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Everything posted by H@L0_F00

  1. Cuz he said nd teh internetz iz alwayz teh truth, duh n00b!
  2. Sounds like that's exactly what's wrong. find /menu.lst, /boot/grub/menu.lst, /grub/menu.lst commandline reboot halt Is the default list that's actually found in grldr, so your menu.lst can't be found. To view file extensions open an explorer window (double click a folder or "My Computer"), go to Tools > Folder Options... and select the "View" tab. Find where it says "Hide extensions for known file types" and uncheck that box. Now make sure your menu.lst is really "menu.lst" and not "menu.lst.txt"
  3. No, TRK finds the necessary files by finding the device with the name of the CD and searching that devices root for the files. Please read before posting. I know this topic is pretty damn long but you'll save yourself some time as well as other peoples time, thank you.
  4. Looks like you're missing the root forward-slash in the kernel option. It needs to be "/trk/kernel.trk" I also doubt you'll be able to boot TRK in the first place, you'll get filesystem errors. Find the posts regarding TRK and use one of the methods already posted. I'm pretty sure you can't have two initrds, one would most likely override the previous, but don't take my word for it. I can't tell you for certain what is wrong with this entry because I don't know you directory and file listing. What you need to do is write down the line that appears ABOVE the error code and description when you try to boot it. That will give you the line at which the boot sequence failed, enabling you to troubleshoot it. Same as TRK, kernel needs to be "kernel /clonezilla/live/vmlinuz1" Same as Macrium Reflect. Once you figure out at which point the booting fails, TRY TO FIX IT YOURSELF FIRST PLEASE, thank you.
  5. It can't find the partition because it looks for the volume name. If you were trying to make more than a single partition on a flash drive I hope it wasn't on Windows because it's not just point and click. Use GParted or QTParted from a Linux LiveCD to multi-partition your flash drive if you want. Or you could edit the boot config file like this:
  6. Damn, I knew I was forgetting something. You must have the mindset. VaKo is completely right in saying that all the reading in the world won't make you a hacker, which is petty much all my former post was about, I kind of figured you already had the drive and personality but I shouldn't assume things. My apologies, as that is the most important part. The hacker mentality is utterly different from those of most normal people. There's no "set" personality that one must have but you must want to learn, plain and simple. I remember when I wanted to first start coding. I think I was 13 and I downloaded Visual Basic Express Edition from Microsoft. It was cool and all and I made a couple programs, but I wasn't satisfied because I didn't know how it all worked because the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) did all the dirty work for me. I decided that if I was really going to learn a programming language it was going to be something down and dirty where you know what's going on, therefor I chose C and I'm learning x86 Assembly along with it. What I'm saying is that the drive to learn more and the mentality of not being satisfied with not knowing how something works is what most people have in common around here and what makes us all who we are. Coding isn't important, like everybody said, but it will help you learn a lot about how things work, you'll get a better understanding of logic, and I can guarantee that you'll want/need a program that does something specific but you can't find it anywhere which is when you'll wish you picked up a coding language. How about you fire up a Virtual Machine, install Windows on it, and just mess with it. Then if you want, installing a Linux distro in a VM won't hurt.
  7. You'd be better off trying to find a specific phone model that you want an emulator for.
  8. I used this and can boot both setup parts although I haven't tested an install because it's slow as all hell like everybody else already mentioned.
  9. Thanks, good to know it's working for you. I think the problem with the default uncompression method is that I used Zip LZMA (instead of the default Deflate method) to compress it as much as possible. It opened fine with the "Compressed (zipped) Folders" option XP so I uploaded it. If anybody else is having the same problem let me know and I can redo it or you can download Z-Zip which is what I used to compress it.
  10. The link only has a few suggestions on how to make a flash drive bootable. What you're talking about doesn't sound possible because, like pritchardo92 said, I'm quite positive that the BIOS does little more than recognize the device is there and some info (manufacture, etc.) if it's not booting from it. If you have a PC that can't boot from USB or if the BIOS setup is password protected but can already boot from CD or Floppy you can force USB boot with the PLoP Bootmanager which is configurable to silently auto-boot what you want it too. USB 2.0 speed can also be forced if the MoBo can only boot 1.1.
  11. I didn't make it but I found this and I find it quite nice and simple, just what I wanted :) you can find a bunch more here I'm having problems with using any kind of color specifications when using a splash image though :/ Anybody else having these problems or know how to get around them? Neither the "color" nor the "foreground" commands work
  12. aha wow... Really? What are you, 10? That's quite childish. But the really sad thing is, I'm probably much younger than you... :)
  13. 1. Google is your bestest best hacker friend, k? 2. Watch Hak5 from Season 1 Episode 1 to Episode 601 3. Read this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, and so many more. 4. Read those^^ again. 5. Don't be discouraged by my post, you'll thank me if you actually read those links. 6. Come back when you've read those.
