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Everything posted by H@L0_F00

  1. H@L0_F00

    tivo hack

    here's what I found http://www.tivocommunity.com/tivo-vb/showthread.php?t=278848 They say it's already possible, but I don't have, nor have I ever used, a Tivo
  2. H@L0_F00

    New Laptop?

    Might wanna check this out http://hak5.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=11501
  3. H@L0_F00

    New Laptop?

    Yes, I'll agree with you ;)
  4. I'm guessing you aren't too familiar with Linux... With my spare PC (old Compaq with Pentium 4 and 256Mb RAM) I installed Ubuntu 81.0 Desktop and use it as a server. It use it for SSH and FTP and I'm currently working on HTTP using Apache. It runs with no monitor
  5. MD5? I sure did ;) The disk is pretty scratched up though Slackware 12.2 DVD ISO download will be done in about 10 mins so I'll try that EDIT---The Slackware 12.2 DVD worked like a charm ;) now I just have to find out how to config GRUB to be able to boot it haha
  6. H@L0_F00

    New Laptop?

    What's your budget? I currently have a Dell Latitude D620 with a 250GB internal (S)ATA 2.5" HDD, 3GB RAM, Intel Centrino DUO processor, and I dualboot Ubuntu 8.10 and Windows XP. It's more than enough for *most* of the things I do, but with the integrated graphics I probably can't get into any hardcore gaming, but Halo, Combat Arms, and Civilizain IV run great on it with absolutely no lag :P
  7. So I pop in the Slackware 12.1 DVD and boot without any extra parameters. It loads everything and starts going through hardware config/setup (whatever it's doing) but suddenly stops with a Kernel panic :( I'm trying to install it on my Dell Latitude D620 with 3 partitions: 1. NTFS, Windows XP 2. EXT3, Ubuntu 8.10 3. swap This is what I get: RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0 invalid compressed format (err=2) VFS: Cannot open root device "<NULL>" or unknown-block(8,2) Please append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the available partitions: 0300 39070080 hda driver: ide-disk 0301 33792696 hda1 0302 1 hda2 0305 4996183 hda5 0306 281106 hda6 1600 4590208 hdc driver: ide-cdrom Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,2 I used "root=/dev/hda5" because that's the EXT3 because I want to use that partition, which currently has Ubuntu 8.10 installed, but then it just gave me the Ubuntu login prompt I'm currently downloading 12.2 but I'm not sure that'll help
  8. H@L0_F00

    New Laptop?

    2g... of RAM right?
  9. BackTrack 2, Ophcrack, Backtrack 3, and now Ubuntu 8.10
  10. I found out about Hak5 around the middle of season 3, but I've watched every episode (i think) and, yes it has changed immensely. Yes, Hak5 does seem more like TV now, yes, the content has diminished, and yes, it's saddening. Hak5 revamped my Technolust and made me want to learn so much more. Hak5 has taught me so much more (directly and indirectly) than I would have learned by myself and I will be forever thankful to them, and the great community. I feel, along with _almost_ everybody else watching, that bringing back the hardware hacks/mods would be a _great_ improvement to Hak5. And yes, alot of the segment _should_ be researched more. But Hak5 _IS NOT_ a bad show by any means. I was watching the HakHouse yesterday and they were filming Snubs' segment. I'd rather not give away the topic so I wont go to in depth about how it should have been researched more, but there was alot of things that weren't exactly true with what she was saying and with _maybe_ five minutes of research, she could have made her show alot better and more indepth. Just my two cents... And like I said, Hak5 _IS NOT_ a bad show by any means. I'd like to see the flamers do what they do... Great show guys/Snubs, keep it coming! :D
  11. I say you try the whole suit, or at least everything you need. I find it great when I boot Ubuntu (witch is _quite_ often). It pretty much demolishes the "unsupported format" problems and it's FREE so there's really no reason not to try it.
  12. http://hackaday.com/2008/12/30/25c3-hacker...using-200-ps3s/
  13. http://hak5.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=11429
  14. with all the negativity that Hak5 has gotten lately I was just saying...
  15. These are the kind of segments that people don't like to see
  16. I've gotten really accustomed to Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware which does an excellent job. I don't know how good the realtime protection is because I've only used the trial version (only for "after-infection" scans) but I bet it would be great.
  17. hmmm I'm pretty sure it was on yesterday though
  18. "main" doesn't have to be declared as "int" but it is a good practice to do so
  19. what firmware are you using? because mine was recently upgraded to 3.1 and hasn't become borked yet
  20. From what I understand, cases are used instead of "if" statements when comparing a variable to many constants. Am I wrong?
  21. H@L0_F00


    I've only used Vista once so I can't be considered a "reliable source" of whether XP or Vista is better but my experience + what most other people say would = not Vista lol not using Vista would also decrease your "minimum install" budget sine Vista needs 2 gigs of RAM just to run the damn OS!! And I find macs just plain annoying and trivial. I'd say stick with Linux + XP. (and Linux is purposely first ;) )
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