll see you guys at derbycon. I can drive there!
  2. If you install your infusions to the sd card, they will come back after a factory reset.
  3. Disconnect the pineapple from your router, connect to the pineapple's wifi, should work after that.
  4. Pretty sure what you need to do is set up the wireless from the network tile. Go to Access Point and set the ssid, channel and encryption/password. Then set the eth0 to dhcp, config interface lan option ifname eth0 option type bridge option proto dhcp # option ipaddr # option netmask # option gateway # option dns and completely disable the dhcp server on the first pineapple, comment out all the dnsmasq part of /etc/config/dhcp. #config 'dnsmasq' # option 'domainneeded' '1' # option 'boguspriv' '1' # option 'filterwin2k' '0' # option 'localise_queries' '1' # option 'rebind_protection' '1' # option 'rebind_localhost' '1' # option 'local' '/lan/' # option 'domain' 'lan' # option 'expandhosts' '1' # option 'nonegcache' '0' # option 'authoritative' '1' # option 'readethers' '1' # option 'leasefile' '/tmp/dhcp.leases' # option 'resolvfile' '/tmp/resolv.conf.auto' Reboot or just do a /etc/init.d/network restart What this will do is give your pineapple a dhcp ip address from the school network, and also allow any client you connect to the wireless you set up a dhcp address from the school network. Now from your second pineapple just use client mode to connect to your first pineapple's wireless and you "should" get normal pineapple network ip address from your wired and wireless network. I say "should" because I only have one MKV pineapple so I only set up pineapple 1 on my pineapple, pineapple 2 is just our standard client mode pineapple, that most of us have already used for getting updates and infusions. The only downside to all this is you no longer know what the first pineapple's ip address is...
  5. Yes, but it won't see all 64Mb of memory. There was some talk about that on the version 4 section.
  6. They didn't access anybody's access point though, at least not on purpose. They were running a kismet like application, the guy who wrote it is the same guy that wrote netstumbler. Any of us actually do the exact same thing running kismet, with the pcapdump log enabled. They logged data that was transmitted in the clear from unencrypted access points, as they drove by! You can probably imagine how little actual data was captured. You might get a packet or two with a web address in it. Maybe if they were stopped at a light, or a stop sign on a busy street they might have captured a bit more. The data was saved, which it wasn't supposed to do. Google turned themselves in. They were going to delete the data, but then the lawsuit started and then they couldn't because it was now considered "evidence". Like Sitwon said. It's now what we think, because we know what the hell is going on. It's what a lawyer can talk a judge and a jury into.
  7. As long as the processor is 64bit, which it is, it should work. The old one probably wasn't, that's why it didn't work. OSX has been 64 bit only for a while now.
  8. No, that's not what they did at all! They were logging access points for their location tracking software. The software was keeping all the traffic it saw while they were driving around instead of just the location info. The did no scanning of the internal networks. Technically all they were doing was wardriving with the streetview cars.
  9. I was talking about karma. Also your comment about ssl strip is wrong. And yes, this could fall under wiretapping laws, just ask Google. They got their ass handed to them for keeping shit that was transmitted in the clear. Now imagine if they were actively pretending to be legitimate wireless networks.
  10. Darren shows how to do this here. http://hak5.org/episodes/hak5-1517
  11. If you have an old pc sitting around, pfsense should work on it. My home firewall is a 4 year old Hp desktop. Wicked overkill, but hey, it was free. Just need to add a couple or at least one more pci network card in it, and you have a bsd firewall! We use core i3 dell boxes for client site bds firewalls. We order them without windows and add an extra card when they come in.
  12. http://samiux.blogspot.com/2014/02/howto-kali-linux-106-on-macbook-air-mid.html
  13. I'd worry about the batteries. They don't like heat.
  14. The karma log shows connections as well.
  15. I'd remove all the foam anyway. It's just going to burn up your components. Use velcro or command strips to hold the stuff inside. At least you'll get some airflow around the hot stuff. The wooden box is going to insulate the stuff as well.
  16. Dude, the last post was 4 years ago.
  17. I set it up on a pfsense box and also added a few thousand knows porn sites. On a home router I think it won't work as well, not enough memory to hold the tables. Yea, memory issues could happen. http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Ad_blocking
  18. NFM – Narrow FM AM – Amplitude Modulation LSB – Lower Side Band USB – Upper Side Band WFM – Wide FM DSB – Double Side Band CW-L – Continuous Wave Lower CW-U – Continuous Wave Upper
  19. I've seen similar ones at home depot and at camera stores. Okay, I lied, home depot doesn't have them anymore, but I did find these on the walmart site! http://www.walmart.com/ip/Trademark-Tools-3-Piece-Aluminum-Storage-Box-with-Lockable-Clasp-and-Handle/19716830?action=product_interest&action_type=title&placement_id=irs_middle&strategy=PWVUB&visitor_id=82308004231&category=0%3A1072864%3A1067618%3A1218948&client_guid=565ca340-5f53-4be8-9b8c-7d05e9a0439c&config_id=0&parent_item_id=19612059&guid=356d6d28-819b-4359-8ad4-e148cd815f91&bucket_id=irsbucketdefault&findingMethod=p13n This looks close to the case above. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Eclipse-900-048-18Inch-X-13Inch-X-8Inch-Tool-Case-BLACK/14698800?action=product_interest&action_type=title&placement_id=irs_bottom&strategy=PWVAV&visitor_id=82308004231&category=0%3A1072864%3A1031899%3A1067611%3A1067763&client_guid=6dd2a934-0cef-47d6-b14c-6cf88daaace0&config_id=0&parent_item_id=19716830&guid=b1e0ea98-9cb3-4cbc-b9ae-3a9f24e14a4b&bucket_id=irsbucketdefault&findingMethod=p13n
  20. You can also upload kismet files to wigle.
  21. Wow, you're leaving real early!
  22. F-22 P-51 F-16 Took this at the Dayton Air Show a few years ago. These were the first aircraft I worked on. This was the last aircraft I worked on before I got out.
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