  14. Or, you could just use a portable version on your main machine or a VM. There are many portable versions and quite a few are cross platform and released under the GPL. I use MicroApache+PHP (because I'm interested in learning PHP) which is only 2.41MB unzipped but there's many vaiations of MicroApache, check out the site for all of them. I haven't tried any of the other ones but you can find some here but I'm sure there are MANY more. They require no installation and you can configure it however you want. If you mess it up real bad, just unzip the file again and you restart fresh :) MicroApache
  15. A .lst file can be in any directory, just to clear things up. And can I get some feedback on the VM I made? Is it working for everybody? Mine goes a bit slower than a regular boot but increasing the RAM from 512 to 1024 helped a lot. How do you guys like it? I'd really appreciate it if you'd lemme know how it's going for you.
  16. Format, reinstall. Once you get everything you want on it, image the entire disk, MBR and all, and acrhive it somewhere, preferably not on the same hdd you imaged, but you gotta do what you gotta do. It's so much easier and makes you feel better knowing that if you really have to, all you have to do is "dd if=hdd.img of=/dev/sda" or whatever floats your boat.
  17. 7-Zip CCleaner Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware Firefox + ChatZill and NoScript Notepad ++ Sandboxie Unlocker VLC WinPcap Zune I also install Solitare, Minesweeper, Explorer, Wordpad, and several other apps with every installation of Windows ;)
  18. Try the ISO... Then try extracting the ISO... Then try the LiveUSB... And next time, please don't ask what to do when you haven't even attempted it...
  19. We are (at least I am) ready and willing to help and answer any questions that I can, as long as you show that you've tried to solve your own problem *multiple times* (because attempting something only one time and resulting in failure is NOT trying to solve your problem), done your research, and aren't asking for somebody to spoon-feed you the exact answer, especially when it's been posted multiple times. You haven't tried every example/tutorial posted in this thread because I know EXACTLY why Hiren's BootCD can't find the files it needs. Blatantly, you fail. Now do your research, attempt things multiple times different ways (which doesn't even require a reboot anymore thanks to me...), and like I said, if it doesn't work, TRY ANOTHER WAY.
  20. There are a few full posts already as well as posts on how to get certain things working, such as Hiren's. You very possibly could have easily fixed whatever errors or problems you're having. There's one guide on here that will (almost certainly) get your Hiren's booting with no problems, if only you had actually *tried* to find it, instead of asking somebody to essentially do it for you. Find the post, attempt the workaround, test it. If that doesn't work, try one of of the other workarounds that have been posted here. If that doesn't work, try a different one. Get the idea? Good.
  21. Sure there are legitimate reasons to obtain Admin privileges, but the thing is, I don't believe somebody who can't even do their own research (if a simple google and download even counts...) to find out how to gain Admin should ever have Admin rights on a computer that isn't theirs. "With great power, comes great responsibility." and playing World of Warcraft is not being responsible with the "power" you have by being Administrator.
  22. Your file is fragmented. Either use Contig to defragment it (any program will work though) or add "--mem" to the first map command so it's like this: "map --mem /android/liveandroidv0.2.iso (hd32)" or "map --mem /android/liveandroidv0.2.iso (hd32)+1"
  23. Why don't you post your setup and your errors, otherwise you'll just half to hope that somebody can read your mind or something similar.
  24. Apologies for so many posts/double posts, but this needs it's own post. I've created a Virtual Machine which everybody can (try to) use to test their flash drives without having to continuously reboot, test, reboot, edit, reboot, test, etc. There's is absolutely nothing in here which is illegal to redistribute. What it contains: USB-TestVM (dir) --plpbt.iso--PLoP Bootmanager which allows you to boot a flash drive from a VM --USB-TestVM.vmx--VM configuration file --USB-TestVM.vmxf--VM team member file --USB-TestVM.vmdk--VM disk file (8GB) There is NO operating system on the VM disk file. Created using VMware Workstation 6.5. It runs without a hitch in VMware Player, so you don't have to buy/pirate anything, just download Player and load the .vmx file. The VM is set to autoconnect all mass storage USB drives, and the BIOS are set to boot from the PLoP ISO. Instructions: Power-on the VM using the .vmx file You'll be greeted by the PLoP Bootmanager Wait until you see that your USB drive is connected (bottom right, suitcase-looking thing should be solid, not transparent) Go down to the "USB" option and press "Enter" There you go, test your flash drive You can still install an OS, such as Windows XP to test Kon-Boot or Ophcrack, but including that would be illegal warez so do it yourself, k? k. USB-TestVM -> http://www.mediafire.com/?xxkheqjl3tm VMware Player -> http://www.vmware.com/products/player/ PLoP Bootmanager -> http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager.html And for everybody who cares, Virustotal -> http://www.virustotal.com/analisis/7faf471...60ae-1250498615 If the file is removed due to not enough constant downloads, PM me and I'll get it back up. EDIT: If you have any problems with the archive try this one. It's the same exact thing except it's compressed using the default Zip method, deflate, instead of LZMA which means it's a few kbs bigger but what's a couple kbs to modern bandwith now? This post is now located here and the VM has been updated, the old files are deleted
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