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Everything posted by H@L0_F00

  1. Process Explorer from Microsoft Sysinternals might be exactly what you need. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinte...s/bb896653.aspx Right click on a process and the "Performance" or "Performance Graph" tabs should have what you're looking for.
  2. I just got back into learning C and finished a tutorial on Arrays. I'd been thinking about a program like this one, where you can add a bunch of numbers without having to declare a whole bunch of different variables. I knew an array would be how I could do this but I wasn't sure exactly how so when I finished the array tutorial I immediately started visualizing this: #include <stdio.h> int main() { int array[50], numstoadd; int total = 0; printf("How many numbers would you like to add?\n"); while(1){ scanf("%d", &numstoadd); if(numstoadd < 2){ printf("Please use at least two numbers.\n"); continue; } else if(numstoadd > 50){ printf("Fifty number limit, just cuz I said. :)\n"); continue; } else{ int i = 0; printf("Input one number per line.\n"); for( i = 0; i < numstoadd; i++){ scanf("%d", &array[i]); total = total + array[i]; } for( i = 0; i < numstoadd - 1; i++){ printf("%d + ", array[i]); } printf("%d = %d", array[numstoadd - 1], total); fflush(stdin); getchar(); return 0; } } } The thing is, when a char is put into "numstoadd" int the 50 max nums line keeps going until I end it. Also, if a char is put into one of the array elements that is to be added, it jumps straight to the total with a bunch of random numbers. How can I stop something like this from occurring by maybe verifying that the input is an integer or something similar? And, is this a buffer overflow? If not, what is going on in memory (other than "You can't put a char into an int variable" because I already know that)? Thanks in advance.
  3. +1 vote for starting this back up again
  4. Everybody needs to read this. Hell, it probably deserves its own post, but maybe, just maybe, someone will actually read this. How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
  5. Traceroute would show you the different hops a packet would take. If you can relate the IP of your switches to their physical location you should be able to determine where the router is. Say you traceroute google.com and your results are: google.com (could be several different IPs because google is huge) And the IP you were assigned by DHCP is something like then you would know that the router lies somewhere between the switch with IP and the switch with the IP of
  6. Breadboards are your friend. You'll want to get started with the basics of Electronics Theory and perform your own experiments to get a better understanding of how things work. You might want to get yourself a multimeter if you're really wanting to get into electronics. Proving Ohm's Law usually makes it stick a lot better than just reading about it. You can go down to your local electronics shop (Frys, Radio Shack, etc.) and pick up a small breadboard for less than $3 USD which will get you started because you won't want to get into soldering immediately. As for learning, I'm sure a quick google of "Electronics Theory" or just even "Learn Electronics" will come up with more than you will ever need. Although I haven't read it, you might want to check out "Electronics for Dummies" which will teach you from the stand point of knowing little to nothing about electronics. I'm glad to see somebody interested in the origins of hacking... Before it was "I PWNZ J00!!1" and all that bullshit... And I'm here to help, which is why I didn't put links to anything. It's far better to be taught to learn than to just be taught (i.e. me telling you where to look, not giving you all the answers). Oh, and one last thing... I hope you don't mind burns ;)
  7. Is it just me or is VaKo the only one being logical and thinking about the consequences of past actions and what will come of our soon-to-be-implemented, if not already implemented, actions? Most of what you all are arguing about is extremely biased and isn't backed by anything whatsoever. You're all being surrealistic, egotistical, and increasingly partisan. Without a median you cannot arrive at arrive at your destination. Without having a way to better yourself, you obviously can't better yourself. I agree with VaKo completely. Everything coming from him has been incredibly backed, unbiased, concise, and logical, while almost no one else has come close to even being worthy of being taken seriously. You're all being childish. Like VaKo said, grow up...
  8. Sounds like Satellite Internet I think. Traceroute wouldn't work though since he cannot obtain an IP address in the first place. Wouldn't setting his NIC into monitor mode and connecting directly to the 'antenna' (which sounds like it acts like a modem to me, as well) allow all traffic to be seen and logged? There should be some form of traffic going through it, right?
  9. H@L0_F00


