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Everything posted by H@L0_F00

  1. Thank you darkwolf!! ;) Using manners, especially when you aren't know too well, will get you a lot farther With a simple google of "hacker mags" I found this, http://www.i-hacked.com/content/view/144/48/, as the very first recommendation... Which sounds to me like you didn't implement your googlefu on this one, but I'll let it go ;)
  2. Ophcrack also has a Windows version. But again, make sure you're using the Vista tables because the XP ones will come up with nothing...
  3. You could always carry your HDD around with you ;)
  4. H@L0_F00

    bios pic

    lmao now THAT'S ingenuity!!!
  5. My idea or silentknight329's? I'll start on one if you were referring to mine :) but I can tell you now... I probably WILL forget something or other and it probably WILL have to be revised but hey, anything to help out Hak.5 ;)
  6. You know many office and even high-end home document shredders shred CD as well, but you're way does sound VERY entertaining haha
  7. Nice! I just stream from my laptop to my softmodded Xbox running XBMC :P
  8. *THAT*, my friend, seems like a nice cheap hardware hack that Hak.5 could pull off!! And then they could expound on it by implementing it on something useful, like a reader on the door that only allows their credit cards or something (I say their credit cards, implying that they do have them, so there's no need get new ones, which lowers the cost, which is one of the main problems they're having with hardware hacks). Anyways... I think that would be pretty awesome
  9. What do you use to watch the video on your TV?
  10. Good idea but it'll be outdated in no time. Maybe a pin describing the pros and cons of Laptops/Desktops/Netbooks and recommending what each should/could be used for and what they shouldn't/can't be used for. A link to some consistent computer reviewing websites like CNET and similar sites would help as well.
  11. umm... They kinda already have this going... http://hak5.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=11458
  12. But then again... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_boot_attack :P
  13. a 3 position switch? of course they do. I think you're looking for an On/Off/On switch. I'm not sure if you want toggle or rocker but here's a google search that should satisfy your needs: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=o...mp;aq=f&oq=
  14. You used the Vista tables for Ophcrack right? Because the XP tables only crack LM hashes while the Vista tables crack NT hashes. Ophcrack supplies bigger, more elaborate, tables for special chars but they cost money. There is also http://insecure.org/sploits/l0phtcrack.lanman.problems.html for bruteforcing LM/NT passwords but if the regular Vista Ophcrack tables didn't work for you then don't expect to crack his password via bruteforce anytime soon...
  15. Fast Forward FTW!! haha but seriously... some of you guys needa get whatever's stuck up your ass out, because Hak.5 is a fuckin KICKASS show with an all around KICKASS community!! Why rip on a FREE show, brought DIRECTLY to YOU WEEKLY!? WTF is wrong with you people!? If you don't like it... don't watch, k? Go make your own show instead of coming up with lame ass put downs to the show that deserves so much more than it's getting! Where would you be without Hak.5!? Not as knowledgeable as you are/think you are. Eviltechie, do you really want the adds to go away... Go donate, k? I seriously can't believe some of the shit you guys have said (or will say about this post), it's fuckin ridiculous... Hak.5... Trust YOUR Technolust! And keep supplying great content!!
  16. I was fixing a neighbors old Dell (P4) but he got hauled off to jail (25-life) so now it's mine. I'm using some of the parts from it (fans, HDD, CD/DVD RW) in my home server. I mainly fix my family's computers and help them with tech. in general for no fee. I've softmodded some 1st gen Xboxs for $30-40 (XBMC, emulators, ton of ROMS, and fucktard proof locks on settings/configs so they can't go and fuck it up lol)
  17. He want's faster data transfer speeds by using multiple inputs/outputs. Not split archives lol
  18. Yes, Cain and Able would work, but WirelessKeyView is a single executable and doesn't fire off the AV
  19. DOS is a language!? O.o /sarcasm
  20. As Mnemonic said, you just have to try them and pick which one fits you best. Take a look at DistroWatch.com. They even have a "Major Distributions" section. And it'll probably be pretty frustrating and cumbersome to begin with, especially if your knew(ish) to Linux and/or CLI, but you'll learn a lot (mainly from mistakes!) and it'll be an over all good experience for you. If you know what you're doing with VMs and you don't have time/resources to format, partition, install, fuck up, reinstall, and mess with it, then you might want to just try them all in a VM, although installing will help you learn more. Hope that helped ;)
  21. IMHO, tutorials would bring about more skiddies asking how to hack the Gibson. They'd figure, "Hey! There's some real 1337 haxx0r Pr0zz h3r3!!111 They'll tell meh h0w 2 hax0r mah lamez sk00l!!111!!" and then VaKo, Darren, etc. would have a hell of a time trying to get rid of all these lamers... It just doesn't seem too good of an idea to me
  22. Don't come asking for help when your get caught...
  23. ummm... that would be illegal...
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