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Everything posted by H@L0_F00

  1. H@L0_F00


    have you ever dualbooted? I'm still pretty noobish to Linux but dualbooting WinXP and Ubuntu 8.10 was a breeze. How many partitions do you want/need? Have you ever installed a Linux distro?
  2. H@L0_F00


    You should never buy a preloaded computer because they put soooo much crapware on it it's not funny... and it depends on your needs, how familiar you are with Linux, and how knowledgeable your are about everything your asking about in general (which it doesn't seem like you are(not a flame))
  3. Are you sure it was ethernet? what episode was this?
  4. His phone was connected to the internet via either 3G or EDGE so that any clients that connected to his fon still had internet access
  5. Lets get a new challenge going. Anybody?
  6. nice info but I don't think that was his problem lol
  7. did you understand my source? any questions about how any of it works?
  8. then you'll want to go with FTP probably
  9. will it be streaming media? or just storage?
  10. Damn I forgot the "int main" syntax haha sorry. it should say "int main(){" try that. it compiles fine on Ubuntu 8.10
  11. here is how I would have done it. //Simple 2 number adding prog #include <stdio.h> int main{ int num1, num2, answer; //sets integer vars printf("Enter first number to be added:\n"); //prints text and goes to next line scanf("%d", &num1); //waits for user to input an integer and sets "num1" to the input printf("Enter second number to be added:\n"); //prints text and goes to next line scanf("%d", &num2); //waits for user to input an integer and sets "num2" to the input answer = num1 + num2; //performs calculations printf("%d + %d = %d\n", num1, num2, answer); //prints the products and their sum and goes to next line return 0; } notice how "return 0;" is inside the "main" function
  12. That would mean changing the signal/frequency of the receiver
  13. sounds like BarCa needs to do some more reading about HTTP in general as well as server config instead of asking somebody to spoon feed him the solutions...
  14. I'm assuming you mean "BitPim" but both of those programs are for use with CDMA phones while mine is GSM (AT&T). I don't see what the difference in connecting it via USB vs Bluetooth could be... I'm coming to the conclusion that those operations are disabled or non-existent on my phone
  15. Read about Samba and network file sharing. Will it be just on LAN or over the internet? How much traffic would it see daily?
  16. fsk said it was a bad superblock and I didn't feel like learning bout that today (feeling kind lazy) so I just re-cloned the drive (because I had just cloned it) haha
  17. and you didn't even Tinyurl it!!! :o [/sarcasm]
  18. yes fdisk recognized it. Something was wrong with the superblocks but I haven't red too much about stuff like that so I'm just going to reclone the drive it came from to save the hassle of trying to fix it and partition the extra space either from Linux or from another computer haha
  19. I tried to format a partition of my HDD with Partition Magic in WinXP and it prompted saying i needed to reboot (of course). When i rebooted i got GRUB load error 17, which I've read is usually a partition recognition problem and everywhere I look they say to re-install GRUB but I booted BT3 from my flash drive and QTParted doesn't even recognize the Ubuntu ext3 partition that is causing the error but I can't find out how to re-install GRUB from Slax as I don't have my Ubuntu disk with me and wont for a while. Any help is appreciated!
  20. Using Acronis, it was succesfully cloned and installed. I'm running Ubuntu right now and haven't booted XP yet but I have no reason not to trust that it'll work
  21. I should use a LiveCD for this right? EDIT: Nevermind. I got the process running using Acronis which let me edit the partitions before cloning :) Thanks guys
  22. Can't I just image it "bit for bit" kind of and then resize the partitions using QTParted or the like? And would it copy the MBR and everything?
  23. I just got a new Wester Digital 250 SATA HDD to replace the 40GB in my laptop. I would like to keep EVERYTHING so I want to do a full image of the disk but is there any concerns with trying to install the image onto a bigger HDD and what will installing the image do with the extra space? I dual boot Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop and XP and us GRUB just FYI
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