    ARP packets are not broadcasted, they have a specific MAC/IP they're supposed to go to, otherwise you could ARP poison a whole network with just a single ARP packet haha Hurtcake, what is it that you're actually trying to do? Because you could just put your NIC into monitor mode and view everything without having to setup a MITM.
  10. H@L0_F00


    I once soldered a +12V lead to my processor
  11. Why not make sure your connection is as secure as possible? SSH, SSL, whatever you're gonna do and a long, randomly generated password. With SSH you should use public and private keys as well.
  12. Why would you need to unlock your doors over the internet? That seems really foolish, putting your physical security at risk over the internet... Not too bright, especially if you're not good with server security, connection security, etc. You might come home one day and find some cracker waiting for you, after he's taken all your stuff... But by all means, do whatever else you'd like, the locks just aren't very smart.
  13. Try to unhide them with the same tool you used to hide them with in the first place?
  14. Evidently my school hasn't actually bought the license for Vision6 haha I tried monitoring a couple computers in the library yesterday but when I tried to connect I got an error message saying that the "Serial has expired on this computer!" or something similar. Pretty funny if you ask me! Hahaha
  15. Soldering iron Solder (Non acidic) Flux (Non acidic) Soldering iron cleaner or damp sponge Broken hardware Working hardware Miscellaneous components Array of different tools of varying shapes and sizes Optional: Caffeine of some sort (soda, coffee, energy drink, etc.) Lighting that doesn't suck Semi-comfortable chair Music Gaming system/rig for when you just need a break Decent ventilation
  16. How and when to use Winrtgen? You would only want to create your own rainbow tables when it's absolutely necessary. You should be able to easily find and download rainbow tables of all different shapes and sizes.
  17. Be nice... moonlit kicks ass. You should check out his rants, read them all completely starting from the one at the very bottom and moving upwards. Hopefully you'll take something from it and pass it on, but we can only wish. Anyways, moonlit's rant's are located here, http://moonlitrants.wordpress.com/
  18. Winrtgen (Windows Rainbow Table Generator) But a fair warning, it takes FOREVER!
  19. As you all have stated, yes, Jasager on a Fon is not illegal, but manipulating/sniffing some random person's WiFi is, which, I'm sure, is what was intended. And no hacking is not always illegal. Hacking, in my eyes, is finding new, innovative ideas which either improve something or make it do something other than it's intended use. And I'm sure everybody has their own idea about what a hacker is, and there will never be a time in which everybody agrees, but following a tutorial, that you probably don't understand, too any degree, then "PWNING SUM WIFIZ" with "kittenwars" is by no means hacking...
  20. Fon is illegal... plus, get a life and stop trying to think of random ass ways to be mean to people, what do you accomplish by being mean to people? Nothing, absolutely nothing... Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Doing some dumb shit like that will just get you in trouble and give us real hackers a bad/worse name. I'm thinking you need to read up on some good 'ol Moonlit Rants, http://moonlitrants.wordpress.com/, seriously... People like you are the ones that drive the real hackers and tinkerers away into seclusion where their great ideas and sources of inspiration never reach the world. Get a life so you won't be hating on the people that actually have friends and other, more important things, to do than be mean to people... and FYI, what DingleBerries said was nowhere near a flame... wtf...
  21. I wasn't saying, nor implying that I think about Snubs all the time, or at all really <_< It was more of a "Wow... Seriously... Another loser without a life trying to hit on Snubs cuz she's the only women they've seen, ever..." than a "OMG! Snubs!!"... yes she's cute and all but, hitting on a chick that you don't via the forums is fucking weird, annoying, pointless, and sad, I was looking to flame whoever was trying to hit on Snubs with this thread hahaha :P
  22. lmao from seeing the topic I thought this was gonna be about Snubs!! ahahaha
  23. SSH isn't supported, I tried the same thing which obviously didn't work so I emailed the support team. They said SSH isn't supported but might be in the future for paying customers.
  24. H@L0_F00

    Clone a disk?

    Which OS are you most familiar with? I've not cloned a HDD in Linux yet but dd is what most people promote. I've had great success with Acronis in Windows. You can resize the partitions when you clone the disk as well.
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