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Everything posted by H@L0_F00

  1. Actually... You never mentioned when it froze, or even that you knew how to start the MITM, and the information given above is still not enough for somebody to really help you. Give us more info about what you do and at what point it "freezes". Also make sure you're running Ettercap as root...
  2. When a drive is failing you will hear noises regularly but when reading or writing data will cause more noise to occur. Try to read or write a file or something to see if the noise escalates. If it does then your drive is getting ready to die on you. And you're sure it's the drives right? Not a fan or something?
  3. This might be able to help you out http://datacent.com/hard_drive_sounds.php. When a drive is making any amount of noise and vibrating like you say it's usually a precursor to a HDD fail. I can't stress enough how important it is for you to back up your stuff ASAP
  4. You're experiencing a drive about to die :( you should image and/or back up everything you have on them ASAP. And your English isn't bad :)
  5. People these days... http://www.google.com/search?q=ettercap+tutorial
  6. Ok well I messed around with it a little, Vision6 that is. I found that you must be on the same domain/workgroup, but I've thought of a knew way that may enable you to get around it without your teacher even knowing! Although it's a long shot, I think that if you did some packet analysis you might be able to see how the computers communicate. If you can discover which packets are used to display your computer's desktop then, in theory, you could keep forwarding those packets to your teachers computer making it seem like you we're inactive (the mouse just sits there or something). This seems like a great project for me to work on and if anybody has any input about how I should go about doing this then please feel free to help
  7. RTFM pretty please... From the question you ask, it seems like you have no clue what Ettercap does and haven't tried to learn anything about it on your own... And no, this is not a flame, you just need to do more research before coming here. I will give you a hint though... Sniffing will do nothing without a man in the middle
  8. My school uses essentially the same thing. It's called Vision6. They're still in the process of installing it on all computers and are having trouble for some reason, therefor the computer I use is safe for now. As Sparda said, the easiest way to go about stopping the snooping teachers would be to close the port it uses, which was my initial thought (after "Fuck..."). But I was also thinking about maybe trying to disconnect his computer from *all* of the computers in my class because seeing only one computer during only one class stop responding would seem pretty fishy, especially since I'm already known as "the computer dude." I'm not quite sure how I'll go about doing this but I got a hold of the same installation they're using at my school (i found my teacher's flash drive one day with the file on it) so I plan on setting up my own little test lab to see all the possible ways to get around this. I figure it's being implemented in other classes and probably in the library as well so I'll probably have some fun messing with the other students (if I can find a way to connect to them). The installation can install both the 'Master' and the 'client' so I figure i can install the Master on the school computer to see what I can do. I've installed Master on my computer already and it prompts for a password during installation so I'm thinking the password is only to use the Master on that computer (leaving another Master to connect to the classroom password free) but I'll need to run some tests. I'll keep you guys posted if you want...
  9. I've never seen or heard of a MBR virus that does anything but corrupt your boot process and Windows would rewrite the MBR when installing anyways. This sounds like an infected, pirated, install... I'm assuming you booted into Safe Mode and tried virus removal tools, registry cleaners, and temporary file cleaner from there? I've found great success with Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware if you haven't already tried it
  10. Using the same image on another computer will be a problem because Windows tends to freak out when stuff like that happens (different hardware)
  11. I hate when shit like this happens :( IMO Swathe is right about keeping what you find to yourself. By telling them they have a basis to blame *everything* on you... You pleaded guilty without even knowing it
  12. Well I've found a couple exploits for a Linksys router that reset the password on milw0rm. If you're promted for a user/password it will most likely give you a model that you can google which might get you a little farther.
  13. You will get no help here for legal and moral reasons... You admitted you were creating a virus (first mistake) then you asked for help creating one (second mistake) and then, even though you realized that nobody will help you, you asked for help again (third mistake)... Nobody will/should help you here... that would associate them with you and therefor making themself an accomplice to your virus making. Who knows if you are going to try to infect other computers with this "virus"... Nobody should believe you. good day sir
  14. I'm learning C but I first started in Visual BASIC '08 with some step by step book (forgot the name) and then I just quit after about a month. I started C this month. You shouldn't plan on making anything too big or versatile for a while. Good programmers have been doing it since forever lol you might wanna start out with Visual Studio to get used to it
  15. Mixing stimulants (caffeine, ginseng, guarana, etc.) with downers (alcohol) destroys your nervous system and liver. It can lead to heart attaches as well. (just thought I'd let everybody know) My choice is usually either Rockstar or the original Monster. They never really have an effect on me though (fast metabolism maybe?)
  16. You also don't need both the LiveCDs to be able to crack both XP and Vista hashes. You can edit one of the ISO files and add the other tables. (So if you edit the XP ISO then you would add the Vista tables, and vise versa ) Although it will be too big to fit on a CD you can still burn it to a DVD. I'm not sure but you might be able to compress the tables and be able to still burn it to CD, but every time you run it, you'd have to uncompress the tables. To check the MD5 hash of a file you can use one of these tools: Linux -- MD5sum Windows -- WinMD5Sum Mac OS X -- MD5
  17. You can't really begin to decrypt anything without knowing what encryption method was used. Where did you get this file? And is there anything readable in it?
  18. This will not protect against incoming viruses though... will it? "intrusion prevention and detection" means protecting from another computer trying to remotely access the user's computer right? This might help against Trojans and such but not against system destroying viruses...
  19. I don't see how this would help or if it's even practical Why not just use a good AV and firewall?
  20. H@L0_F00

    Code Bank

    In the Wiki maybe? Sounds pretty useful
  21. Here... took forever for me to get around to it, but I have something. Reasons to buy a Desktop: ------------------------- 1. Performance 2. Upgradeability 3. Realiability/Stability Desktop computers are good for family computers, gaming computers, and home servers. They can be left on 24/7. They can be easily upgraded and can stay current with the new hardware coming out. Desktops can be loaded with RAM, a good processor, video cards, and audio cards for resource heavy games and/or tasks (TMTO, bruteforcing, video encoding, etc.). They can have multiple HDDs with higher capacities than laptop drives. Desktops can also be made visually appealing with little to no effort, and if you really want to get into it you can perform a custom case mod instead of just buying the pretty lights. Reasons to buy a Laptop: ------------------------ 1. Portability Laptops are for portability. You can take a laptop almost anywhere, and you'll probably be able to find some WiFi. Laptops are semi-upgradeable; you can upgrade RAM and the HDD but usually any GPU is integrated, therefore, not upgradeable. Many processors are removable and upgradeable as well. Laptops are not for hardcore gaming, though many can handle the basics quite easily. Multitasking and resource heavy processes kill the battery faster than normal though, and the batteries gradually decrease in life the more you use and recharge them. Laptops are somewhat harder to customize too, other than paint and decals. I've had no experience with netbooks though so I'll leave that to somebody else
  22. ok, but what is "it"...? the update?
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